; ********************************************************************
; OM-SoX, (c) 2011-2014 Marlon Schumacher (CIRMMT/McGill University) *
; http://sourceforge.net/projects/omsox/ *
; *
; Multichannel Audio Manipulation and Functional Batch Processing. *
; DSP based on SoX - (c) C.Bagwell and Contributors *
; http://sox.sourceforge.net/ *
; ********************************************************************
;This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
;as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
;of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
;See file LICENSE for further informations on licensing terms.
;This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;GNU General Public License for more details.
;You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
;Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307,10 USA.
;Authors: M. Schumacher
(in-package :om)
;; Sox-Biquad ================================================================
(defmethod! sox-biquad ((b0 number) (b1 number) (b2 number) (a0 number) (a1 number) (a2 number) &key sox-append)
:icon 10
:initvals '(nil nil nil nil nil nil nil)
:indoc (list "b0" "b1" "b2" "a0" "a1" "a2" *sox-append-doc*)
:doc "Apply a biquad RBJ IIR filter with the given coefficients (where a0=1)."
(setf thestring (format nil "biquad ~d ~d ~d ~d ~d ~d" b0 b1 b2 a0 a1 a2))
(sox-concat sox-append thestring)
;; Sox-Biquad ================================================================
(defmethod! sox-hilbert ((taps number) &key sox-append)
:icon 10
:initvals '(32767 nil)
:indoc (list "number of taps (must be an odd number between 3 and 32767)" *sox-append-doc*)
:doc "Apply a Hilbert transform FIR filter."
(setf thestring (format nil "hilbert -n ~d" taps))
(sox-concat sox-append thestring)
; Sox-sinc ==================================================
(defmethod! sox-sinc ((mode string) (Low-Boundary number) (High-Boundary number) &key attenuation transition-bandwidth filter-taps kaiser-beta sox-append)
:icon 10
:initvals '("bandpass" 0 20000 120 nil nil nil nil)
:menuins (list (list 0 *sox-filter-types*))
:indoc (list "Mode: lowpass, highpass, band-pass, band-reject" "Low-Boundary frequency (in Hz)" "High-Boundary frequency (in Hz)" "Stop-band attenuation (in db, between 40 and 180)"
"Transition bandwidth (in Hz)" "Number of filter taps" "Beta value for Kaiser window" *sox-append-doc*)
:doc "Apply a sinc kaiser-windowed low-pass, high-pass, band-pass, or band-reject FIR filter with 120dB stopband attenuation.
The default stop-band attenuation of 120dB can be overridden via <attenuation>.
Alternatively, the kaiser-window 'beta' parameter can be given directly via <kaiser-beta>.
The default transition band-width of 5% of the total band can be overridden with <transition-bandwidth> (in Hz).
Alternatively, the number of filter taps can be given directly via <filter-taps>.
(let* (
(thestring (format nil " sinc")))
(cond (attenuation (setf thestring (string+ thestring (format nil " -a ~d" (clip attenuation 40 180)))))
(kaiser-beta (setf thestring (string+ thestring (format nil " -b ~d" kaiser-beta)))))
(cond (transition-bandwidth (setf thestring (string+ thestring (format nil " -t ~d" transition-bandwidth))))
(filter-taps (setf thestring (string+ thestring (format nil " -n ~d" filter-taps)))))
((equal mode "bandpass")
(setf thestring (concatenate 'string thestring
(format nil " ~d-~d " Low-Boundary High-Boundary))))
((equal mode "bandreject")
(setf thestring (concatenate 'string thestring
(format nil " ~d-~d " High-Boundary Low-Boundary))))
((equal mode "lowpass")
(setf thestring (concatenate 'string thestring
(format nil " -~d " Low-Boundary))))
((equal mode "highpass")
(setf thestring (concatenate 'string thestring
(format nil " ~d " High-Boundary)))))
(sox-concat sox-append thestring))
(defmethod! sox-band-fft ((mode string) (center-freq number) (bandwidth number) &key attenuation transition-bandwidth filter-taps kaiser-beta sox-append)
:icon 10
:initvals '("bandpass" 1000 100 120 nil nil nil nil)
:menuins (list (list 0 (list (list "bandpass" "bandpass") (list "bandreject" "bandreject"))))
(sox-sinc mode (om-clip (- center-freq (* 0.5 bandwidth)) 0 nil) (+ center-freq (* 0.5 bandwidth))
:attenuation attenuation
:transition-bandwidth transition-bandwidth
:filter-taps filter-taps
:kaiser-beta kaiser-beta
:sox-append sox-append
;; Sox-Bandfilter ==================================================
(defmethod! sox-band ((frequency number) (bandwidth number) (mode string) &key unit sox-append)
:icon 10
:initvals '(1000 100 "bandpass" "Hz" nil)
:menuins (list (list 2 (list (list "bandpass" "bandpass") (list "bandreject" "bandreject") (list "SPKit resonator (normal)" "band") (list "SPKit resonator (noise)" "band -n")))
(list 3 *sox-unit-menu*))
:indoc (list "Center-frequency (Hz)" "Filter-bandwidth" "Bandpass, Bandreject, SPKit resonator (normal), SPKit resonator (noise)" *sox-unit-doc* *sox-append-doc*)
:doc "Apply a band-filter with center frequency <frequency> and 3dB-point bandwidth <bandwidth>.
Available modes are (two-pole) Butterworth bandpass/bandreject or SPKit resonator bandpass (normal and noise)."
(let* (
(thestring (format nil "~a ~d ~d" mode frequency bandwidth)))
(when unit
(setf thestring (sox-units thestring unit)))
(sox-concat sox-append thestring))
;; Sox-1pole ================================================================
(defmethod! sox-1pole ((frequency number) (mode string) &key sox-append)
:icon 10
:initvals '(nil "lowpass" nil)
:menuins '((1 (("lowpass" "lowpass") ("highpass" "highpass"))))
:indoc (list "Cutoff-Frequency (Hz)" "Filter mode (highpass/lowpass)" *sox-append-doc*)
:doc "A 1-pole RBJ high-/lowpass-filter."
(setf thestring
(cond ((equal mode "highpass")
(format nil "~a -1 ~d" mode frequency))
((equal mode "lowpass")
(format nil "~a -1 ~d" mode frequency))))
(sox-concat sox-append thestring)
;; Sox-2pole ================================================================
(defmethod! sox-2pole ((frequency number) (width number) (mode string) &key unit sox-append)
:icon 10
:initvals '(1000 nil "lowpass" "Hz" nil)
:menuins (list (list 2 *sox-filter-types-all*) (list 3 *sox-unit-menu*))
:indoc (list "Filter frequency (Hz)" "Filter width (default unit: Hz)" "Mode: Bandpass or Bandreject" *sox-unit-doc* *sox-append-doc*)
:doc "A 2-pole RBJ lowpass, highpass, band-pass or band-reject filter with frequency <frequency> and bandwidth <width>."
(setf thestring
(cond ((equal mode "allpass")
(format nil "~a ~d ~d" mode frequency width))
((equal mode "highpass")
(format nil "~a -2 ~d ~d" mode frequency width))
((equal mode "lowpass")
(format nil "~a -2 ~d ~d" mode frequency width))
((equal mode "bandpass")
(format nil "~a ~d ~d" mode frequency width))
((equal mode "bandreject")
(format nil "~a ~d ~d" mode frequency width))))
(setf thestring (sox-units thestring unit))
(sox-concat sox-append thestring)
;;; Sox-Shelving ==================================================
(defmethod! sox-shelving-eq ((mode string) (frequency number) (width number) (gain number) &key unit sox-append)
:icon 10
:initvals '("bass" nil nil 6 "Hz" nil)
:menuins (list (list 0 (list (list "bass" "bass") (list "treble" "treble"))) (list 4 *sox-unit-menu*))
:indoc (list "Mode: bass/treble" "Frequency (Hz)" "Width (default unit: Hz)" "Gain (dB)" *sox-unit-doc* *sox-append-doc*)
:doc "Apply a two-pole shevling filter to boost or cut the bass (lower) or treble (higher) frequencies of the audio."
(let* (
(thestring (format nil "~a ~d" mode gain)))
(setf thestring (concatenate 'string thestring
(format nil " ~d ~d" frequency width)))
(setf thestring (sox-units thestring unit))
(sox-concat sox-append thestring))
;;; Sox-EQ =================================================
(defmethod! sox-peak-eq ((frequency number) (bandwidth number) (gain number) &key unit sox-append)
:icon 10
:initvals '(1000 100 -12 "Hz" nil)
:menuins (list (list 3 *sox-unit-menu*))
:indoc (list "Frequency (in Hz)" "Bandwidth (default unit: Hz)" "Gain in dB" *sox-unit-doc* *sox-append-doc*)
:doc "Apply a two-pole peaking equalisation (EQ) filter. With this filter, the signal-level at and around a selected frequency can be increased or decreased, whilst (unlike band-pass and band-reject filters) that at all other frequencies is unchanged."
(let* ((thestring (format nil "equalizer ~d ~d" frequency bandwidth)))
(setf thestring (sox-units thestring unit))
(setf thestring (concatenate 'string thestring (format nil " ~d" gain)))
(sox-concat sox-append thestring))
;;; Sox-Shelf-EQ ===================================
(defmethod! sox-shelf-eq ((mode string) (frequency number) (bandwidth number) (gain number) &key unit sox-append)
:icon 10
:initvals '("bass" 1000 100 6 "Hz" nil)
:menuins '((0 (("low-shelf" "bass") ("high-shelf" "treble")))
(4 (("Hz" "Hz") ("kHz" "kHz") ("Octaves" "Octaves") ("Q-factor" "Q-factor") ("Slope" "Slope"))))
:indoc (list "low-shelf, high-shelf" "Frequency" "Bandwidth (default unit: Hz)" "Gain (in dB)" *sox-unit-doc* *sox-append-doc*)
:doc "Equalize the audio using high- or low-shelf filter."
(setf thestring (format nil " ~a ~d ~d ~d" mode gain frequency bandwidth))
(setf thestring (sox-units thestring unit))
(sox-concat sox-append thestring)
;;; Sox-Equalizer ==================================
; this one 'includes' the above sox-peak-eq
(defmethod! sox-equalizer ((mode string) (frequency number) (bandwidth number) (gain number) &key unit sox-append)
:icon 10
:initvals '("bass" 1000 100 6 "Hz" nil)
:menuins '((0 (("low-shelf" "bass") ("high-shelf" "treble") ("peak" "peak")))
(4 (("Hz" "Hz") ("kHz" "kHz") ("Octaves" "Octaves") ("Q-factor" "Q-factor") ("Slope" "Slope"))))
:indoc (list "low-shelf, high-shelf, peak" "Frequency" "Bandwidth (default unit: Hz)" "Gain (in dB)" *sox-unit-doc* *sox-append-doc*)
:doc "Equalize the audio using high/low-shelf or peak filters."
(if (equal mode "peak")
(setf thestring (format nil " equalizer ~d ~d" frequency bandwidth))
(setf thestring (sox-units thestring unit))
(setf thestring (concatenate 'string thestring (format nil " ~d" gain))))
(setf thestring (format nil " ~a ~d ~d ~d" mode gain frequency bandwidth))
(setf thestring (sox-units thestring unit))))
(sox-concat sox-append thestring)
; Sox-Bandpass ====================================================
(defmethod! sox-bandpass ((frequency number) (bandwidth number) (mode string) &key unit sox-append)
:icon 10
:initvals '(1000 100 "normal" "Hz" nil)
:menuins (list (list 2 (list (list "normal" "normal") (list "noise" "noise"))) (list 3 *sox-unit-menu*))
:indoc (list "Cutoff-Frequency (in Hz)" "Bandwidth Hz" "Filtermode (normal/noisy)" *sox-unit-doc* *sox-append-doc*)
:doc "Apply a SPKit resonator band-pass IIR filter."
(setf thestring
(cond ((equal mode "normal")
(format nil " band ~d ~d" frequency bandwidth))
((equal mode "noise")
(format nil " band -n ~d ~d" frequency bandwidth))))
(setf thestring (sox-units thestring unit))
(sox-concat sox-append thestring)
;;; Sox-Highpass ==================================================
; sox-unit should go into all the filter/effects using different units
(defmethod! sox-highpass ((cutoff-frequency number) (width number) (poles string) &key (unit "Hz") sox-append)
:icon 10
:initvals '(10 100 "onepole" "Hz" nil)
:menuins (list (list 2 (list (list "onepole" "onepole") (list "twopole" "twopole"))) (list 3 *sox-unit-menu*))
:indoc (list "Cutoff-frequency" "Filter width (applies only to two-pole filters). Default unit: Hz" "One- or Two-pole filtering" *sox-unit-doc* *sox-append-doc*)
:doc "Apply a high-pass filter to the audio.
Optional single-pole or double-pole filtering.
A value of Q = 0.707 for <width> yields a Butterworth response."
(let* (
(thestring (format nil "highpass")))
(if (equal poles "onepole")
(setf thestring (concatenate 'string thestring
(format nil " -1 ~d" cutoff-frequency)))
(sox-concat sox-append thestring))
(setf thestring (concatenate 'string thestring
(format nil " -2 ~d ~d" cutoff-frequency width)))
(sox-concat sox-append (sox-units thestring unit)))
;;; Sox-Lowpass ==================================================
(defmethod! sox-lowpass ((cutoff-frequency number) (width number) (poles string) &key unit sox-append)
:icon 10
:initvals '(1000 100 "onepole" "Hz" nil)
:menuins (list (list 2 (list (list "onepole" "onepole") (list "twopole" "twopole"))) (list 3 *sox-unit-menu*))
:indoc (list "Cutoff-frequency (Hz)" "Filter width (applies only to two-pole filters). Default unit: Hz" "One- or Two-pole filtering" *sox-unit-doc* *sox-append-doc*)
:doc "Apply a low-pass filter to the audio.
Optional single-pole or double-pole filtering.
A value of Q = 0.707 for 'width' yields a Butterworth response."
(let* (
(thestring (format nil " lowpass ")))
(if (equal poles "onepole")
(setf thestring (concatenate 'string thestring
(format nil " -1 ~d " cutoff-frequency)))
(setf thestring (concatenate 'string thestring
(format nil " -2 ~d ~d" cutoff-frequency width)))
(setf thestring (sox-units thestring unit))
(sox-concat sox-append thestring))
;;; Sox-Allpass ==================================================
(defmethod! sox-allpass ((frequency number) (width number) &key (unit "Hz") sox-append)
:icon 10
:initvals '(1000 100 "Hz" nil)
:menuins (list (list 2 *sox-unit-menu*))
:indoc (list "Frequency (Hz)" "Width (default unit: Hz)" *sox-unit-doc* *sox-append-doc* )
:doc "Apply a two-pole all-pass filter with frequency <frequency> and width <width>."
(let* (
(thestring (format nil "allpass ~d ~d" frequency width)))
(setf thestring (sox-units thestring unit))
(sox-concat sox-append thestring))
;;; Sox-Comb ==================================================
(defmethod! sox-comb ((frequency t) (gain t) &key (mode "serial") (input-gain 0) (output-gain 0) sox-append) ; (polarity symbol)
; polarity doesn't work as it's mixed internally
:icon 10
:initvals '(1000 0 "parallel" 0 0 nil)
:menuins '((2 (("parallel" "parallel") ("serial" "serial"))))
:indoc (list "frequency (Hz)" "gain (dB)" "Parallel or serial structure for delay lines. The latter means accumulating taps." "Input gain stage (dB)" "Output gain stage (dB)" *sox-append-doc*)
:doc "Apply a comb-filter to the audio.
<frequency> is the frequency of the filter (Hz).
<gain> is a list of levels (in dB) for the successive taps.
<mode> specifies whether the taps are produced in parallel ('parallel') or fed back into the input ('serial').
(let ((times (loop for item in (list! frequency) collect (float (om/ 1000 item))))
(levels (list! (db->lin gain))))
(setf thestring
(cond ((equal mode "parallel")
(format nil "echo ~d ~d" (db->lin input-gain) (db->lin output-gain)))
((equal mode "serial")
(format nil "echos ~d ~d" (db->lin input-gain) (db->lin output-gain)))))
(loop for tim in times do
for lev in levels do
(setf thestring (concatenate 'string thestring (format nil " ~d ~d" tim lev ))))
(setf thestring (sox-concat sox-append thestring))
;; Sox-FIR =========================================================
(defmethod! sox-fir ((coefficients list) &key sox-append)
:icon 10
:initvals '(nil nil)
:indoc (list "Path to coefficients-file or list of coefficients" *sox-append-doc*)
:doc "Use SoXs FFT convolution engine with given FIR filter coefficients."
(let* ((thestring (format nil " fir ")))
(setf thestring (string+ thestring (reduce #'(lambda (s1 s2) (format nil "~d ~d " s1 s2)) coefficients)))
(sox-concat sox-append thestring)
(defmethod! sox-fir ((coefficients bpf) &key sox-append)
(sox-fir (y-points coefficients) :sox-append sox-append))
(defmethod! sox-fir ((coefficients pathname) &key sox-append)
(let* ((thestring (format nil " fir ~s" (namestring coefficients))))
(add-tmp-file coefficients)
(sox-concat sox-append thestring)
; this function might or should be called from within sox-fir (always a text file)
; could be optimized by writing using a file-pointer rather than making an object.
(defmethod! coeffs->textfile ((coeffs list) &optional filename)
:icon 203
:initvals '(nil nil)
(let ((mytextfile (make-instance 'textfile :ed-mode "append" :eval-mode "text" ))
(outfile (handle-new-file-exists
(or (and filename (pathnamep filename))
(unique-pathname *om-outfiles-folder* "sox-tempcoeffs" "txt")))))
; (om-make-pathname :directory *om-outfiles-folder* :name "sox-tempcoeffs" :type "txt")))))
(setf (exp-list mytextfile) coeffs)
(save-data mytextfile outfile)
(defmethod! coeffs->textfile ((coeffs bpf) &optional filename)
(coeffs->textfile (y-points coeffs) filename))
; perhaps this duration should rather be in seconds than in samples
(defparameter *sox-convolve-max-samples* 65535) ; max num of samples = 65535 empirically determined (2^16-1)
(defmethod! sox-convolve ((IR sound) &key gain channel clipping amp-env padding)
:icon 40
:initvals '(nil nil nil nil nil nil)
:indoc (list "Impulse Response" "Gain" "Channel to use from Impulse Response File" "Amplitude-Envelope for Impulse Response" "Padding before and after convolution" *sox-append-doc*)
:doc "Use SoXs FFT convolution engine for convolution with impulse response files.
<gain> allows to set the gain for the convolution.
<channel> allows to select the channel used for the convolutoin.
<clipping> allows to clip the impulse response to a certain range (list). To specify clipping in samples add an \"s\" to the end of the numbers, e.g. (0s 13256s).
<amp-env> allows to apply an amplitude envelope to the impulse response before convolution.
<padding> allows to add silence to the beginning (pre-delay) and end of input audio (for the reverb tail). If not supplied get calculated automatically as: predelay=IRsamples/2*SR, tail:IRsamples"
(if (and (not (integerp channel)) (> (sox-sound-channels IR) 1))
(progn (om-beep-msg "WARNING: Please specify channel used for convolution kernel.") (om-abort))
(let* ((sound-samples (sox-sound-samples IR))
(sound-sr (sox-sound-sr IR))
(clipping-in-samples (if clipping
(cond ((symbolp (first clipping))
(string-to-number (string-until-char (symbol-to-string (first clipping)) "s"))
(string-to-number (string-until-char (symbol-to-string (second clipping)) "s"))
((stringp (first clipping))
(string-to-number (string-until-char (first clipping) "s"))
(string-to-number (string-until-char (second clipping) "s"))
((numberp (first clipping))
(om-round (sec->samples clipping sound-sr))))
(list 0 (sox-sound-samples IR))))
(samples (or (- (second clipping-in-samples) (first clipping-in-samples)) sound-samples))
(maxsamples (min samples sound-samples *sox-convolve-max-samples*))
;thesamples is a list
(thesamples (if (> samples maxsamples)
(om-beep-msg (format nil "Too many samples. Convolution kernel is truncated to ~d samples (max. number of samples)." maxsamples))
;truncate from end of Impulse Response
(list (first clipping-in-samples) (+ (first clipping-in-samples) *sox-convolve-max-samples*)))
(thecoefficients (second (mat-trans (sox-sound-samplevalues IR :channel channel
:clipping (list (format nil "~ds" (first thesamples))
(format nil "~ds" (second thesamples)))))))
(scaledcoefficients (if amp-env
; this should rather coerce to single-float instead of rounding
(om-round (om* thecoefficients (third (multiple-value-list (om-sample amp-env maxsamples)))) 20)
(thecomplevel (or gain (compensate-fir-gain scaledcoefficients)))
(thecoeffsfile (coeffs->textfile scaledcoefficients)))
(if padding
(sox-level thecomplevel
:sox-append (sox-pad padding :sox-append
(sox-fir thecoeffsfile)))
(sox-level thecomplevel ; when no params supplied, the pre-delay and padding are calculated automatically.
:sox-append (sox-pad (list ;(sox-float-to-string (om-round (/ (- maxsamples 1) (* 2 sound-sr)) 10))
(sox-float-to-string (/ (- maxsamples 1) (* 2 sound-sr)))
(sox-float-to-string (samples->sec maxsamples sound-sr))) :sox-append
(sox-fir thecoeffsfile))))
; this is a kind of exceptional 'hack' (inconsistent with the polymorphism of OM-SoX) as a list of sounds is going to produce a list of sox-convoles
(defmethod! sox-convolve ((IR list) &key gain channel clipping amp-env padding)
(mapcar (lambda (thesound)
(sox-convolve thesound :gain gain :channel channel :clipping clipping :amp-env amp-env :padding padding)) IR)