; OM-SoX, (c) 2011-2014 Marlon Schumacher (CIRMMT/McGill University) *
; http://sourceforge.net/projects/omsox/ *
; *
; Multichannel Audio Manipulation and Functional Batch Processing. *
; DSP based on SoX - (c) C.Bagwell and Contributors *
; http://sox.sourceforge.net/ *
;This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
;as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
;of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
;See file LICENSE for further informations on licensing terms.
;This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;GNU General Public License for more details.
;You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
;Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307,10 USA.
;Authors: M. Schumacher
(in-package :om)
; sox-reverse ==================================
(defmethod! sox-reverse ( &key sox-append)
:icon 70
:initvals '(nil)
:indoc (list *sox-append-doc*)
:doc "Reverse audio"
(let* ((thestring (format nil " reverse")))
(sox-concat sox-append thestring))
; sox-repeat ==================================
(defmethod! sox-repeat ((repetitions number) &key sox-append)
:icon 70
:initvals '(nil)
:indoc (list "number of repetitions (loops)" *sox-append-doc*)
:doc "repeats (loops) a soundfile n (repetition) number of times."
(let ((thestring (format nil "repeat ~d" repetitions)))
(sox-concat sox-append thestring))
; sox-pad ==================================
; if float then seconds if int then samples!
; I should use sox-units for any unit (time, amplitude, etc.)
(defmethod! sox-pad ((duration float) &key position sox-append)
:icon 70
:initvals '(nil nil nil)
:indoc (list "duration of silence/zero-padding (if float in seconds, otherwise in samples)" "position in the soundfile to insert silence" *sox-append-doc*)
:doc "Pad the audio with silence. Optionally at beginning, end, or specified points through the audio."
;NB: length and position can be specified in secs [float] or samples [integer].
(let ((thestring (if position
(setf thestring (format nil " pad ~d@~d" duration position))
(format nil " pad ~d " duration))))
(sox-concat sox-append thestring))
;if ints are provided for duration, it is in samples
(defmethod! sox-pad ((duration integer) &key position sox-append)
(let ((thestring (if position
(setf thestring (format nil " pad ~ds@~d" duration position))
(format nil " pad ~ds " duration))))
(sox-concat sox-append thestring))
(defmethod! sox-pad ((duration list) &key position sox-append)
(let* ((thestring (format nil " pad")))
(if position
(loop for dur in duration
for pos in position do
(setf thestring (concatenate 'string thestring
(format nil " ~d@~d" dur pos))))
(loop for dur in duration do
(setf thestring (concatenate 'string thestring
(format nil " ~d" dur))))
(sox-concat sox-append thestring))
; sox trim ==================================
(defmethod! sox-trim ((start number) &key unit sox-append)
:icon 70
:initvals '(nil nil nil)
:indoc (list "start (number in secs), or start and end (list of 'start' and 'end' point (in secs)" "specify time in seconds or samples" *sox-append-doc* )
:menuins '((1 (("seconds" "seconds") ("samples" "samples"))))
:doc "Trims off unwanted parts from beginning and end of audio"
(let* ((thestring (format nil " trim ~d" start))
(thestring (sox-units thestring unit)))
(sox-concat sox-append thestring))
(defmethod! sox-trim ((start-and-end list) &key unit sox-append)
(let* ((thestring (if (equal unit "samples")
(format nil " trim ~ds ~ds " (first start-and-end) (- (second start-and-end) (first start-and-end)))
(format nil " trim ~d ~d " (first start-and-end) (- (second start-and-end) (first start-and-end))))))
(sox-concat sox-append thestring))
; sox-crop ==================================
; (allows to crop from the end)
(defmethod! sox-crop ((start number) &key sox-append)
:icon 70
:initvals '(nil nil)
:indoc (list "start (number in secs), or start and end (list of 'start' and 'end' point (in secs)" *sox-append-doc* )
:doc "trims off unwanted audio from beginning and end of audio"
(let* ((thestring (format nil "crop ~d " start)))
(sox-concat sox-append thestring))
(defmethod! sox-crop ((start-and-end list) &key sox-append)
(let* ((thestring (format nil "crop ~d ~d" (first start-and-end) (- (second start-and-end) (first start-and-end)))))
(sox-concat sox-append thestring))
; sox-autotrim ==================================
; strips-off silence based on a cepstral power measurement to detect a human voice
(defmethod! sox-voicetrim ((mode string) &key sox-append)
:icon 70
:initvals '("front" nil nil nil nil nil nil)
:menuins '((0 (("front" "front") ("back" "back") ("front+back" "front+back"))))
:indoc (list "mode: trim silence from front/back/front+back" *sox-append-doc*)
:doc "Automatically trim silence and quiet background sounds from the beginning/end of (voiced) audio.
Sox-voicetrim attempts to automatically trim silence and quiet background sounds from the beginning/end of (fairly high resolution i.e. 16-bit, 44.1kHz) speech based on cepstral power measurement."
(let* (
(cond ((equal mode "front")
((equal mode "back")
"reverse vad reverse")
((equal mode "front+back")
"vad reverse vad reverse")
(sox-concat sox-append thestring)))
; for compatibility
(defmethod! sox-autotrim ((mode string) &key sox-append)
:icon 70
(sox-voicetrim mode :sox-append sox-append))
;; PS these options don't seem to work ...
;; bug in sox?
(defmethod! sox-autotrim ((mode string) &key trigger-level ignore-time prior-time gap-time preserve-time commands)
:icon 01
:initvals '(front nil nil nil nil nil nil)
:menuins '((0 (("front" "front") ("back" "back") ("front+back" "front+back"))))
:indoc '("mode: trim silence from front/back/front+back" "autotrim-settings" "connect other commands to add to the processing chain")
:doc "Attempts to trim silence and quiet background sounds from the ends of (fairly high resolution i.e. 16-bit, 44-48kHz) recordings of speech based on cepstral power measurement."
(let* (
(cond ((equal mode "front")
(format nil "vad t ~d T ~d s ~d g ~d p ~d" (or trigger-level 7) (or ignore-time 0.25) (or prior-time 1) (or gap-time 0.25) (or preserve-time 0)))
((equal mode "back")
(format nil "reverse vad t ~d T ~d s ~d g ~d p ~d reverse" (or trigger-level 7) (or ignore-time 0.25) (or prior-time 1) (or gap-time 0.25) (or preserve-time 0)))
((equal mode "front+back")
(format nil "vad t ~d T ~d s ~d g ~d p ~d reverse vad t ~d T ~d s ~d g ~d p ~d reverse" (or trigger-level 7) (or ignore-time 0.25) (or prior-time 1) (or gap-time 0.25) (or preserve-time 0) (or trigger-level 7) (or ignore-time 0.25) (or prior-time 1) (or gap-time 0.25) (or preserve-time 0) ))
(when commands
(setf thestring (concatenate 'string thestring
(format nil " ~a" commands))))
;; sox-fade ==================================
(defmethod! sox-fade ((fadein-length number) (fadeout-length number) (stoptime t) &key (type "l") sox-append)
:icon 70
:initvals '(1 1 "-0" "l" nil)
:menuins '((3 (("logarithmic" "l") ("parabola" "p") ("quarter sinewave" "q") ("half sinewave" "h") ("linear" "t"))))
:indoc (list "fadein-length (in secs). Optionally <sound> object." "fadeout-length (in secs)" "stoptime (in secs). if 0 = duration of soundfile)" "fade-type (logarithmic/parabola/quarter-sine/half-sine/linear)" *sox-append-doc*)
:doc "creates fadeins/outs"
(setf thestring (format nil " fade ~a ~d ~d ~d " type fadein-length stoptime fadeout-length))
;; settings here!
(sox-concat sox-append thestring))
(defmethod! sox-fade ((soundfile sound) (fadeout-length number) (stoptime number) &key (type "l") sox-append)
(let* ((duration (sound-dur soundfile))
(markers (markers soundfile))
(fadein-length (first markers))
(fadeout-length (- duration (second markers)))
(stoptime duration))
(setf thestring (format nil " fade ~a ~d ~d ~d " type fadein-length stoptime fadeout-length)))
(sox-concat sox-append thestring))
;; sox-silence ==================================
; remove (cut) silence from a recording
(defmethod! sox-trimsilence ((above-periods number) (duration number) (threshold number) &key below-periods (below-duration 1) (below-threshold -50) leave-beginning sox-append)
:icon 70
:initvals '(1 2 -60 1 1 -50 nil nil)
:indoc (list "How many periods of non-silence should be retained"
"Amount of time that non-silence must be detected before it stops trimming audio"
"Silence-threshold (in dB)"
"How many periods of silence should be retained"
"Amount of time that silence must be detected before it trims audio"
"Below-threshold (in dB)"
"Leave the beginning of audio untouched"
:doc "Removes (trims off) silence from the audo. 'Silence' is determined via duration (in secs) and threshold (in dB)."
(let ((thestring (format nil " silence ")))
(when leave-beginning (setf thestring (concatenate 'string thestring " -l")))
(setf thestring (if (equal above-periods 0)
(string+ thestring (format nil " ~d" above-periods))
(string+ thestring (format nil " ~d ~f ~d" above-periods duration (db->lin threshold))))) ; if it's in percent I should multiply by 100, no?
(when below-periods (setf thestring (string+ thestring (format nil " ~d ~f ~d" below-periods below-duration (db->lin below-threshold)))))
(sox-concat sox-append thestring)