; OM-SoX, (c) 2011-2013 Marlon Schumacher (CIRMMT/McGill University) *
; http://sourceforge.net/projects/omsox/ *
; *
; Multichannel Audio Manipulation and Functional Batch Processing. *
; DSP based on SoX - (c) C.Bagwell and Contributors *
; http://sox.sourceforge.net/ *
;This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
;as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
;of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
;See file LICENSE for further informations on licensing terms.
;This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;GNU General Public License for more details.
;You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
;Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307,10 USA.
;Authors: M. Schumacher
(in-package :om)
; This file contains editors for the sox-input-classes
(defparameter soxconsole-trackw 100)
;%%%%%%% Editor for SOX-INPUT %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
(defmethod class-has-editor-p ((self sox-input)) t)
(defclass sox-console-editor (editorview)
((track-panels :initform nil :accessor track-panels :type list)))
(defclass sox-track-panel (om-view)
((sox-object :accessor sox-object :initarg :sox-object :initform nil)
(tracknum :accessor tracknum :initarg :tracknum :initform 0)))
(defmethod get-editor-class ((self sox-input)) 'sox-console-editor)
(defmethod get-win-ed-size ((self sox-input))
(om-make-point (+ 2 (* (+ soxconsole-trackw 2) (max 1 (min 32 (length (list! (sound self))))))) 150))
(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((self sox-console-editor) &rest l)
(declare (ignore l))
(om-set-bg-color self *om-dark-gray-color*)
(initialize-panels self)) ; typo or correct?
(defmethod initialize-panels ((self sox-console-editor))
(om-with-delayed-redraw self
(setf (track-panels self)
(loop for i from 0 to (1- (length (list! (sound (object self))))) collect
(om-make-view 'sox-track-panel
:tracknum i
:sox-object (object self)
:bg-color *om-light-gray-color*
:position (om-make-point (+ 2 (* i (+ soxconsole-trackw 2))) 2)
:size (om-make-point soxconsole-trackw (- (h self) 4)))))
(apply 'om-add-subviews (cons self (track-panels self)))
(let ((size (get-win-ed-size (object self))))
(oa::set-not-resizable (window self) (om-point-h size) (om-point-v size)))
(defmethod update-editor-after-eval ((self sox-console-editor) val)
(setf (object self) val)
(initialize-panels self))
(defmethod add-pan-controls ((self sox-track-panel) (object t) posy) nil)
(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((self sox-track-panel) &rest l)
(let ((pos 0) pantxt gaintxt)
(setf pos (+ pos 5))
(om-add-subviews self (setf pantxt (om-make-dialog-item 'om-static-text
(om-make-point 5 pos)
(om-make-point soxconsole-trackw 16)
(string+ (pathname-name (nth (tracknum self) (list! (sound (sox-object self)))))
"." (pathname-type (nth (tracknum self) (list! (sound (sox-object self))))))
:font *om-default-font1b*
(setf pos (+ pos 25))
(add-pan-controls self (sox-object self) pos)
;(add-azi-controls self (sox-object self) pos)
;(add-ele-controls self (sox-object self) pos)
;(add-order-controls self (sox-object self) pos)
(om-add-subviews self (om-make-view 'graphic-numbox
:position (om-make-point 30 pos)
:size (om-make-point 45 100)
:pict (om-load-and-store-picture "fader" 'di)
:nbpict 77
:pict-size (om-make-point 31 94)
:di-action (om-dialog-item-act item
(om-set-dialog-item-text gaintxt
(format nil " dB: ~4f" (* (- (value item) 120) 0.5)))
(setf (nth (tracknum self) (gains (sox-object self))) (* (- (value item) 120) 0.5))
(report-modifications (om-view-container self)))
:font *om-default-font2*
:value (+ (* (nth (tracknum self) (gains (sox-object self))) 2) 120)
:min-val 0
:max-val 132
(om-add-subviews self (setf gaintxt (om-make-dialog-item 'om-static-text
(om-make-point 20 (+ pos 99))
(om-make-point 60 16)
(format nil " dB: ~4f" (nth (tracknum self) (gains (sox-object self))))
:font *om-default-font1*
;%%%%%%% Editor for SOX-PAN %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
(defmethod get-win-ed-size ((self sox-pan))
(om-make-point (+ 2 (* (+ soxconsole-trackw 2) (max 1 (min 32 (length (list! (sound self))))))) 200)) ; should not have a case for lists
(defmethod add-pan-controls ((self sox-track-panel) (object sox-pan) posy)
(let ((pantxt (om-make-dialog-item 'om-static-text
(om-make-point 28 (+ posy 148))
(om-make-point 65 16)
(string+ "pan: " (number-to-string (om-round (panning object) 3)))
:font *om-default-font1*
(om-add-subviews self pantxt (om-make-view 'graphic-numbox
:position (om-make-point 40 (+ posy 124))
:size (om-make-point 26 26)
:pict (om-load-and-store-picture "dial" 'di)
:nbpict 65
:pict-size (om-make-point 24 24)
:di-action (om-dialog-item-act item
; perhaps this could be made more efficient by manipulating min-val and max-val rather then as a let statement
(let ((val (+ 1 (* (value item) 0.02))))
(om-set-dialog-item-text pantxt (format nil "pan: ~3f" val))
;(om-set-dialog-item-text pantxt (string+ "pan: " (number-to-string (om-round val 2))))
(setf (panning object) val)
(report-modifications (om-view-container self))))
:font *om-default-font2*
:value (* 50 (1- (panning object)))
:min-val 0
:max-val (max 10 (* 50 (1- (numchannels object))))))
;%%%%%%% Editor for SOX-HOAENCODE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
(defmethod get-editor-class ((self sox-hoaencode)) 'sox-console-editor)
(defmethod get-win-ed-size ((self sox-hoaencode))
(om-make-point (+ 2 (+ soxconsole-trackw 2)) 328))
(defmethod add-azi-controls ((self sox-track-panel) (object sox-hoaencode) posy)
(let ((azitxt (om-make-dialog-item 'om-static-text
(om-make-point 28 (+ posy 156))
(om-make-point 65 16)
(string+ "azi: " (number-to-string (om-round (azimuth object) 3)))
:font *om-default-font1*
(om-add-subviews self azitxt (om-make-view 'graphic-numbox
:position (om-make-point 40 (+ posy 132))
:size (om-make-point 26 26)
:pict (om-load-and-store-picture "dial" 'di)
:nbpict 65
:pict-size (om-make-point 24 24)
:di-action (om-dialog-item-act item
(let ((val (float (value item))))
(om-set-dialog-item-text azitxt (format nil "azi: ~3f" val))
(setf (azimuth object) val)
(report-modifications (om-view-container self))))
:font *om-default-font2*
:value (/ (azimuth object) 360)
:min-val 0 :max-val 360)
(defmethod add-ele-controls ((self sox-track-panel) (object sox-hoaencode) posy)
(let ((eletxt (om-make-dialog-item 'om-static-text
(om-make-point 28 (+ posy 208))
(om-make-point 65 16)
(string+ "ele: " (number-to-string (om-round (elevation object) 3)))
:font *om-default-font1*
(om-add-subviews self eletxt (om-make-view 'graphic-numbox
:position (om-make-point 40 (+ posy 184))
:size (om-make-point 26 26)
:pict (om-load-and-store-picture "dial" 'di)
:nbpict 65
:pict-size (om-make-point 24 24)
:di-action (om-dialog-item-act item
(let ((val (float (value item))))
(om-set-dialog-item-text eletxt (format nil "ele: ~3f" val))
(setf (elevation object) val)
(report-modifications (om-view-container self))))
:font *om-default-font2*
:value (/ (elevation object) 360)
:min-val 0 :max-val 360)
(defmethod add-order-controls ((self sox-track-panel) (object sox-hoaencode) posy)
(let ((ordertxt (om-make-dialog-item 'om-static-text
(om-make-point 28 (+ posy 248))
(om-make-point 65 16)
(string+ "order: " (number-to-string (order object)))
:font *om-default-font1*
(om-add-subviews self (om-make-dialog-item 'edit-numbox
(om-make-point 36 (+ posy 248))
(om-make-point 36 18)
(format nil " ~2D" (order object))
:di-action (om-dialog-item-act item
(let ((val (value item)))
(om-set-dialog-item-text ordertxt (format nil "order: ~1d" val))
(setf (order object) val)
(report-modifications (om-view-container self))))
:value (order object)
:font *om-default-font1*
:incr 1
:min-val 0 :max-val 5
;%%%%%%% Editor for SOX-MIX-CONSOLE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
(defmethod get-win-ed-size ((self sox-mix-console))
(om-make-point (+ 2 (* (+ soxconsole-trackw 2) (max 1 (min 32 (length (list! (sound self))))))) 200))
(defmethod add-pan-controls ((self sox-track-panel) (object sox-mix-console) posy)
(let ((pantxt (om-make-dialog-item 'om-static-text
(om-make-point 28 (+ posy 148))
(om-make-point 65 16)
(string+ "pan: " (number-to-string (om-round (nth (tracknum self) (panning object)) 2)))
:font *om-default-font1*
(om-add-subviews self pantxt (om-make-view 'graphic-numbox
:position (om-make-point 40 (+ posy 124))
:size (om-make-point 26 26)
:pict (om-load-and-store-picture "dial" 'di)
:nbpict 65
:pict-size (om-make-point 24 24)
:di-action (om-dialog-item-act item
; perhaps this could be made more efficient by manipulating min-val and max-val rather then as a let statement
(let ((val (+ 1 (* (value item) 0.02))))
(om-set-dialog-item-text pantxt (format nil "pan: ~3f" val))
;(om-set-dialog-item-text pantxt (string+ "pan: " (number-to-string (om-round val 2))))
(setf (nth (tracknum self) (panning object)) val)
(report-modifications (om-view-container self))))
:font *om-default-font2*
:value (* 50 (1- (nth (tracknum self) (panning object))))
:min-val 0
:max-val (max 10 (* 50 (1- (numchannels object))))))
;%%%%%%% Editor for SOX-REMIX %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
(defclass sox-remix-editor (editorview)
((channel-panels :initform nil :accessor channel-panels :type list)))
(defclass sox-channel-panel (om-view)
((sox-object :accessor sox-object :initarg :sox-object :initform nil)
(panel-id :accessor panel-id :initarg :panel-id :initform nil)
(channel :accessor channel :initarg :channel :initform nil)
(gain :accessor gain :initarg :gain :initform nil)))
(defmethod get-editor-class ((self sox-remix)) 'sox-remix-editor)
(defmethod get-win-ed-size ((self sox-remix))
(om-make-point (+ 2 (* 102 (max 1 (min 32 (length (channel-matrix self))))))
(+ 0 (* (+ soxconsole-trackw 2) (max 1 (min 32 (or (list-max
(loop for item in (channel-matrix self) collect
(length item))) 0)
(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((self sox-remix-editor) &rest l)
(declare (ignore l))
(om-set-bg-color self *om-dark-gray-color*)
(initialize-panels self))
(defmethod initialize-panels ((self sox-remix-editor))
;(if (sound (object self))
(om-with-delayed-redraw self
(when (sound (object self))
(setf (channel-panels self)
(loop for subchannellist in (channel-matrix (object self))
for subgainlist in (gain-matrix (object self))
for i from 0 to (length (channel-matrix (object self))) collect ; i = y position
(loop for channel in subchannellist
for gain in subgainlist
for j from 0 to (length subchannellist) collect ; j = x position
(om-make-view 'sox-channel-panel
:channel channel ; maybe 'panel-nr' would be less ambiguous here
:gain gain
:panel-id (list i j) ; i = rows, j = columns
:sox-object (object self)
:bg-color *om-light-gray-color*
:position (om-make-point (+ 2 (* i (+ soxconsole-trackw 2))) (* j (+ soxconsole-trackw 2)))
;(om-make-point (+ 2 (* j (+ soxconsole-trackw 2))) (* i (+ soxconsole-trackw 2)))
:size (om-make-point soxconsole-trackw 101 )) ;4 (- (h self) 205)
(loop for panel in (channel-panels self) do
(apply 'om-add-subviews (cons self panel)))
(let ((size (get-win-ed-size (object self))))
(oa::set-not-resizable (window self) (om-point-h size) (om-point-v size)))
;(om-beep-msg "Please specify a sound to be processed"))
(defmethod update-editor-after-eval ((self sox-remix-editor) val)
(setf (object self) val)
(initialize-panels self))
(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((self sox-channel-panel) &rest l)
(let ((pos 0)
(setf pos (+ pos 5))
(om-add-subviews self (setf label (om-make-dialog-item 'om-static-text
(om-make-point 15 pos)
(om-make-point soxconsole-trackw 16) ;16
(string+ (pathname-name (sound (sox-object self)))
"." (pathname-type (sound (sox-object self)))
:font *om-default-font1b*
(setf pos (+ pos 5))
(om-add-subviews self (setf label (om-make-dialog-item 'om-static-text
(om-make-point 20 pos)
(om-make-point soxconsole-trackw 16) ;16
(string+ "Channel-" (number-to-string (channel self)))
:font *om-default-font1b*
(setf pos (+ pos 30))
(om-add-subviews self (om-make-view 'graphic-numbox
:position (om-make-point 35 pos)
:size (om-make-point 35 35)
:pict (om-load-and-store-picture "dial" 'di)
:nbpict 65
:pict-size (om-make-point 24 24)
:di-action (om-dialog-item-act item
(om-set-dialog-item-text gaintxt
;(format nil " dB: ~4f" (* (- (value item) 240) 0.25)))
(string+ " dB: " (number-to-string (om-round (* (value item) 0.5) 2))))
(setf (nth (second (panel-id self)) (nth (first (panel-id self)) (gain-matrix (sox-object self)))) (* (value item) 0.5))
(report-modifications (om-view-container self)))
:font *om-default-font2*
:value (* (gain self) 2)
:min-val -72
:max-val 72
(om-add-subviews self (setf gaintxt (om-make-dialog-item 'om-static-text
(om-make-point 20 80) ;(+ pos 99)
(om-make-point 70 16)
(format nil " dB: ~4f" (gain self))
:font *om-default-font1*
;%%%%%%% Editor for SOX-SPLIT %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
(defclass sox-split-console-editor (editorview)
((track-panels :initform nil :accessor track-panels :type list)))
(defclass sox-split-panel (om-view)
((sox-object :accessor sox-object :initarg :sox-object :initform nil)
(panel-id :accessor panel-id :initarg :panel-id :initform nil)
(channel :accessor channel :initarg :channel :initform nil)
(gain :accessor gain :initarg :gain :initform nil)))
(defmethod get-editor-class ((self sox-split)) 'sox-split-console-editor)
(defmethod get-win-ed-size ((self sox-split))
(om-make-point (+ 2 (* (+ soxconsole-trackw 2) (max 1 (min 32 (length (channels self)))))) 150))
(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((self sox-split-console-editor) &rest l)
(declare (ignore l))
(om-set-bg-color self *om-dark-gray-color*)
(when (sound (object self))
(initialize-panels self)))
(defmethod initialize-panels ((self sox-split-console-editor))
(om-with-delayed-redraw self
(setf (track-panels self)
(loop for channel in (channels (object self))
for gain in (gains (object self))
for i from 0 to (- (length (channels (object self))) 1) collect
(om-make-view 'sox-split-panel
:channel channel ; maybe 'panel-nr' would be less ambiguous here
:gain gain
:panel-id i ; i = rows, j = columns
:sox-object (object self)
:bg-color *om-light-gray-color*
:position (om-make-point (+ 2 (* i (+ soxconsole-trackw 2))) 2)
;(om-make-point (+ 2 (* j (+ soxconsole-trackw 2))) (* i (+ soxconsole-trackw 2)))
:size (om-make-point soxconsole-trackw (- (h self) 4) )) ;4 (- (h self) 205)
(apply 'om-add-subviews (cons self (track-panels self)))
(let ((size (get-win-ed-size (object self))))
(oa::set-not-resizable (window self) (om-point-h size) (om-point-v size)))
(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((self sox-split-panel) &rest l)
(let ((pos 0) pantxt gaintxt)
(setf pos (+ pos 5))
(om-add-subviews self (setf label (om-make-dialog-item 'om-static-text
(om-make-point 20 pos)
(om-make-point soxconsole-trackw 16) ;16
(string+ "Channel-" (number-to-string (channel self)))
:font *om-default-font1b*
(setf pos (+ pos 25))
(om-add-subviews self (om-make-view 'graphic-numbox
:position (om-make-point 30 pos)
:size (om-make-point 45 100)
:pict (om-load-and-store-picture "fader" 'di)
:nbpict 77
:pict-size (om-make-point 31 94)
:di-action (om-dialog-item-act item
(om-set-dialog-item-text gaintxt
(format nil " dB: ~4f" (* (- (value item) 120) 0.5)))
(setf (nth (panel-id self) (gains (sox-object self))) (* (- (value item) 120) 0.5))
(report-modifications (om-view-container self)))
:font *om-default-font2*
:value (+ (* (nth (panel-id self) (gains (sox-object self))) 2) 120)
:min-val 0
:max-val 132
(om-add-subviews self (setf gaintxt (om-make-dialog-item 'om-static-text
(om-make-point 20 (+ pos 99))
(om-make-point 60 16)
(format nil " dB: ~4f" (nth (panel-id self) (gains (sox-object self))))
:font *om-default-font1*
;; the editor for SOX-RECORD
(defmethod class-has-editor-p ((self sox-record)) t); not a subclass of sox-input
(defclass sox-record-console-editor (editorview)
((track-panels :initform nil :accessor track-panels :type list)))
(defclass sox-record-channel-panel (om-view)
((sox-object :accessor sox-object :initarg :sox-object :initform nil)
(panel-id :accessor panel-id :initarg :panel-id :initform nil)
(channel :accessor channel :initarg :channel :initform nil)
(gain :accessor gain :initarg :gain :initform nil)))
(defmethod get-editor-class ((self sox-record)) 'sox-record-console-editor)
(defmethod get-win-ed-size ((self sox-record))
(om-make-point (+ 2 (* (+ soxconsole-trackw 2) (max 1 (min 32 (length (list! (gains self))))))) 100))
(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((self sox-record-console-editor) &rest l)
(declare (ignore l))
(om-set-bg-color self *om-dark-gray-color*)
(initialize-panels self))
(defmethod initialize-panels ((self sox-record-console-editor))
(om-with-delayed-redraw self
(setf (track-panels self)
(loop for channel in (channels (object self))
for gain in (gains (object self))
for i from 0 to (- (length (channels (object self))) 1) collect
(om-make-view 'sox-record-channel-panel
:channel channel ; maybe 'panel-nr' would be less ambiguous here
:gain gain
:panel-id i ; i = rows, j = columns
:sox-object (object self)
:bg-color *om-light-gray-color*
:position (om-make-point (+ 2 (* i (+ soxconsole-trackw 2))) 2)
;(om-make-point (+ 2 (* j (+ soxconsole-trackw 2))) (* i (+ soxconsole-trackw 2)))
:size (om-make-point soxconsole-trackw (- (h self) 4) )) ;4 (- (h self) 205)
(apply 'om-add-subviews (cons self (track-panels self)))
(let ((size (get-win-ed-size (object self))))
(oa::set-not-resizable (window self) (om-point-h size) (om-point-v size)))
(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((self sox-record-channel-panel) &rest l)
(let ((pos 0)
(setf pos (+ pos 5))
(om-add-subviews self (setf label (om-make-dialog-item 'om-static-text
(om-make-point 20 pos)
(om-make-point soxconsole-trackw 16) ;16
(string+ "Channel-" (number-to-string (channel self)))
:font *om-default-font1b*
(setf pos (+ pos 30))
(om-add-subviews self (om-make-view 'graphic-numbox
:position (om-make-point 35 pos)
:size (om-make-point 35 35)
:pict (om-load-and-store-picture "dial" 'di)
:nbpict 65
:pict-size (om-make-point 24 24)
:di-action (om-dialog-item-act item
(om-set-dialog-item-text gaintxt
;(format nil " dB: ~4f" (* (- (value item) 240) 0.25)))
(string+ " dB: " (number-to-string (om-round (* (value item) 0.5) 2))))
(setf (nth (panel-id self) (gains (sox-object self))) (* (value item) 0.5))
(report-modifications (om-view-container self)))
:font *om-default-font2*
:value (* (gain self) 2)
:min-val -72
:max-val 72
(om-add-subviews self (setf gaintxt (om-make-dialog-item 'om-static-text
(om-make-point 20 80) ;(+ pos 99)
(om-make-point 70 16)
(format nil " dB: ~4f" (gain self))
:font *om-default-font1*