; ********************************************************************
; OM-SoX, (c) 2011-2013 Marlon Schumacher (CIRMMT/McGill University) *
; http://sourceforge.net/projects/omsox/ *
; *
; Multichannel Audio Manipulation and Functional Batch Processing. *
; DSP based on SoX - (c) C.Bagwell and Contributors *
; http://sox.sourceforge.net/ *
; ********************************************************************
;This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
;as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
;of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
;See file LICENSE for further informations on licensing terms.
;This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;GNU General Public License for more details.
;You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
;Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307,10 USA.
;Authors: M. Schumacher
(in-package :om)
;;; Sox-contrast ===============================================
(defmethod! sox-contrast ((amount number) &key sox-append)
:icon 30
:initvals '(50 nil)
:indoc (list "amount (percent)" *sox-append-doc*)
:doc "Comparable to compression sox-contrast makes an audio signal sound louder (using a time-domain transferfunction).
<amount> controls the amount of the effect (0-100%). Note that an amount of 0 still gives a significant contrast enhancement."
(let* ((thestring (format nil "contrast ~d" amount)))
(sox-concat sox-append thestring))
;;; Sox-loudness ===============================================
(defmethod! sox-loudness ((gain number) &key reference sox-append)
:icon 30
:initvals '(-10 nil)
:indoc (list "gain (in dB)" "reference-gain" *sox-append-doc*)
:doc "Loudness control - similar to sox-level, but provides equalisation for the human auditory system.
The gain is adjusted by the value for <gain> (usually negative) and the signal equalised according to ISO 226 w.r.t. a reference level of 65dB.
An alternative reference level <reference> may be given if the original audio has been equalised for some other optimal level."
(let* ((thestring (format nil " loudness ~d" gain)))
(when reference
(setf thestring (concatenate 'string thestring
(format nil " ~d" reference))))
(sox-concat sox-append thestring))
;;; sox-amplitude ===========================================
(defmethod! sox-amplitude ((amplitude number) &key sox-append)
:icon 30
:initvals '(1)
:indoc (list "amplitude factor (linear)" *sox-append-doc*)
:doc "Scales the amplitude of the audio by a factor given in <amplitude>.
NB: Negative values for <amplitude> are possible. This results in phase-inversion of the audio."
(let* ((thestring (format nil "vol ~d" amplitude)))
(sox-concat sox-append thestring))
;;; sox-level ===============================================
(defmethod! sox-level ((gain number) &key options balance-mode sox-append)
:icon 30
:initvals '(0 nil nil nil)
:menuins '((1 (( "normalize" "normalize" ) ("limit" "limit") ("headroom" "headroom") ("reclaim" "reclaim"))) (2 (("peak" "peak") ("rms" "rms"))))
:indoc (list "gain (dB)" "options (applied before gain)" "balance channels in a multichannel-file using peak or rms detection" *sox-append-doc*)
:doc "Amplify, attenuate, limit, normalize audio to/by <gain>. Optionally 'balance' the gain levels of individual channels in multichannel audio.
<gain> specifies amplfication or attenuation in dB.
'limit' will invoke a brickwall limiter, thus preventing the audio from clipping. NB: limiting more than a few dBs can cause audible distortion.
'normalize' will normalize the audio relative to 0dBFS; it is often used to normalize audio to a given level below 0dB.
'headroom' option is used to apply gain to provide head-room for subsequent processing.
'reclaim' option is used after a prior invocation of sox-level with 'headroom': if the headroom is not used by subsequent effects, it can be reclaimed with this option.
<balance-mode> specifies how the levels in different channels in multichannel audio are determined in order to change their relative levels.
NB: unlike 'peak' 'rms' might cause clipping in certain channels."
(let* ((thestring (format nil " gain")))
;(print balance-mode)
(cond ((equal balance-mode "peak")
(setf thestring (concatenate 'string thestring
(format nil " -e"))))
((equal balance-mode "rms")
(setf thestring (concatenate 'string thestring
(format nil " -b")))))
;(print options)
(cond ((equal options "normalize")
(setf thestring (concatenate 'string thestring
(format nil " -n"))))
((equal options "limit")
(setf thestring (concatenate 'string thestring
(format nil " -l"))))
((equal options "headroom")
(setf thestring (concatenate 'string thestring
(format nil " -h"))))
((equal options "reclaim")
(setf thestring (concatenate 'string thestring
(format nil " -r")))))
(setf thestring (concatenate 'string thestring
(format nil " ~d" gain)))
(sox-concat sox-append thestring))
;;; Sox-Normalize ===============================================
; this is included in sox-level
(defmethod! sox-normalize (&key (level 0.0) balance-mode sox-append)
:icon 30
:initvals '(0.0 nil nil )
:menuins '((1 (("peak" "peak") ("rms" "rms"))))
:indoc (list "level (dB)" "balance channels in a multichannel-file using peak or rms detection (select from menu)" *sox-append-doc*)
:doc "Normalize audio or -optionally- all of the individual channels in multichannel audio.
<level> specifies the value (in dBFS) to which to normalize.
Optionally 'balance' the individual channels in multichannel audio (i.e. normalize individually) using peak or rms detection."
(let* ((thestring (format nil " gain")))
(cond ((equal balance-mode "peak")
(setf thestring (concatenate 'string thestring
(format nil " -e"))))
((equal balance-mode "rms")
(setf thestring (concatenate 'string thestring
(format nil " -b")))))
(setf thestring (concatenate 'string thestring
(format nil " -n ~d" level)))
(sox-concat sox-append thestring))
; Sox-Overdrive ===============================================
(defmethod! sox-overdrive ((drive number) (colour number) &key sox-append)
:icon 30
:initvals '(20 20 nil)
:indoc (list "drive" "colour (amount of even harmonics)" *sox-append-doc*)
:doc "Apply non-linear distortion to the audio.
The colour parameter controls the amount of even harmonic content in the over-driven output."
(let* ((thestring (format nil " overdrive ~d ~d" drive colour)))
(sox-concat sox-append thestring))
;;; Sox-Compand ===============================================
(defmethod! sox-comp-format ((attack number) (release number) &key (softknee 6) (makeup-gain 0) transferfunction (minvolume -90) (lookahead 0.0))
(let* ((thestring (cond ((and softknee minvolume) (format nil "~d,~d ~d:~d," attack release softknee minvolume))
(softknee (format nil "~d,~d ~d:" attack release softknee))
(minvolume (format nil "~d,~d ~d" attack release minvolume))
(t (format nil "~d,~d " attack release))
(if (bpf-p transferfunction)
(setf transferpoints (point-pairs transferfunction))
(setf firstpair (car transferpoints))
(setf thestring (concatenate 'string thestring
(format nil "~d,~d" (first firstpair) (second firstpair))))
(loop for points in (cdr transferpoints) do
(setf thestring (concatenate 'string thestring
(format nil ",~d,~d" (first points) (second points))))))
(setf thestring (concatenate 'string thestring (format nil "-70"))))
(setf thestring (concatenate 'string thestring
(format nil " ~d ~d ~d" (or makeup-gain 0) (or minvolume -90) (or lookahead 0.0))))
(defmethod! sox-compand ((attack number) (release number) &key transferfunction (softknee 6) (makeup-gain -5) (minvolume -90) (lookahead 0.02) (sox-append))
:icon 30
:initvals '(0.3 0.8 nil 6 -5 -90 0.02 nil)
:indoc (list "attack-time (secs)" "release-time (secs)" "transferfunction describing changes from input to output levels over dynamic range of audio (bpf)" "softknee (in dB)" "makeup-gain (in dB)" "an initial level for when companding starts" "A delay in seconds. Allows the compander to effectively operate in a 'predictive' rather than a reactive mode" *sox-append-doc*)
:doc "Compand (compress and/or expand) the dynamic range of the audio.
<attack> and <release> determine the time over which the instantaneous level of the input signal is averaged to determine its volume; <attack> refers to increases in volume and <release> refers to decreases. For most situations, <attack> should be smaller than <release> because the human ear is more sensitive to sudden increases rather than decreases in audio levels. Typical values are 0.3,0.8 seconds.
<transferfunction> is a breakpoint function describing compression/expansion over the dynamic range of the input signal.
<softknee> will round the points at where adjacent line segments on the transfer function meet by the specified amount.
<makeup-gain> is an additional gain in dB to be applied at all points on the transfer function which allows easy adjustment of the overall gain.
<minvolume> permits the user to supply a nominal level initially, so that, for example, a very large gain is not applied to initial signal levels before the companding action has begun to operate: it is quite probable that in such an event, the output would be severely clipped while the compander gain properly adjusts itself.
<lookahead> is a delay in seconds. The input signal is analysed immediately to control the compander, but it is delayed before being fed to the volume adjuster. Specifying a delay approximately equal to the attack/release times allows the compander to effectively operate in a 'predictive' rather than a reactive mode."
(list "attack-time (secs)" "release-time (secs)" "transferfunction in dB relative to the maximum possible signal amplitude (bpf)" "softknee (in dB)." "makeup-gain (in dB)" "an initial level for when companding starts" "A delay in seconds. Allows the compander to effectively operate in a 'predictive' rather than a reactive mode" *sox-append-doc*)
;Where more than one pair of attack/decay parameters are specified, each input channel is companded separately and the number of pairs must agree with the number of input channels.
(setf thestring
(sox-comp-format attack release :softknee softknee :makeup-gain makeup-gain :transferfunction transferfunction
:minvolume minvolume :lookahead lookahead))
(setf thestring (string+ " compand " thestring))
(sox-concat sox-append thestring)
;;; sox-compand needs a method for lists of attacks and releases (for multichannel)!
(defmethod! sox-compand ((attack number) (release number) &key (softknee 6) (makeup-gain -5) transferfunction (minvolume -90) (lookahead 0.3) (sox-append))
:icon 30
:initvals '(0.3 0.8 6 -5 nil -90 0.3 nil)
:indoc '("attack-time (secs)" "release-time (secs)" "softknee in dB" )
:doc "Compand (compress or expand) the dynamic range of the audio."
(let* (
(thestring (format nil "compand ~d,~d ~d:~d," attack release softknee minvolume)))
(if (bpf-p transferfunction)
(setf transferpoints (point-pairs transferfunction))
(setf firstpair (car transferpoints))
;(print firstpair)
(setf thestring (concatenate 'string thestring
(format nil "~d,~d" (first firstpair) (second firstpair))))
(loop for points in (cdr transferpoints) do
(setf thestring (concatenate 'string thestring
(format nil ",~d,~d" (first points) (second points))))))
(setf thestring (concatenate 'string thestring (format nil "-70" attack release softknee)))
(setf thestring (csoundfileoncatenate 'string thestring
(format nil " ~d ~d ~d" makeup-gain minvolume lookahead)))
(when sox-append
(setf thestring (concatenate 'string thestring
(format nil " ~a" sox-append))))
;;; Sox-MultiCompand ===========================================
(defmethod! sox-multi-compand ((attacks list) (releases list) (crossover-freqs list) &key transferfunction softknee makeup-gain minvolume lookahead sox-append)
:icon 30
:initvals '((0.005 0.003 0.000625 0.0001 0) (0.8 6 -5 -90 0.3) (100 400 1600 6400 nil) nil (3 3 3 3 3) (-12 -12 -12 -12 -12)
(-90 -90 -90 -90 -90) (0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3) nil)
:indoc (list "attack-time (secs)" "release-time (secs)" "crossover frequencies (Hz)" "transferfunction describing changes from input to output levels over dynamic range of audio (bpf)" "softknee (in dB)" "makeup-gain (in dB)" "an initial level for when companding starts" "A delay in seconds. Allows the compander to effectively operate in a 'predictive' rather than a reactive mode" *sox-append-doc*)
:doc "Compand (compress and/or expand) the dynamic range of the audio in individual frequency bands.
The multi-band compander (sox-multicompand) is similar to the single-band compander (sox-compand) but the audio is first divided into bands using Linkwitz-Riley cross-over filters and a separately specifiable compander run on each band.
See the sox-compand doc for the definition of its parameters.
(let* ((mystr "")
(loop for att in attacks
for rel in releases
counting att into counter
(let ((count (1- counter)))
(format nil "~s" (sox-comp-format att rel :softknee (nth count softknee) :makeup-gain (nth count makeup-gain)
:transferfunction (nth count transferfunction) :minvolume (nth count minvolume) :lookahead (nth count lookahead)))
(mylists (mat-trans (list mystrings crossover-freqs))))
(loop for item in mylists do
(print item)
(if (second item)
(setf mystr (concatenate 'string mystr (format nil "~a ~d " (first item) (second item))))
(setf mystr (concatenate 'string mystr (format nil "~a" (first item))))))
(sox-concat sox-append (format nil " mcompand ~a" mystr)))