(in-package :om)(load-lib-for (quote ("OMPrisma" "OMChroma" "OM-SoX")))(setf *om-current-persistent* (om-load-patch1 "2-format-conversion" (quote ((let ((box (om-load-editor-box1 "Octo-Quad->BFormat.aiff" (quote sound) (quote ((om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "object" "self" nil) (om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "a track index for multichannel mixing" "tracknum" 0) (om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "a list of markers (s)" "markers" nil))) (om-make-point 665 537) (om-make-point 80 50) (let ((newobj (let ((thesound (load-sound (om-make-pathname :directory (quote (:relative "out-files")) :device nil :host nil :name "Octo-Quad->BFormat" :type "aiff") 0 100 0))) (when thesound (setf (markers thesound) (quote nil))) thesound))) (load-port-info newobj (quote nil)) (init-mus-color newobj (quote nil)) (set-extra-pairs newobj (quote nil)) (set-patch-pairs newobj (quote nil)) (set-name newobj "Octo-Quad->BFormat.aiff") (set-tonalite newobj nil) newobj) "x" nil (pairlis (quote (scale show-stems obj-mode score-mode winpos winsize mode grillestep notechancolor? zoom player inport outport deltapict cmnpref staff fontsize approx)) (list nil (quote t) 1 0 (om-make-point 231 22) (om-make-point 895 356) 0 1000 nil 1 (quote :multiplayer) 0 nil (om-make-point 0 0) (let ((newobj (make-instance (quote edition-values)))) (setf (paper-size newobj) (om-make-point 600 800)) (setf (top-margin newobj) 2) (setf (left-margin newobj) 1) (setf (right-margin newobj) 1) (setf (bottom-margin newobj) 1) (setf (orientation newobj) nil) (setf (scale newobj) nil) (setf (system-space newobj) (quote (1))) (setf (system-color newobj) (quote nil)) (setf (line-space newobj) 1) (setf (title newobj) nil) (setf (show-title? newobj) nil) (setf (show-page? newobj) nil) (setf (sheet-id newobj) nil) (setf (page-mode newobj) nil) newobj) (quote g) 24 2)) t nil nil nil))) (when (fboundp (quote set-active)) (set-active box nil)) box) (let ((box (om-load-boxcomment "comment" (om-make-point 224 48) (quote "combination with OMPrisma:$Virtual Loudspeakers") "" (om-make-point 635 71) nil (om-make-color 0 0 0) (om-make-font "Gill Sans" 14.0 :family "Gill Sans" :style (quote (:bold)) :mode (quote nil))))) (when (fboundp (quote set-active)) (set-active box nil)) box) (let ((box (om-load-boxcomment "comment" (om-make-point 144 32) (quote "matrix processing") "" (om-make-point 125 108) nil (om-make-color 0 0 0) (om-make-font "Gill Sans" 14.0 :family "Gill Sans" :style (quote (:bold)) :mode (quote nil))))) (when (fboundp (quote set-active)) (set-active box nil)) box) (let ((box (om-load-boxcomment "comment" (om-make-point 321 42) (quote "MultiChannel Format Conversion") "" (om-make-point 69 8) nil (om-make-color 0 0 0) (om-make-font "Gill Sans" 18.0 :family "Gill Sans" :style (quote (:bold)) :mode (quote nil))))) (when (fboundp (quote set-active)) (set-active box nil)) box) (let ((box (om-load-boxcomment "comment 4" (om-make-point 39 24) (quote "Octo") "" (om-make-point 77 222) nil (om-make-color 0.0 0.19194556 1.0) (om-make-font "Verdana" 10.0 :family "Verdana" :style (quote (:italic)) :mode (quote nil))))) (when (fboundp (quote set-active)) (set-active box nil)) box) (let ((box (om-load-boxcomment "comment 4" (om-make-point 42 24) (quote "Quad") "" (om-make-point 276 518) nil (om-make-color 0.0 0.19194556 1.0) (om-make-font "Verdana" 10.0 :family "Verdana" :style (quote (:italic)) :mode (quote nil))))) (when (fboundp (quote set-active)) (set-active box nil)) box) (let ((box (om-load-boxcomment "comment 4" (om-make-point 65 36) (quote "horizontal$B-Format") "" (om-make-point 596 544) nil (om-make-color 0.0 0.19194556 1.0) (om-make-font "Verdana" 10.0 :family "Verdana" :style (quote (:italic)) :mode (quote nil))))) (when (fboundp (quote set-active)) (set-active box nil)) box) (let ((box (om-load-boxcomment "comment 4" (om-make-point 42 24) (quote "Octo") "" (om-make-point 649 223) nil (om-make-color 0.0 0.19194556 1.0) (om-make-font "Verdana" 10.0 :family "Verdana" :style (quote (:italic)) :mode (quote nil))))) (when (fboundp (quote set-active)) (set-active box nil)) box) (let ((box (om-load-editor-box1 "Channel-based-Remix-map.aif" (quote sound) (quote ((om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "object" "self" nil) (om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "a track index for multichannel mixing" "tracknum" 0) (om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "a list of markers (s)" "markers" nil))) (om-make-point 806 125) (om-make-point 80 50) (let ((newobj (let ((thesound (load-sound (om-make-pathname :directory (quote (:relative "in-files")) :device nil :host nil :name "Channel-based-Remix-map" :type "aif") 0 100 0))) (when thesound (setf (markers thesound) (quote nil))) thesound))) (load-port-info newobj (quote nil)) (init-mus-color newobj (quote nil)) (set-extra-pairs newobj (quote nil)) (set-patch-pairs newobj (quote nil)) (set-name newobj "Channel-based-Remix-map.aif") (set-tonalite newobj nil) newobj) "x" nil (pairlis (quote (approx fontsize staff cmnpref deltapict outport inport player zoom notechancolor? grillestep mode winsize winpos score-mode obj-mode show-stems scale)) (list 2 24 (quote g) (let ((newobj (make-instance (quote edition-values)))) (setf (paper-size newobj) (om-make-point 600 800)) (setf (top-margin newobj) 2) (setf (left-margin newobj) 1) (setf (right-margin newobj) 1) (setf (bottom-margin newobj) 1) (setf (orientation newobj) nil) (setf (scale newobj) nil) (setf (system-space newobj) (quote (1))) (setf (system-color newobj) (quote nil)) (setf (line-space newobj) 1) (setf (title newobj) nil) (setf (show-title? newobj) nil) (setf (show-page? newobj) nil) (setf (sheet-id newobj) nil) (setf (page-mode newobj) nil) newobj) (om-make-point 0 0) nil 0 (quote :multiplayer) 1 nil 1000 0 (om-make-point 1029 359) (om-make-point 400 22) 0 1 (quote t) nil)) t nil nil nil))) (when (fboundp (quote set-active)) (set-active box nil)) box) (let ((box (om-load-boxcall (quote bastype) "aux 4" (quote t) (quote nil) (om-make-point 696 408) (om-make-point 151 30) "Octo-Quad->Bformat" "\"Octo-Quad->Bformat\"" nil))) (when (fboundp (quote set-active)) (set-active box nil)) box) (let ((box (om-load-boxcomment "comment 4" (om-make-point 42 24) (quote "Quad") "" (om-make-point 880 232) nil (om-make-color 0.0 0.19194556 1.0) (om-make-font "Verdana" 10.0 :family "Verdana" :style (quote (:italic)) :mode (quote nil))))) (when (fboundp (quote set-active)) (set-active box nil)) box) (let ((box (om-load-editor-box1 "BPC 2" (quote bpc) (quote ((om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "object" "self" nil) (om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "X coordinates (list)" "x-points" (list 0 100)) (om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "Y coordinates (list)" "y-points" (list 0 100)) (om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "precision (integer) [0 - 10]" "decimals" 0))) (om-make-point 878 260) (om-make-point 40 60) (let ((newobj (when (find-class (quote bpc) nil) (let ((newbpf (simple-bpf-from-list (quote (-1.5 1.5 1.5 -1.5)) (quote (1.5 1.5 -1.5 -1.5)) (quote bpc) 5))) (setf (bpfcolor newbpf) (om-make-color 0 0 0)) (set-name newbpf nil) newbpf)))) (when newobj) newobj) "x" nil (pairlis (quote (picture winpos winsize)) (list nil (om-make-point 10 40) (om-make-point 485 499))) t nil nil nil))) (when (fboundp (quote set-active)) (set-active box nil)) box) (let ((box (om-load-editor-box1 "AMBI.DISCRETE 2" (quote ambi.discrete) (quote ((om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "Synthesis event" "self" nil) (om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "Number of components [int]" "numcols" 4) (om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "Event offset [s]" "action-time" 0) (om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "A lambda function applied to each component" "user-fun" nil) (om-load-inputkeyword (quote editor-keyword) "" "soundfile" (quote :soundfile) nil nil) (om-load-inputkeyword (quote editor-keyword) "" "xpos" (quote :xpos) 0 nil) (om-load-inputkeyword (quote editor-keyword) "" "ypos" (quote :ypos) 0 nil))) (om-make-point 743 324) (om-make-point 120 50) (let ((rep (if (find-class (quote ambi.discrete) nil) (let ((rep (make-instance (quote ambi.discrete) :numcols 4))) (when (member (quote e-dels) (get-init-slots-of-class (quote ambi.discrete)) :key (quote car)) (setf (slot-value rep (quote e-dels)) 0)) (when (member (quote durs) (get-init-slots-of-class (quote ambi.discrete)) :key (quote car)) (setf (slot-value rep (quote durs)) 0)) (when (member (quote soundfile) (get-init-slots-of-class (quote ambi.discrete)) :key (quote car)) (setf (slot-value rep (quote soundfile)) (list (om-make-pathname :directory (quote (:absolute "Users" "Marlon_MBPro3" "Research" "ircam-forum2013" "Forum2013-wkspc" "in-files")) :device :unspecific :host nil :name "Channel-based-Remix-map_omsox-ch1" :type "aif") (om-make-pathname :directory (quote (:absolute "Users" "Marlon_MBPro3" "Research" "ircam-forum2013" "Forum2013-wkspc" "in-files")) :device :unspecific :host nil :name "Channel-based-Remix-map_omsox-ch2" :type "aif") (om-make-pathname :directory (quote (:absolute "Users" "Marlon_MBPro3" "Research" "ircam-forum2013" "Forum2013-wkspc" "in-files")) :device :unspecific :host nil :name "Channel-based-Remix-map_omsox-ch3" :type "aif") (om-make-pathname :directory (quote (:absolute "Users" "Marlon_MBPro3" "Research" "ircam-forum2013" "Forum2013-wkspc" "in-files")) :device :unspecific :host nil :name "Channel-based-Remix-map_omsox-ch4" :type "aif")))) (when (member (quote gain) (get-init-slots-of-class (quote ambi.discrete)) :key (quote car)) (setf (slot-value rep (quote gain)) 0)) (when (member (quote gain-env) (get-init-slots-of-class (quote ambi.discrete)) :key (quote car)) (setf (slot-value rep (quote gain-env)) (let ((newobj (when (find-class (quote gen-07) nil) (let ((newbpf (simple-bpf-from-list (quote (0.0 512.0)) (quote (1.0 1.0)) (quote gen-07) 5))) (setf (bpfcolor newbpf) (om-make-color 0 0 0)) (set-name newbpf nil) newbpf)))) (when newobj (setf (stime newobj) 0) (setf (size newobj) 513) (setf (id newobj) "?")) newobj))) (when (member (quote startpos) (get-init-slots-of-class (quote ambi.discrete)) :key (quote car)) (setf (slot-value rep (quote startpos)) 0)) (when (member (quote xpos) (get-init-slots-of-class (quote ambi.discrete)) :key (quote car)) (setf (slot-value rep (quote xpos)) (list -1.5 1.5 1.5 -1.5))) (when (member (quote ypos) (get-init-slots-of-class (quote ambi.discrete)) :key (quote car)) (setf (slot-value rep (quote ypos)) (list 1.5 1.5 -1.5 -1.5))) (when (member (quote zpos) (get-init-slots-of-class (quote ambi.discrete)) :key (quote car)) (setf (slot-value rep (quote zpos)) 0)) (when (member (quote atten-fun) (get-init-slots-of-class (quote ambi.discrete)) :key (quote car)) (setf (slot-value rep (quote atten-fun)) 0)) (when (member (quote air-fun) (get-init-slots-of-class (quote ambi.discrete)) :key (quote car)) (setf (slot-value rep (quote air-fun)) 0)) (when (member (quote time-fun) (get-init-slots-of-class (quote ambi.discrete)) :key (quote car)) (setf (slot-value rep (quote time-fun)) 0)) (when (member (quote reference-distance) (get-init-slots-of-class (quote ambi.discrete)) :key (quote car)) (setf (slot-value rep (quote reference-distance)) 1)) (when (member (quote order) (get-init-slots-of-class (quote ambi.discrete)) :key (quote car)) (setf (slot-value rep (quote order)) 3)) (setf (lcontrols rep) (list)) (setf (action-time rep) 0) (setf (data rep) (list (list 0 0 0 0) (list 90.550026 90.550026 90.550026 90.550026) (list (om-make-pathname :directory (quote (:absolute "Users" "Marlon_MBPro3" "Research" "ircam-forum2013" "Forum2013-wkspc" "in-files")) :device :unspecific :host nil :name "Channel-based-Remix-map_omsox-ch1" :type "aif") (om-make-pathname :directory (quote (:absolute "Users" "Marlon_MBPro3" "Research" "ircam-forum2013" "Forum2013-wkspc" "in-files")) :device :unspecific :host nil :name "Channel-based-Remix-map_omsox-ch2" :type "aif") (om-make-pathname :directory (quote (:absolute "Users" "Marlon_MBPro3" "Research" "ircam-forum2013" "Forum2013-wkspc" "in-files")) :device :unspecific :host nil :name "Channel-based-Remix-map_omsox-ch3" :type "aif") (om-make-pathname :directory (quote (:absolute "Users" "Marlon_MBPro3" "Research" "ircam-forum2013" "Forum2013-wkspc" "in-files")) :device :unspecific :host nil :name "Channel-based-Remix-map_omsox-ch4" :type "aif")) (list 0 0 0 0) (list (let ((newobj (when (find-class (quote gen-07) nil) (let ((newbpf (simple-bpf-from-list (quote (0.0 512.0)) (quote (1.0 1.0)) (quote gen-07) 5))) (setf (bpfcolor newbpf) (om-make-color 0 0 0)) (set-name newbpf nil) newbpf)))) (when newobj (setf (stime newobj) 0) (setf (size newobj) 513) (setf (id newobj) "?")) newobj) (let ((newobj (when (find-class (quote gen-07) nil) (let ((newbpf (simple-bpf-from-list (quote (0.0 512.0)) (quote (1.0 1.0)) (quote gen-07) 5))) (setf (bpfcolor newbpf) (om-make-color 0 0 0)) (set-name newbpf nil) newbpf)))) (when newobj (setf (stime newobj) 0) (setf (size newobj) 513) (setf (id newobj) "?")) newobj) (let ((newobj (when (find-class (quote gen-07) nil) (let ((newbpf (simple-bpf-from-list (quote (0.0 512.0)) (quote (1.0 1.0)) (quote gen-07) 5))) (setf (bpfcolor newbpf) (om-make-color 0 0 0)) (set-name newbpf nil) newbpf)))) (when newobj (setf (stime newobj) 0) (setf (size newobj) 513) (setf (id newobj) "?")) newobj) (let ((newobj (when (find-class (quote gen-07) nil) (let ((newbpf (simple-bpf-from-list (quote (0.0 512.0)) (quote (1.0 1.0)) (quote gen-07) 5))) (setf (bpfcolor newbpf) (om-make-color 0 0 0)) (set-name newbpf nil) newbpf)))) (when newobj (setf (stime newobj) 0) (setf (size newobj) 513) (setf (id newobj) "?")) newobj)) (list 0 0 0 0) (list -1.5 1.5 1.5 -1.5) (list 1.5 1.5 -1.5 -1.5) (list 0 0 0 0) (list 0 0 0 0) (list 0 0 0 0) (list 0 0 0 0) (list 1 1 1 1) (list 3 3 3 3))) rep)))) (put-precision rep (list 3)) rep) "x" nil (pairlis (quote (winpos winsize color-list show-opt-fields cur-group-ind panel-list)) (list (om-make-point 10 40) (om-make-point 500 280) (list (om-make-color 0 0 0) (om-make-color 0 0 0) (om-make-color 0 0 0) (om-make-color 0 0 0) (om-make-color 0 0 0) (om-make-color 0 0 0) (om-make-color 0 0 0) (om-make-color 0 0 0) (om-make-color 0 0 0) (om-make-color 0 0 0) (om-make-color 0 0 0) (om-make-color 0 0 0) (om-make-color 0 0 0) (om-make-color 0 0 0)) (quote t) 0 (list (list "All open" (list 0 (quote t)) (list 1 (quote t)) (list 2 (quote t)) (list 3 (quote t)) (list 4 (quote t)) (list 5 (quote t)) (list 6 (quote t)) (list 7 (quote t)) (list 8 (quote t)) (list 9 (quote t)) (list 10 (quote t)) (list 11 (quote t)) (list 12 (quote t)) (list 13 (quote t))) (list "All close" (list 0 nil) (list 1 nil) (list 2 nil) (list 3 nil) (list 4 nil) (list 5 nil) (list 6 nil) (list 7 nil) (list 8 nil) (list 9 nil) (list 10 nil) (list 11 nil) (list 12 nil) (list 13 nil))))) nil nil nil nil))) (when (fboundp (quote set-active)) (set-active box nil)) box) (let ((box (om-load-editor-box1 "AMBI.DISCRETE" (quote ambi.discrete) (quote ((om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "Synthesis event" "self" nil) (om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "Number of components [int]" "numcols" 8) (om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "Event offset [s]" "action-time" 0) (om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "A lambda function applied to each component" "user-fun" nil) (om-load-inputkeyword (quote editor-keyword) "" "soundfile" (quote :soundfile) nil nil) (om-load-inputkeyword (quote editor-keyword) "" "xpos" (quote :xpos) 0 nil) (om-load-inputkeyword (quote editor-keyword) "" "ypos" (quote :ypos) 0 nil))) (om-make-point 519 323) (om-make-point 120 50) (let ((rep (if (find-class (quote ambi.discrete) nil) (let ((rep (make-instance (quote ambi.discrete) :numcols 8))) (when (member (quote e-dels) (get-init-slots-of-class (quote ambi.discrete)) :key (quote car)) (setf (slot-value rep (quote e-dels)) 0)) (when (member (quote durs) (get-init-slots-of-class (quote ambi.discrete)) :key (quote car)) (setf (slot-value rep (quote durs)) 0)) (when (member (quote soundfile) (get-init-slots-of-class (quote ambi.discrete)) :key (quote car)) (setf (slot-value rep (quote soundfile)) (list (om-make-pathname :directory (quote (:absolute "Users" "Marlon_MBPro3" "Research" "ircam-forum2013" "Forum2013-wkspc" "in-files")) :device :unspecific :host nil :name "Spiel_harm-Cello_vbap(randGen)_omsox_omsox-ch1" :type "aif") (om-make-pathname :directory (quote (:absolute "Users" "Marlon_MBPro3" "Research" "ircam-forum2013" "Forum2013-wkspc" "in-files")) :device :unspecific :host nil :name "Spiel_harm-Cello_vbap(randGen)_omsox_omsox-ch2" :type "aif") (om-make-pathname :directory (quote (:absolute "Users" "Marlon_MBPro3" "Research" "ircam-forum2013" "Forum2013-wkspc" "in-files")) :device :unspecific :host nil :name "Spiel_harm-Cello_vbap(randGen)_omsox_omsox-ch3" :type "aif") (om-make-pathname :directory (quote (:absolute "Users" "Marlon_MBPro3" "Research" "ircam-forum2013" "Forum2013-wkspc" "in-files")) :device :unspecific :host nil :name "Spiel_harm-Cello_vbap(randGen)_omsox_omsox-ch4" :type "aif") (om-make-pathname :directory (quote (:absolute "Users" "Marlon_MBPro3" "Research" "ircam-forum2013" "Forum2013-wkspc" "in-files")) :device :unspecific :host nil :name "Spiel_harm-Cello_vbap(randGen)_omsox_omsox-ch5" :type "aif") (om-make-pathname :directory (quote (:absolute "Users" "Marlon_MBPro3" "Research" "ircam-forum2013" "Forum2013-wkspc" "in-files")) :device :unspecific :host nil :name "Spiel_harm-Cello_vbap(randGen)_omsox_omsox-ch6" :type "aif") (om-make-pathname :directory (quote (:absolute "Users" "Marlon_MBPro3" "Research" "ircam-forum2013" "Forum2013-wkspc" "in-files")) :device :unspecific :host nil :name "Spiel_harm-Cello_vbap(randGen)_omsox_omsox-ch7" :type "aif") (om-make-pathname :directory (quote (:absolute "Users" "Marlon_MBPro3" "Research" "ircam-forum2013" "Forum2013-wkspc" "in-files")) :device :unspecific :host nil :name "Spiel_harm-Cello_vbap(randGen)_omsox_omsox-ch8" :type "aif")))) (when (member (quote gain) (get-init-slots-of-class (quote ambi.discrete)) :key (quote car)) (setf (slot-value rep (quote gain)) 0)) (when (member (quote gain-env) (get-init-slots-of-class (quote ambi.discrete)) :key (quote car)) (setf (slot-value rep (quote gain-env)) (let ((newobj (when (find-class (quote gen-07) nil) (let ((newbpf (simple-bpf-from-list (quote (0.0 512.0)) (quote (1.0 1.0)) (quote gen-07) 5))) (setf (bpfcolor newbpf) (om-make-color 0 0 0)) (set-name newbpf nil) newbpf)))) (when newobj (setf (stime newobj) 0) (setf (size newobj) 513) (setf (id newobj) "?")) newobj))) (when (member (quote startpos) (get-init-slots-of-class (quote ambi.discrete)) :key (quote car)) (setf (slot-value rep (quote startpos)) 0)) (when (member (quote xpos) (get-init-slots-of-class (quote ambi.discrete)) :key (quote car)) (setf (slot-value rep (quote xpos)) (list -0.383 0.383 0.924 0.924 0.383 -0.383 -0.924 -0.924))) (when (member (quote ypos) (get-init-slots-of-class (quote ambi.discrete)) :key (quote car)) (setf (slot-value rep (quote ypos)) (list 0.924 0.924 0.383 -0.383 -0.924 -0.924 -0.383 0.383))) (when (member (quote zpos) (get-init-slots-of-class (quote ambi.discrete)) :key (quote car)) (setf (slot-value rep (quote zpos)) 0)) (when (member (quote atten-fun) (get-init-slots-of-class (quote ambi.discrete)) :key (quote car)) (setf (slot-value rep (quote atten-fun)) 0)) (when (member (quote air-fun) (get-init-slots-of-class (quote ambi.discrete)) :key (quote car)) (setf (slot-value rep (quote air-fun)) 0)) (when (member (quote time-fun) (get-init-slots-of-class (quote ambi.discrete)) :key (quote car)) (setf (slot-value rep (quote time-fun)) 0)) (when (member (quote reference-distance) (get-init-slots-of-class (quote ambi.discrete)) :key (quote car)) (setf (slot-value rep (quote reference-distance)) 1)) (when (member (quote order) (get-init-slots-of-class (quote ambi.discrete)) :key (quote car)) (setf (slot-value rep (quote order)) 3)) (setf (lcontrols rep) (list)) (setf (action-time rep) 0) (setf (data rep) (list (list 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0) (list 90.428 90.428 90.428 90.428 90.428 90.428 90.428 90.428) (list (om-make-pathname :directory (quote (:absolute "Users" "Marlon_MBPro3" "Research" "ircam-forum2013" "Forum2013-wkspc" "in-files")) :device :unspecific :host nil :name "Spiel_harm-Cello_vbap(randGen)_omsox_omsox-ch1" :type "aif") (om-make-pathname :directory (quote (:absolute "Users" "Marlon_MBPro3" "Research" "ircam-forum2013" "Forum2013-wkspc" "in-files")) :device :unspecific :host nil :name "Spiel_harm-Cello_vbap(randGen)_omsox_omsox-ch2" :type "aif") (om-make-pathname :directory (quote (:absolute "Users" "Marlon_MBPro3" "Research" "ircam-forum2013" "Forum2013-wkspc" "in-files")) :device :unspecific :host nil :name "Spiel_harm-Cello_vbap(randGen)_omsox_omsox-ch3" :type "aif") (om-make-pathname :directory (quote (:absolute "Users" "Marlon_MBPro3" "Research" "ircam-forum2013" "Forum2013-wkspc" "in-files")) :device :unspecific :host nil :name "Spiel_harm-Cello_vbap(randGen)_omsox_omsox-ch4" :type "aif") (om-make-pathname :directory (quote (:absolute "Users" "Marlon_MBPro3" "Research" "ircam-forum2013" "Forum2013-wkspc" "in-files")) :device :unspecific :host nil :name "Spiel_harm-Cello_vbap(randGen)_omsox_omsox-ch5" :type "aif") (om-make-pathname :directory (quote (:absolute "Users" "Marlon_MBPro3" "Research" "ircam-forum2013" "Forum2013-wkspc" "in-files")) :device :unspecific :host nil :name "Spiel_harm-Cello_vbap(randGen)_omsox_omsox-ch6" :type "aif") (om-make-pathname :directory (quote (:absolute "Users" "Marlon_MBPro3" "Research" "ircam-forum2013" "Forum2013-wkspc" "in-files")) :device :unspecific :host nil :name "Spiel_harm-Cello_vbap(randGen)_omsox_omsox-ch7" :type "aif") (om-make-pathname :directory (quote (:absolute "Users" "Marlon_MBPro3" "Research" "ircam-forum2013" "Forum2013-wkspc" "in-files")) :device :unspecific :host nil :name "Spiel_harm-Cello_vbap(randGen)_omsox_omsox-ch8" :type "aif")) (list 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0) (list (let ((newobj (when (find-class (quote gen-07) nil) (let ((newbpf (simple-bpf-from-list (quote (0.0 512.0)) (quote (1.0 1.0)) (quote gen-07) 5))) (setf (bpfcolor newbpf) (om-make-color 0 0 0)) (set-name newbpf nil) newbpf)))) (when newobj (setf (stime newobj) 0) (setf (size newobj) 513) (setf (id newobj) "?")) newobj) (let ((newobj (when (find-class (quote gen-07) nil) (let ((newbpf (simple-bpf-from-list (quote (0.0 512.0)) (quote (1.0 1.0)) (quote gen-07) 5))) (setf (bpfcolor newbpf) (om-make-color 0 0 0)) (set-name newbpf nil) newbpf)))) (when newobj (setf (stime newobj) 0) (setf (size newobj) 513) (setf (id newobj) "?")) newobj) (let ((newobj (when (find-class (quote gen-07) nil) (let ((newbpf (simple-bpf-from-list (quote (0.0 512.0)) (quote (1.0 1.0)) (quote gen-07) 5))) (setf (bpfcolor newbpf) (om-make-color 0 0 0)) (set-name newbpf nil) newbpf)))) (when newobj (setf (stime newobj) 0) (setf (size newobj) 513) (setf (id newobj) "?")) newobj) (let ((newobj (when (find-class (quote gen-07) nil) (let ((newbpf (simple-bpf-from-list (quote (0.0 512.0)) (quote (1.0 1.0)) (quote gen-07) 5))) (setf (bpfcolor newbpf) (om-make-color 0 0 0)) (set-name newbpf nil) newbpf)))) (when newobj (setf (stime newobj) 0) (setf (size newobj) 513) (setf (id newobj) "?")) newobj) (let ((newobj (when (find-class (quote gen-07) nil) (let ((newbpf (simple-bpf-from-list (quote (0.0 512.0)) (quote (1.0 1.0)) (quote gen-07) 5))) (setf (bpfcolor newbpf) (om-make-color 0 0 0)) (set-name newbpf nil) newbpf)))) (when newobj (setf (stime newobj) 0) (setf (size newobj) 513) (setf (id newobj) "?")) newobj) (let ((newobj (when (find-class (quote gen-07) nil) (let ((newbpf (simple-bpf-from-list (quote (0.0 512.0)) (quote (1.0 1.0)) (quote gen-07) 5))) (setf (bpfcolor newbpf) (om-make-color 0 0 0)) (set-name newbpf nil) newbpf)))) (when newobj (setf (stime newobj) 0) (setf (size newobj) 513) (setf (id newobj) "?")) newobj) (let ((newobj (when (find-class (quote gen-07) nil) (let ((newbpf (simple-bpf-from-list (quote (0.0 512.0)) (quote (1.0 1.0)) (quote gen-07) 5))) (setf (bpfcolor newbpf) (om-make-color 0 0 0)) (set-name newbpf nil) newbpf)))) (when newobj (setf (stime newobj) 0) (setf (size newobj) 513) (setf (id newobj) "?")) newobj) (let ((newobj (when (find-class (quote gen-07) nil) (let ((newbpf (simple-bpf-from-list (quote (0.0 512.0)) (quote (1.0 1.0)) (quote gen-07) 5))) (setf (bpfcolor newbpf) (om-make-color 0 0 0)) (set-name newbpf nil) newbpf)))) (when newobj (setf (stime newobj) 0) (setf (size newobj) 513) (setf (id newobj) "?")) newobj)) (list 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0) (list -0.383 0.383 0.924 0.924 0.383 -0.383 -0.924 -0.924) (list 0.924 0.924 0.383 -0.383 -0.924 -0.924 -0.383 0.383) (list 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0) (list 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0) (list 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0) (list 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0) (list 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1) (list 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3))) rep)))) (put-precision rep (list 3)) rep) "x" nil (pairlis (quote (winpos winsize color-list show-opt-fields cur-group-ind panel-list)) (list (om-make-point 10 40) (om-make-point 712 774) (list (om-make-color 0 0 0) (om-make-color 0 0 0) (om-make-color 0 0 0) (om-make-color 0 0 0) (om-make-color 0 0 0) (om-make-color 0 0 0) (om-make-color 0 0 0) (om-make-color 0 0 0) (om-make-color 0 0 0) (om-make-color 0 0 0) (om-make-color 0 0 0) (om-make-color 0 0 0) (om-make-color 0 0 0) (om-make-color 0 0 0)) (quote t) 0 (list (list "All open" (list 0 (quote t)) (list 1 (quote t)) (list 2 (quote t)) (list 3 (quote t)) (list 4 (quote t)) (list 5 (quote t)) (list 6 (quote t)) (list 7 (quote t)) (list 8 (quote t)) (list 9 (quote t)) (list 10 (quote t)) (list 11 (quote t)) (list 12 (quote t)) (list 13 (quote t))) (list "All close" (list 0 nil) (list 1 nil) (list 2 nil) (list 3 nil) (list 4 nil) (list 5 nil) (list 6 nil) (list 7 nil) (list 8 nil) (list 9 nil) (list 10 nil) (list 11 nil) (list 12 nil) (list 13 nil))))) nil nil nil nil))) (when (fboundp (quote set-active)) (set-active box nil)) box) (let ((box (om-load-editor-box1 "Spiel_harm-Cello_vbap(randGen)_omsox.aif" (quote sound) (quote ((om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "object" "self" nil) (om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "a track index for multichannel mixing" "tracknum" 0) (om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "a list of markers (s)" "markers" nil))) (om-make-point 582 121) (om-make-point 80 50) (let ((newobj (let ((thesound (load-sound (om-make-pathname :directory (quote (:relative "in-files")) :device nil :host nil :name "Spiel_harm-Cello_vbap(randGen)_omsox" :type "aif") 0 100 0))) (when thesound (setf (markers thesound) (quote nil))) thesound))) (load-port-info newobj (quote nil)) (init-mus-color newobj (quote nil)) (set-extra-pairs newobj (quote nil)) (set-patch-pairs newobj (quote nil)) (set-name newobj "Spiel_harm-Cello_vbap(randGen)_omsox.aif") (set-tonalite newobj nil) newobj) "x" nil (pairlis (quote (approx fontsize staff cmnpref deltapict outport inport player zoom notechancolor? grillestep mode winsize winpos score-mode obj-mode show-stems scale)) (list 2 24 (quote g) (let ((newobj (make-instance (quote edition-values)))) (setf (paper-size newobj) (om-make-point 600 800)) (setf (top-margin newobj) 2) (setf (left-margin newobj) 1) (setf (right-margin newobj) 1) (setf (bottom-margin newobj) 1) (setf (orientation newobj) nil) (setf (scale newobj) nil) (setf (system-space newobj) (quote (1))) (setf (system-color newobj) (quote nil)) (setf (line-space newobj) 1) (setf (title newobj) nil) (setf (show-title? newobj) nil) (setf (show-page? newobj) nil) (setf (sheet-id newobj) nil) (setf (page-mode newobj) nil) newobj) (om-make-point 0 0) nil 0 (quote :multiplayer) 1 nil 1000 0 (om-make-point 932 274) (om-make-point 400 22) 0 1 (quote t) nil)) t nil nil nil))) (when (fboundp (quote set-active)) (set-active box nil)) box) (let ((box (om-load-boxcall (quote genfun) "PRISMA-SETUP" (quote prisma-setup) (quote ((om-load-inputfunmenu1 (quote input-funmenu) "" "SETUP-DATA" (list (list -1.5 1.5) (list 1.5 1.5) (list 1.5 -1.5) (list -1.5 -1.5)) (list (list "stereo" (quote *prisma-lsconfig-stereo*)) (list "3.0" (quote *prisma-lsconfig-3.0*)) (list "quad" (quote *prisma-lsconfig-quad*)) (list "5.0" (quote *prisma-lsconfig-5.0*)) (list "hexagon.1" (quote *prisma-lsconfig-hexa1*)) (list "hexagon.2" (quote *prisma-lsconfig-hexa2*)) (list "7.0" (quote *prisma-lsconfig-7.0*)) (list "octagon.1" (quote *prisma-lsconfig-octo1*)) (list "octagon.2" (quote *prisma-lsconfig-octo2*)) (list "cube.1" (quote *prisma-lsconfig-cube*)))) (om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "" "OSC" (quote t)))) (om-make-point 857 388) nil nil nil nil 1))) (when (fboundp (quote set-active)) (set-active box nil)) box) (let ((box (om-load-boxcall (quote lispfun) "LIST 2" (quote list) (quote ((om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "add-input" "add-input" nil) (om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "add-input" "add-input" nil))) (om-make-point 659 388) nil nil nil nil 1))) (when (fboundp (quote set-active)) (set-active box nil)) box) (let ((box (om-load-boxcall (quote genfun) "SOX-PROCESS 3" (quote sox-process) (quote ((om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "" "INPUT" nil) (om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "" "COMMANDS" ""))) (om-make-point 782 230) nil nil nil nil 1))) (when (fboundp (quote set-active)) (set-active box nil)) box) (let ((box (om-load-editor-box1 "SOX-SPLIT 2" (quote sox-split) (quote ((om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "object" "self" nil) (om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "Audio input for sox input modules. [sound object, pathname, string/pipe]" "soundfiles" nil) (om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "Gain value for audio input before processing (dB). [float, list]" "gains" (list -6)) (om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "Specify input channels as comma-separated numbers (string) or hyphen-delimited channel-number ranges; alternatively, 0 may be given to create a silent output channel. [string, list]" "channels" nil))) (om-make-point 796 179) (om-make-point 70 50) (if (find-class (quote sox-split) nil) (make-instance (quote sox-split) :sound (om-make-pathname :directory (quote (:absolute "Users" "Marlon_MBPro3" "Research" "ircam-forum2013" "Forum2013-wkspc" "in-files")) :device :unspecific :host nil :name "Channel-based-Remix-map" :type "aif") :gains (list -6 -6 -6 -6) :channels (list 1 2 3 4) :from-file t)) nil nil (pairlis (quote (winpos winsize)) (list (om-make-point 10 40) (om-make-point 410 150))) nil nil nil t))) (when (fboundp (quote set-active)) (set-active box nil)) box) (let ((box (om-load-boxcall (quote genfun) "SYNTHESIZE" (quote synthesize) (quote ((om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "something to synthesize..." "ELEMENTS" nil) (om-load-inputkeyword (quote input-keyword) "" "name" (quote :name) nil nil) (om-load-inputkeyword (quote input-keyword) "" "inits" (quote :inits) nil nil))) (om-make-point 653 463) nil nil nil nil 1))) (when (fboundp (quote set-active)) (set-active box nil)) box) (let ((box (om-load-editor-box1 "BPC" (quote bpc) (quote ((om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "object" "SELF" nil) (om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "X coordinates (list)" "X-POINTS" (list 0 100)) (om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "Y coordinates (list)" "Y-POINTS" (list 0 100)) (om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "precision (integer)" "DECIMALS" 5))) (om-make-point 647 252) (om-make-point 40 60) (let ((newobj (when (find-class (quote bpc) nil) (let ((newbpf (simple-bpf-from-list (quote (-0.383 0.383 0.924 0.924 0.383 -0.383 -0.924 -0.924)) (quote (0.924 0.924 0.383 -0.383 -0.924 -0.924 -0.383 0.383)) (quote bpc) 3))) (setf (bpfcolor newbpf) (om-make-color 0 0 0)) (set-name newbpf nil) newbpf)))) (when newobj) newobj) "x" nil (pairlis (quote (picture winpos winsize)) (list nil (om-make-point 10 40) (om-make-point 335 275))) t nil nil nil))) (when (fboundp (quote set-active)) (set-active box nil)) box) (let ((box (om-load-boxcall (quote genfun) "SOX-PROCESS 2" (quote sox-process) (quote ((om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "" "INPUT" nil) (om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "" "COMMANDS" ""))) (om-make-point 558 230) nil nil nil nil 1))) (when (fboundp (quote set-active)) (set-active box nil)) box) (let ((box (om-load-editor-box1 "SOX-SPLIT" (quote sox-split) (quote ((om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "object" "self" nil) (om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "Audio input for sox input modules. [sound object, pathname, string/pipe]" "soundfiles" nil) (om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "Gain value for audio input before processing (dB). [float, list]" "gains" -6) (om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "Specify input channels as comma-separated numbers (string) or hyphen-delimited channel-number ranges; alternatively, 0 may be given to create a silent output channel. [string, list]" "channels" nil))) (om-make-point 572 178) (om-make-point 70 50) (if (find-class (quote sox-split) nil) (make-instance (quote sox-split) :sound (om-make-pathname :directory (quote (:absolute "Users" "Marlon_MBPro3" "Research" "ircam-forum2013" "Forum2013-wkspc" "in-files")) :device :unspecific :host nil :name "Spiel_harm-Cello_vbap(randGen)_omsox" :type "aif") :gains (list -6 -6 -6 -6 -6 -6 -6 -6) :channels (list 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8) :from-file t)) nil nil (pairlis (quote (winpos winsize)) (list (om-make-point 10 40) (om-make-point 818 150))) nil nil nil t))) (when (fboundp (quote set-active)) (set-active box nil)) box) (let ((box (om-load-boxcall (quote bastype) "aux 2" (quote t) (quote nil) (om-make-point 237 214) (om-make-point 70 30) (list 0 6 4 2) "(0 6 4 2)" nil))) (when (fboundp (quote set-active)) (set-active box nil)) box) (let ((box (om-load-boxcall (quote bastype) "aux" (quote t) (quote nil) (om-make-point 139 154) (om-make-point 112 43) (list 0 0 -12 -36 -36 -36 -36 -12) "(0 0 -12 -36 -36$ -36 -36 -12)" nil))) (when (fboundp (quote set-active)) (set-active box nil)) box) (let ((box (om-load-boxcall (quote lispfun) "MAPCAR" (quote mapcar) (quote ((om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "FUNCTION" "FUNCTION" nil) (om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "LIST" "LIST" nil))) (om-make-point 197 257) nil nil nil nil 1))) (when (fboundp (quote set-active)) (set-active box nil)) box) (let ((box (om-load-boxcall (quote lispfun) "ROTATE-LIST" (quote rotate-list) (quote ((om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "LIST" "LIST" nil) (om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "OFFSET" "OFFSET" nil))) (om-make-point 172 204) nil nil "l" nil 1))) (when (fboundp (quote set-active)) (set-active box nil)) box) (let ((box (om-load-editor-box1 "Spiel_tremandharmonics-filtered_vbap(randGen)_compressed.aif" (quote sound) (quote ((om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "object" "self" nil) (om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "a track index for multichannel mixing" "tracknum" 0) (om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "a list of markers (s)" "markers" nil))) (om-make-point 63 245) (om-make-point 80 50) (let ((newobj (let ((thesound (load-sound (om-make-pathname :directory (quote (:relative "in-files")) :device nil :host nil :name "Spiel_tremandharmonics-filtered_vbap(randGen)_compressed" :type "aif") 0 100 0))) (when thesound (setf (markers thesound) (quote nil))) thesound))) (load-port-info newobj (quote nil)) (init-mus-color newobj (quote nil)) (set-extra-pairs newobj (quote nil)) (set-patch-pairs newobj (quote nil)) (set-name newobj "Spiel_tremandharmonics-filtered_vbap(randGen)_compressed.aif") (set-tonalite newobj nil) newobj) "x" nil (pairlis (quote (approx fontsize staff cmnpref deltapict outport inport player zoom notechancolor? grillestep mode winsize winpos score-mode obj-mode show-stems scale)) (list 2 24 (quote g) (let ((newobj (make-instance (quote edition-values)))) (setf (paper-size newobj) (om-make-point 600 800)) (setf (top-margin newobj) 2) (setf (left-margin newobj) 1) (setf (right-margin newobj) 1) (setf (bottom-margin newobj) 1) (setf (orientation newobj) nil) (setf (scale newobj) nil) (setf (system-space newobj) (quote (1))) (setf (system-color newobj) (quote nil)) (setf (line-space newobj) 1) (setf (title newobj) nil) (setf (show-title? newobj) nil) (setf (show-page? newobj) nil) (setf (sheet-id newobj) nil) (setf (page-mode newobj) nil) newobj) (om-make-point 0 0) nil 0 (quote :multiplayer) 1 nil 1000 0 (om-make-point 789 357) (om-make-point 400 22) 0 1 (quote t) nil)) t nil nil nil))) (when (fboundp (quote set-active)) (set-active box nil)) box) (let ((box (om-load-editor-box1 "Channel-based-Remix-map.aif" (quote sound) (quote ((om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "object" "self" nil) (om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "a track index for multichannel mixing" "tracknum" 0) (om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "a list of markers (s)" "markers" nil))) (om-make-point 186 508) (om-make-point 80 50) (let ((newobj (let ((thesound (load-sound (om-make-pathname :directory (quote (:relative "in-files")) :device nil :host nil :name "Channel-based-Remix-map" :type "aif") 0 100 0))) (when thesound (setf (markers thesound) (quote nil))) thesound))) (load-port-info newobj (quote nil)) (init-mus-color newobj (quote nil)) (set-extra-pairs newobj (quote nil)) (set-patch-pairs newobj (quote nil)) (set-name newobj "Channel-based-Remix-map.aif") (set-tonalite newobj nil) newobj) "x" nil (pairlis (quote (approx fontsize staff cmnpref deltapict outport inport player zoom notechancolor? grillestep mode winsize winpos score-mode obj-mode show-stems scale)) (list 2 24 (quote g) (let ((newobj (make-instance (quote edition-values)))) (setf (paper-size newobj) (om-make-point 600 800)) (setf (top-margin newobj) 2) (setf (left-margin newobj) 1) (setf (right-margin newobj) 1) (setf (bottom-margin newobj) 1) (setf (orientation newobj) nil) (setf (scale newobj) nil) (setf (system-space newobj) (quote (1))) (setf (system-color newobj) (quote nil)) (setf (line-space newobj) 1) (setf (title newobj) nil) (setf (show-title? newobj) nil) (setf (show-page? newobj) nil) (setf (sheet-id newobj) nil) (setf (page-mode newobj) nil) newobj) (om-make-point 0 0) nil 0 (quote :multiplayer) 1 nil 1000 0 (om-make-point 1029 359) (om-make-point 400 22) 0 1 (quote t) nil)) t nil nil nil))) (when (fboundp (quote set-active)) (set-active box nil)) box) (let ((box (om-load-boxcall (quote genfun) "REPEAT-N" (quote repeat-n) (quote ((om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "something" "SELF" nil) (om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "times" "N" 4))) (om-make-point 332 246) nil nil nil nil 1))) (when (fboundp (quote set-active)) (set-active box nil)) box) (let ((box (om-load-boxcall (quote genfun) "ARITHM-SER" (quote arithm-ser) (quote ((om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "begin" "BEGIN" 1) (om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "end " "END" 8) (om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "step" "STEP" 1))) (om-make-point 319 175) nil nil nil nil 1))) (when (fboundp (quote set-active)) (set-active box nil)) box) (let ((box (om-load-editor-box1 "SOX-REMIX" (quote sox-remix) (quote ((om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "object" "self" nil) (om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "Audio input for sox input modules. [sound object, pathname, string/pipe]" "soundfiles" nil) (om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "Gain value for audio input before processing (dB). [float, list]" "gains" nil) (om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "" "channels" nil))) (om-make-point 176 315) (om-make-point 75 66) (if (find-class (quote sox-remix) nil) (make-instance (quote sox-remix) :sound (om-make-pathname :directory (quote (:absolute "Users" "Marlon_MBPro3" "Research" "ircam-forum2013" "Forum2013-wkspc" "in-files")) :device :unspecific :host nil :name "Spiel_tremandharmonics-filtered_vbap(randGen)_compressed" :type "aif") :gain-matrix (list (list 0 0 -12 -36 -36 -36 -36 -12) (list -36 -12 0 0 -12 -36 -36 -36) (list -36 -36 -36 -12 0 0 -12 -36) (list -12 -36 -36 -36 -36 -12 0 0)) :channel-matrix (list (list 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8) (list 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8) (list 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8) (list 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8)) :from-file t)) nil nil (pairlis (quote (winpos winsize)) (list (om-make-point 107 23) (om-make-point 410 816))) nil nil nil t))) (when (fboundp (quote set-active)) (set-active box nil)) box) (let ((box (om-load-boxcall (quote genfun) "SOX-PROCESS" (quote sox-process) (quote ((om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "" "INPUT" nil) (om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "" "COMMANDS" "") (om-load-inputkeyword (quote input-keyword) "Output type (new file, replace file, pipe, or realtime) [string]. Also accepts directory, filename, filepath [path]" "output" (quote :output) "realtime" (list (list "new file" nil) (list "replace file" "replace file") (list "pipe" "pipe") (list "realtime" "realtime"))))) (om-make-point 170 418) nil nil nil nil 1))) (when (fboundp (quote set-active)) (set-active box nil)) box) (let ((box (om-load-boxcomment "comment 2" (om-make-point 100 30) (quote "mixing-matrix") "" (om-make-point 254 331) nil (om-make-color 0.0 0.0 1.0) (om-make-font "Verdana" 12.0 :family "Verdana" :style (quote (:italic)) :mode (quote nil))))) (when (fboundp (quote set-active)) (set-active box nil)) box) (let ((box (om-load-boxcall (quote bastype) "list" (quote list) (quote nil) (om-make-point 242 386) (om-make-point 186 30) "Channel-based-Remix-map" "\"Channel-based-Remix-map\"" nil))) (when (fboundp (quote set-active)) (set-active box nil)) box))) (quote ((19 0 0 0 nil 0) (17 0 12 4 nil 0) (11 1 12 5 nil 0) (11 2 12 6 nil 0) (21 0 13 4 nil 0) (20 1 13 5 nil 0) (20 2 13 6 nil 0) (13 0 16 0 nil 0) (12 0 16 1 nil 0) (18 0 17 0 nil 0) (8 0 18 1 nil 0) (16 0 19 0 nil 0) (9 0 19 1 nil 0) (15 0 19 2 nil 0) (22 0 21 0 nil 0) (14 0 22 1 nil 0) (26 0 25 0 nil 0) (23 0 25 1 nil 0) (24 0 26 0 nil 0) (32 0 28 0 nil 0) (30 0 29 0 nil 0) (27 0 31 1 nil 0) (25 0 31 2 nil 0) (29 0 31 3 nil 0) (31 0 32 0 nil 0) (34 0 32 2 nil 0))) nil 6.100008))