(in-package :om)(load-lib-for (quote ("OM-Lead")))(setf *om-current-persistent* (om-load-patch1 "6) gen-harmonies_registration" (quote ((let ((box (om-load-boxcall (quote lispfun) "LIST 2" (quote list) (quote ((om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "add-input" "add-input" nil))) (om-make-point 323 328) nil nil nil nil 1))) (when (fboundp (quote set-active)) (set-active box nil)) box) (let ((box (om-load-boxcall (quote lispfun) "/" (quote /) (quote ((om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "NUM" "NUM" 0) (om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "add-input" "add-input" 2))) (om-make-point 292 278) nil nil nil nil 1))) (when (fboundp (quote set-active)) (set-active box nil)) box) (let ((box (om-load-boxcall (quote lispfun) "LIST" (quote list) (quote ((om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "add-input" "add-input" 0) (om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "add-input" "add-input" 0))) (om-make-point 285 328) nil nil nil nil 1))) (when (fboundp (quote set-active)) (set-active box nil)) box) (let ((box (om-load-boxcall (quote lispfun) "-" (quote -) (quote ((om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "NUM" "NUM" 0) (om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "add-input" "add-input" 0))) (om-make-point 374 274) nil nil nil nil 1))) (when (fboundp (quote set-active)) (set-active box nil)) box) (let ((box (om-load-boxcall (quote lispfun) "CAR" (quote car) (quote ((om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "X" "X" nil))) (om-make-point 399 211) nil nil nil nil 1))) (when (fboundp (quote set-active)) (set-active box nil)) box) (let ((box (om-load-boxcall (quote lispfun) "CADR" (quote cadr) (quote ((om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "X" "X" nil))) (om-make-point 369 211) nil nil nil nil 1))) (when (fboundp (quote set-active)) (set-active box nil)) box) (let ((box (om-load-boxcomment "comment" (om-make-point 182 58) (quote "Registration") nil (om-make-point 80 61) nil (om-make-color 6.60792E-5 0.001801014 0.99822855) (om-make-font "Verdana" 24.0D0 :family "Verdana" :style (quote (:bold)) :mode (quote nil))))) (when (fboundp (quote set-active)) (set-active box nil)) box) (let ((box (om-load-boxcall (quote lispfun) "CAR" (quote car) (quote ((om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "X" "X" nil))) (om-make-point 433 288) nil nil nil nil 1))) (when (fboundp (quote set-active)) (set-active box nil)) box) (let ((box (om-load-editor-box1 "CHORD-SEQ" (quote chord-seq) (quote ((om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "object" "self" nil) (om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "pitches (mc): list or list of lists" "lmidic" (list 6000)) (om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "onsets (ms): list" "lonset" (list 0 1000)) (om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "durations (ms): list or list of lists" "ldur" (list 1000)) (om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "velocities (0-127): list or list of lists" "lvel" (list 100)) (om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "offsets (ms): list or list of lists" "loffset" (list 0)) (om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "MIDI channels (1-16): list or list of lists" "lchan" (list 1)) (om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "relative chords duration (0-100)" "legato" 0))) (om-make-point 129 485) (om-make-point 938 130) (let ((newobj (when (find-class (quote chord-seq) nil) (make-instance (quote chord-seq) :lmidic (quote ((4800 5200 5500 6000) (4800 5200 5500 7200) (4800 5200 6700 6000) (4800 5200 6700 7200) (4800 6400 5500 6000) (4800 6400 5500 7200) (4800 6400 6700 6000) (4800 6400 6700 7200) (6000 5200 5500 6000) (6000 5200 5500 7200) (6000 5200 6700 6000) (6000 5200 6700 7200) (6000 6400 5500 6000) (6000 6400 5500 7200) (6000 6400 6700 6000) (6000 6400 6700 7200))) :lonset (quote (0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 11000 12000 13000 14000 15000 16000)) :ldur (quote ((1000 1000 1000 1000) (1000 1000 1000 1000) (1000 1000 1000 1000) (1000 1000 1000 1000) (1000 1000 1000 1000) (1000 1000 1000 1000) (1000 1000 1000 1000) (1000 1000 1000 1000) (1000 1000 1000 1000) (1000 1000 1000 1000) (1000 1000 1000 1000) (1000 1000 1000 1000) (1000 1000 1000 1000) (1000 1000 1000 1000) (1000 1000 1000 1000) (1000 1000 1000 1000))) :lvel (quote ((100 100 100 100) (100 100 100 100) (100 100 100 100) (100 100 100 100) (100 100 100 100) (100 100 100 100) (100 100 100 100) (100 100 100 100) (100 100 100 100) (100 100 100 100) (100 100 100 100) (100 100 100 100) (100 100 100 100) (100 100 100 100) (100 100 100 100) (100 100 100 100))) :loffset (quote ((0 0 0 0) (0 0 0 0) (0 0 0 0) (0 0 0 0) (0 0 0 0) (0 0 0 0) (0 0 0 0) (0 0 0 0) (0 0 0 0) (0 0 0 0) (0 0 0 0) (0 0 0 0) (0 0 0 0) (0 0 0 0) (0 0 0 0) (0 0 0 0))) :lchan (quote ((1 1 1 1) (1 1 1 1) (1 1 1 1) (1 1 1 1) (1 1 1 1) (1 1 1 1) (1 1 1 1) (1 1 1 1) (1 1 1 1) (1 1 1 1) (1 1 1 1) (1 1 1 1) (1 1 1 1) (1 1 1 1) (1 1 1 1) (1 1 1 1))) :legato 0)))) (load-port-info newobj (quote ((0 0 0 0) (0 0 0 0) (0 0 0 0) (0 0 0 0) (0 0 0 0) (0 0 0 0) (0 0 0 0) (0 0 0 0) (0 0 0 0) (0 0 0 0) (0 0 0 0) (0 0 0 0) (0 0 0 0) (0 0 0 0) (0 0 0 0) (0 0 0 0)))) (init-mus-color newobj (quote nil)) (set-extra-pairs newobj (quote nil)) (set-patch-pairs newobj (quote nil)) (set-name newobj nil) (set-tonalite newobj nil) newobj) nil nil (pairlis (quote (scale show-stems cursor-mode obj-mode score-mode winpos winsize mode grillestep notechancolor? zoom player inport outport deltapict cmnpref staff fontsize approx)) (list nil (quote t) (quote :normal) 1 0 (om-make-point 400 20) (om-make-point 370 280) 0 1000 nil 1 (quote :midi-player) nil nil (om-make-point 0 0) (let ((newobj (make-instance (quote edition-values)))) (setf (paper-size newobj) (om-make-point 600 800)) (setf (top-margin newobj) 2) (setf (left-margin newobj) 1) (setf (right-margin newobj) 1) (setf (bottom-margin newobj) 1) (setf (orientation newobj) nil) (setf (scale newobj) nil) (setf (system-space newobj) (quote (1))) (setf (system-color newobj) (quote nil)) (setf (line-space newobj) 1) (setf (title newobj) nil) (setf (show-title? newobj) nil) (setf (show-page? newobj) nil) (setf (sheet-id newobj) nil) (setf (page-mode newobj) nil) newobj) (quote g) 24 2)) t nil nil nil (quote nil)))) (when (fboundp (quote set-active)) (set-active box nil)) box) (let ((box (om-load-boxcall (quote bastype) "aux 3" (quote t) (quote nil) (om-make-point 10 280) (om-make-point 129 30) (list (list 0 400 700 1200)) "((0 400 700 1200))" nil))) (when (fboundp (quote set-active)) (set-active box nil)) box) (let ((box (om-load-boxcall (quote bastype) "aux" (quote t) (quote nil) (om-make-point 160 198) (om-make-point 90 30) (list 4800 7200) "(4800 7200)" nil))) (when (fboundp (quote set-active)) (set-active box nil)) box) (let ((box (om-load-boxcall (quote genfun) "GEN-HARMONIES" (quote omlead::gen-harmonies) (quote ((om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "a list of lists of intervals respective to a base not in midi-cents" "PITCH-SET-LIST" (list (list 0))) (om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "range-list with the lowest and highest note of the instrument in midi-cents" "INSTR1" (list 6000 7200)) (om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "range-list with the lowest and highest note of the instrument in midi-cents" "INSTR2" nil) (om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "range-list with the lowest and highest note of the instrument in midi-cents" "INSTR3" nil) (om-load-inputfun (quote input-funbox) "range-list with the lowest and highest note of the instrument in midi-cents" "INSTR4" nil) (om-load-inputkeyword (quote input-keyword) "" "register-list" (quote :register-list) nil nil) (om-load-inputkeyword (quote input-keyword) "" "skala" (quote :skala) nil nil) (om-load-inputkeyword (quote input-keyword) "" "fundamental" (quote :fundamental) nil nil))) (om-make-point 68 371) (om-make-point 345 67) nil nil nil 1))) (when (fboundp (quote set-active)) (set-active box nil)) box))) (quote ((3 0 0 0 nil 0) (3 0 1 0 nil 0) (1 0 2 1 nil 0) (5 0 3 0 nil 0) (4 0 3 1 nil 0) (10 0 4 0 nil 0) (10 0 5 0 nil 0) (10 0 7 0 nil 0) (11 0 8 1 nil 0) (9 0 11 0 nil 0) (10 0 11 1 nil 0) (10 0 11 2 nil 0) (10 0 11 3 nil 0) (10 0 11 4 nil 0) (2 0 11 5 nil 0) (0 0 11 6 nil 0) (7 0 11 7 nil 0))) nil 7.02))