;OM-Lead, 2022-2023
;Library for Rule-based Voice-Leading
;Author: Lorenz Lehmann
;Supervision: Marlon Schumacher
(in-package :omlead)
(om::defmethod! harmon-rhythm (harmon_progress measure_numerator measure_denominator n-bars n-harmonies tree-base1 &key tree-base2 tree-base3 tree-base4 (tempo 60) (legato 100) (chan-i1 1) (chan-i2 1) (chan-i3 1) (chan-i4 1) (vel-i1 100) (vel-i2 100) (vel-i3 100) (vel-i4 100) off-sets proportions pulses pause-tie avoid-pause-repetitions)
:icon 030719971
:numouts 5
;:indoc '("tree: a list of trees or a list of lists with trees (((tree) (tree) (tree)))/ (((tree1) (tree2)) ((tree1)))" "chords -> harmon-progress")
(defun mat-trans_oml (list)
(loop for y in (let (count-list)
(dotimes (i (length (car list)))
(setq count-list (cons i count-list))) (nreverse count-list))
collect (loop for x in list collect (nth y x))))
(defun n-pulses_oml (l)
(labels ((pulses (liste)
(if (null (car liste))
(cond ((atom (car liste))
(cons 1
(pulses (cdr liste))))
(t (pulses (car liste)))))))
(length (pulses l))))
(defun nth-rand_oml (liste)
(nth (random (length liste)) liste))
(defun list_oml (seq list)
(if (null seq)
(cons (butlast seq (- (length seq) (car list)))
(list_oml (nthcdr (car list) seq) (cdr list)))))
(defun flat_oml (liste)
((null (cdr liste))
(if (atom (car liste))
(flat_oml (car liste))))
((and (listp (car liste)) (not (listp (cadr liste))))
(append (car liste)
(flat_oml (cdr liste))))
((and (not (listp (car liste))) (not (listp (cadr liste))))
(append (list (car liste))
(flat_oml (cdr liste))))
((and (listp (car liste)) (listp (cadr liste)))
(append (car liste)
(flat_oml (cdr liste))))
((and (not (listp (car liste))) (listp (cadr liste)))
(append (list (car liste))
(flat_oml (cdr liste))))))
(defun find-pos_oml (item seq)
(remove nil (loop for s in seq
for x
collect (if (equal item s) x))))
(defun replace_oml (positions item liste)
(let ((positions (if (atom positions) (list positions) positions)))
(loop for i in liste
for p
collect (if (find p positions) item i))))
(defun sum_oml (liste)
(if (null (cdr liste))
(car liste)
(+ (car liste)
(sum_oml (cdr liste)))))
(let* ((n-harms (cond ((atom n-harmonies) (loop repeat n-bars collect n-harmonies))
((< (length n-harmonies) n-bars)
(append n-harmonies (loop repeat (- n-bars (length n-harmonies)) collect (car (last n-harmonies)))))
(t n-harmonies)))
(loop repeat n-bars
for trees1 in (cond ((< (length tree-base1) n-bars)
(append tree-base1 (loop repeat (- n-bars (length tree-base1)) collect (car (last tree-base1)))))
(t tree-base1))
for trees2 in (cond ((< (length tree-base2) n-bars)
(append tree-base2 (loop repeat (- n-bars (length tree-base2)) collect (car (last tree-base2)))))
(t tree-base2))
for trees3 in (cond ((< (length tree-base3) n-bars)
(append tree-base3 (loop repeat (- n-bars (length tree-base3)) collect (car (last tree-base3)))))
(t tree-base3))
for trees4 in (cond ((< (length tree-base4) n-bars)
(append tree-base4 (loop repeat (- n-bars (length tree-base4)) collect (car (last tree-base4)))))
(t tree-base4))
for chords in (list_oml (cond ((atom (car harmon_progress)) (loop repeat (* n-bars n-harmonies) collect harmon_progress))
((< (length harmon_progress) (* n-bars n-harmonies))
(append harmon_progress
(loop repeat (- (* n-bars n-harmonies) (length harmon_progress)) collect (car (last harmon_progress)))))
(t harmon_progress)) n-harms)
for n-harmony in n-harms
for numerator in (cond ((atom measure_numerator) (loop repeat n-bars collect measure_numerator))
((< (length measure_numerator) n-bars)
(append measure_numerator (loop repeat (- n-bars (length measure_numerator)) collect (car (last measure_numerator)))))
(t measure_numerator))
for denominator in (cond ((atom measure_denominator) (loop repeat n-bars collect measure_denominator))
((< (length measure_denominator) n-bars)
(append measure_denominator (loop repeat (- n-bars (length measure_denominator)) collect (car (last measure_denominator)))))
(t measure_denominator))
for tempo in (cond ((atom tempo) (loop repeat n-bars collect tempo))
((< (length tempo) n-bars)
(append tempo (loop repeat (- n-bars (length tempo)) collect (car (last tempo)))))
(t tempo))
for legato in (cond ((atom legato) (loop repeat n-bars collect legato))
((< (length legato) n-bars)
(append legato (loop repeat (- n-bars (length legato)) collect (car (last legato)))))
(t legato))
for offs in (print (cond ((< (length off-sets) n-bars)
(append off-sets (loop repeat (- n-bars (length off-sets)) collect (car (last off-sets)))))
(t off-sets)))
for props in (cond ((< (length proportions) n-bars)
(append proportions (loop repeat (- n-bars (length proportions)) collect (car (last proportions)))))
(t proportions))
for puls in (cond ((< (length pulses) n-bars)
(append pulses (loop repeat (- n-bars (length pulses)) collect (car (last pulses)))))
(t pulses))
((voice-num (length (car chords)))
(midi-list (loop for instr to (1- voice-num)
(mapcar #'(lambda (l) (list (nth instr l))) chords)))
(trees (list trees1 trees2 trees3 trees4))
(tree-list (loop for l in trees
for m in midi-list
while l
;Tree BARS
(list 1 (list (list (list numerator denominator)
(if (find -1 (flat_oml m))
(replace_oml (find-pos_oml '(-1) m) -1
(loop for r in l
collect (if (= n-harmony (n-pulses_oml r)) r))))
(loop for r in l
collect (if (= n-harmony (n-pulses_oml r)) r)))))))))
(tree-list (cond (off-sets
(setf beats (nth-rand_oml puls))
(setf item (nth-rand_oml props))
(loop for tree in tree-list
for x
for pattern in (print (make-list (length beats)
:initial-element (mapcar #'(lambda (pr pa) (* pr pa))
(nth x
(loop for i in (nth-rand_oml offs)
collect (cond ((= 1 i) 1) ((= -1 i) -1) (t -1)) into instr1
collect (cond ((= 2 i) 1) ((= -2 i) -1) (t -1)) into instr2
collect (cond ((= 3 i) 1) ((= -3 i) -1) (t -1)) into instr3
collect (cond ((= 4 i) 1) ((= -4 i) -1) (t -1)) into instr4
finally (return (mapcar #'(lambda (l) (if (= (count -1 l) (length l)) 'nil l))
(list instr1 instr2 instr3 instr4))))))))
do (setf beats (nth-rand_oml puls))
do (setf item (nth-rand_oml props))
(om::subst-rhythm tree beats pattern)))
(t tree-list)))
(mapcar #'(lambda (l) (remove '(-1) l :test 'equal)) midi-list))
(loop for instr to (1- voice-num)
collect (loop for m in (nth instr midi-list)
collect (om::make-instance 'om::chord
:lmidic m
:lchan '(1)
:lvel '(100))))))
;ergebnis: list of chord-lists
(loop for instr to (1- voice-num)
(om::make-instance 'om::voice
:tree (nth instr tree-list)
:chords (nth instr chord-lists)
:tempo tempo
:legato legato
(voices (loop for x in (mat-trans_oml voice-list)
collect (reduce #'om::concat x))))
(values-list (list (reverse voices) (nth 0 voices) (nth 1 voices) (nth 2 voices) (nth 3 voices)))