(in-package :omlead)
(om::defmethod! gen-harmonies (pitch-sets trans-scale ranges expand-harmonies filter-harmonies)
:icon 030719978
;++++++++++++++++++++++ transposition ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
(let* ((scale
((numberp (car trans-scale ))
(t (let ((fundamental (second trans-scale))
(negativ (third trans-scale))
(positiv (fourth trans-scale))
(mode (fifth trans-scale))
(range-min (list-min_oml (flat_oml ranges)))
(range-max (list-max_oml (flat_oml ranges))))
(reverse (loop for counter
for i = (if (or (eq 'hold mode) (eq 'hold-mirror mode))
(hold-list negativ counter) (circular-list negativ counter)) ;;endless down-list
sum i into total
until (> range-min (- fundamental total))
collect (- fundamental total)
(list fundamental)
(loop for counter
for i = (if (or (eq 'hold mode) (eq 'hold-mirror mode))
(hold-list positiv counter) (circular-list positiv counter)) ;;endless up-list
sum i into total
until (< range-max (+ fundamental total))
collect (+ fundamental total)))))))
(harmonies (loop for pitch-set in pitch-sets
append (loop for pitch in scale
collect (mapcar (lambda (x) (+ x pitch)) pitch-set))))
;++++++++++++++++ adapt-collection-to-voice-ranges ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
(harmonies (remove nil (loop for harmony in (remove-duplicates harmonies :test #'equal)
collect (if (find -1 (mapcar (lambda (pitch range)
(if (and (<= pitch (list-max_oml range)) (>= pitch (list-min_oml range))) pitch -1))
harmony ranges)) nil harmony))))
;++++++++++++++++ expand-harmonies ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
(expand-harmonies (if (atom (caar expand-harmonies)) (list expand-harmonies) expand-harmonies))
(if (car expand-harmonies)
(let ((harmony-list (list harmonies)))
(loop for expand-box in expand-harmonies
do (loop for rule in (second expand-box)
do (loop for harmony in (car harmony-list)
if (tester_oml
(lambda (x) (and (<= (list-min_oml (third expand-box)) x) (>= (list-max_oml (third expand-box)) x)))
(mapcar (lambda (y)
(if (tester_oml (lambda (x) (and (<= (list-min_oml (flat_oml ranges)) x) (>= (list-max_oml (flat_oml ranges)) x))) y)
y nil))
(funcall rule (first expand-box) harmony)) into temp-harmonies
else append harmony into temp-harmonies
finally (fill harmony-list (remove nil temp-harmonies)))))
(car harmony-list))
;++++++++++++++++ filter-harmonies ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
(filter-harmonies (if (atom (caar filter-harmonies)) (list filter-harmonies) filter-harmonies))
(if (car filter-harmonies)
(remove nil (loop for filter-box in filter-harmonies
append (loop for rule in (second filter-box)
append (loop for harmony in harmonies
collect (if (tester_oml
(lambda (x) (and (<= (list-min_oml (third filter-box)) x) (>= (list-max_oml (third filter-box)) x)))
(if (funcall rule (first filter-box) harmony) harmony) harmony)))))
(harmonies (remove nil (loop for harmony in (remove-duplicates harmonies :test #'equal)
collect (if (find -1 (mapcar (lambda (pitch range)
(if (and (<= pitch (list-max_oml range)) (>= pitch (list-min_oml range))) pitch -1))
harmony ranges)) nil harmony))))
(om::defmethod! trans-scale (fundamental scale (mode symbol))
:icon 0307199714
:initvals '(nil nil 'absolute)
:menuins '((2 (("absolute" 'absolute) ("circular" 'circular) ("hold" 'hold)
("circular-mirror" 'circular-mirror) ("hold-mirror" 'hold-mirror))))
((null scale)
(list fundamental))
((eq 'absolute mode)
(append (list fundamental) (loop for i in scale
sum i into total
collect (+ fundamental total))))
((eq 'circular mode)
(list nil fundamental (reverse scale) scale mode))
((eq 'hold mode)
(list nil fundamental (reverse scale) scale mode))
((eq 'circular-mirror mode)
(list nil fundamental (reverse (reverse scale)) scale mode))
((eq 'hold-mirror mode)
(list nil fundamental (reverse (reverse scale)) scale mode))))
;#LL: double reverse in is the only way to avoid an endless loop in the main-function
(om::defmethod! filter-doubles (ids harmony)
:icon 030719977
(if (= (length (remove-duplicates harmony)) (length harmony)) t)
(om::defmethod! permutations (ids harmony)
:icon 030719975
(let ((ids (list! ids)))
(mapcar (lambda (x) (subs-posn harmony ids x))
(permutations_oml (mapcar (lambda (x) (nth x harmony)) ids))
(om::defmethod! registrations (ids harmony register-list)
:icon 030719975
(let ((voices (mapcar (lambda (x) (nth x harmony)) ids)))
(mapcar (lambda (x) (subs-posn harmony ids x))
(loop for registration in (variations_oml register-list (length ids))
collect (mapcar (lambda (x y) (+ x y)) voices registration)))))
(om::defmethod! filter-harmonies (ids rules rule-range)
:icon 030719976
(list (list! ids) (list! rules) rule-range)
(om::defmethod! expand-harmonies (ids rules rule-range)
:icon 030719974
(list (list! ids) (list! rules) rule-range)
(defun list-max_oml (list)
(reduce #'max list))
(defun list-min_oml (list)
(reduce #'min list))
(defun sum_oml (liste &optional (start 0))
(cond ((null liste) start)
(t (sum_oml (cdr liste) (+ start (car liste))))))
(defun circular_oml (items)
(setf (cdr (last items)) items)
(defun flat_oml (liste)
((null (cdr liste))
(if (atom (car liste))
(flat_oml (car liste))))
((and (listp (car liste)) (not (listp (cadr liste))))
(append (car liste)
(flat_oml (cdr liste))))
((and (not (listp (car liste))) (not (listp (cadr liste))))
(append (list (car liste))
(flat_oml (cdr liste))))
((and (listp (car liste)) (listp (cadr liste)))
(append (car liste)
(flat_oml (cdr liste))))
((and (not (listp (car liste))) (listp (cadr liste)))
(append (list (car liste))
(flat_oml (cdr liste))))))
(defun get-pos_oml (positions seq)
(let ((positions (if (atom positions) (list positions) positions)))
(mapcar #'(lambda (it) (nth it seq)) seq)))
(defun permutations_oml (bag)
(if (null bag)
(mapcan #'(lambda (e)
(mapcar #' (lambda (p) (cons e p))
(permutations_oml (remove e bag :count 1 :test #'eq))))
(defun modulo_oml (pos liste)
(nthcdr pos liste)
(butlast liste (- (length liste) pos))))
(defun register-permut_oml (register-list)
(loop for r in register-list
(mapcar #'(lambda (l) (permutations_oml
(append (make-list l :initial-element r)
(make-list (- (length register-list) l) :initial-element 0))))
(loop for x from 1 to (length register-list)
collect x))) 2) :test 'equal))
(defun find-pos_oml (item seq)
(remove nil (loop for s in seq
for x
collect (if (equal item s) x))))
(defun sum_oml (liste)
(if (null (cdr liste))
(car liste)
(+ (car liste)
(sum_oml (cdr liste)))))
(defun variations_oml (liste pcl)
(let* ((liste (remove-duplicates liste))
(liste (make-list pcl :initial-element liste)))
(apply #'alexandria:map-product #'list liste)))
(defun find-dups_oml (lst)
(cond ((null lst) '())
((member (car lst) (cdr lst)) (cons (car lst) (find-dups_oml (cdr lst))))
(t (find-dups_oml (cdr lst)))))
(defun tester_oml (test list)
((null list) t)
((funcall test (car list)) (tester_oml test (cdr list)))
(t nil)