| | |
| | | |
| | | (defclass! sox-hoaencode (sox-input) |
| | | ( |
| | | (positions :accessor positions :initarg :positions :initform nil :documentation *sox-hoaencode-positions-doc*) |
| | | (order :accessor order :initarg :order :initform nil :documentation *sox-hoaencode-order-doc*) |
| | | (positions :accessor positions :initarg :positions :initform '(0 0) :documentation *sox-hoaencode-positions-doc*) |
| | | (order :accessor order :initarg :order :initform 3 :documentation *sox-hoaencode-order-doc*) |
| | | ) |
| | | (:icon 100) |
| | | (:documentation "Sox-hoaencode transforms <sound> into a <order>-th ambisonic (HOA) signal at <positions>. |
| | | (:documentation "Sox-hoaencode encodes <sound> into a <order>-th ambisonic (HOA) signal at <positions>. |
| | | |
| | | The signal follows the ambiX convention, i.e. it uses SN3D normalization and ACN channel ordering. The resulting file has (<order>+1)^2 channels (order 0: 1 channel, order 1: 4 channels, order 2: 9 channels, order 3: 16 channels, ...).") |
| | | ) |