| | |
| | | ;Authors: A. Nguyen, 2025. |
| | | ;Authors: |
| | | ; A. Nguyen, 2025 |
| | | ; M. Schumacher, 2025 |
| | | |
| | | ; Design limitations: |
| | | ; 1) Sounds must have identical sample rate; otherwise, SoX fails silently, literally. |
| | | |
| | | ; Questions: |
| | | ; 1) Is there a built-in (flatten lst)-function? |
| | | ; 2) Implement up to which order? <=> CLI issues to be expected (e.g., maximum command character length)? |
| | | ; 1) Is there a built-in (flatten lst)-function? Yes, om:flat |
| | | ; 2) Implement up to which order? <=> CLI issues to be expected (e.g., maximum command character length)? max character length for CLI should be changeable |
| | | |
| | | (in-package :om) |
| | | |
| | |
| | | ) |
| | | ) |
| | | |
| | | ; Ambisonics |
| | | ; ### Ambisonics ### |
| | | |
| | | (defun sox-hoaencode-sn3d-factor (order degree) |
| | | "This is a placeholder for documentation" |
| | | (ecase order |
| | | (0 1) |
| | | (1 1) |
| | |
| | | ) |
| | | |
| | | (defun sox-hoaencode-azimuth-factor (degree theta_deg) |
| | | "This is a placeholder for documentation" |
| | | (let* |
| | | ( |
| | | (theta (sox-hoaencode-deg-to-rad theta_deg)) |
| | |
| | | ) |
| | | |
| | | (defun sox-hoaencode-elevation-factor (order degree phi_deg) |
| | | "This is a placeholder for documentation" |
| | | (let* |
| | | ( |
| | | (phi (sox-hoaencode-deg-to-rad phi_deg)) |
| | |
| | | ) |
| | | )) |
| | | |
| | | ; Convenience functions |
| | | ; #### Utility functions #### |
| | | |
| | | ; Ensures that positions are given as '((azimuth elevation) ...) (in degrees), i.e. |
| | | ; 1) if list of list of three values, input is assumed to be '(x y z) coordinates and will be transformed to '(azimuth elevation) coordinates (in the navigational spherical coordinate system). |
| | | ; 2) if list of list of two values, input is assumed to be '(azimuth elevation) coordinates and won't be transformed any further. |
| | | ; 3) if 3dc, input is transformed to '(azimuth elevation) coordinates. |
| | | #| |
| | | (defun sox-hoaencode-auto-convert-positions (positions) |
| | | "Ensures that positions are given as '((azimuth elevation) ...) (in degrees), i.e. |
| | | 1) if list of list of three values, input is assumed to be '(x y z) coordinates and will be transformed to '(azimuth elevation) coordinates (in the navigational spherical coordinate system). |
| | | 2) if list of list of two values, input is assumed to be '(azimuth elevation) coordinates and won't be transformed any further. |
| | | 3) if 3dc, input is transformed to '(azimuth elevation) coordinates. |
| | | " |
| | | (cond |
| | | ((subtypep (type-of positions) '3dc) |
| | | (progn ; convert xyz->aed, keep azimuth and elevation only. |
| | |
| | | (lambda (xyz) (multiple-value-list (om:xyz->aed (first xyz) (second xyz) (third xyz)))) |
| | | positions |
| | | ))))) |
| | | (t (error "Input must contain lists of length 2 (ae) or 3 (xyz).")) |
| | | (t (error "Positions must consist of lists of length 2 (ae) or 3 (xyz).")) |
| | | )) |
| | | (t (error "Input must be 3dc or list.")))) |
| | | (t (error "Positions must be of type 3dc or list.")))) |
| | | |# |
| | | |
| | | ; High-level API |
| | | ; Returns the gain value (linear, -1 to 1) for a single ACN-channel |
| | | |
| | | ; ####### High-level API ########## |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | (defun sox-hoaencode-gain-single-component (order degree azimuth_deg elevation_deg) |
| | | "Returns the gain value (linear, -1 to 1) for a single ACN-channel" |
| | | (let |
| | | ( |
| | | ; It is assumed that azimuth_deg follows the implementation details of SpatDIF, |
| | |
| | | (sox-hoaencode-elevation-factor order degree elevation_deg))) |
| | | ) |
| | | |
| | | ; Returns the gain values for all components at a specific order |
| | | ; (sox-hoaencode-gain-single-component 1 1 45 0) |
| | | ; what is the difference between "order" and "degree"? |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | (defun sox-hoaencode-gains-by-order (order azimuth_deg elevation_deg) |
| | | "Returns the gain values for all components at a specific order" |
| | | (loop for degree from (* -1 order) to order collect |
| | | (sox-hoaencode-gain-single-component order degree azimuth_deg elevation_deg))) |
| | | |
| | | ; Returns the gain values for all components up to a specific order |
| | | |
| | | (defun sox-hoaencode-gains-up-to-order (order azimuth_deg elevation_deg) |
| | | "Returns the gain values for all components up to a specific order" |
| | | (sox-hoaencode-double-to-float |
| | | (flatten |
| | | (loop for ord from 0 to order collect |
| | |
| | | |
| | | (defclass! sox-hoaencode (sox-input) |
| | | ( |
| | | (positions :accessor positions :initarg :positions :initform nil :documentation *sox-hoaencode-positions-doc*) |
| | | (order :accessor order :initarg :order :initform nil :documentation *sox-hoaencode-order-doc*) |
| | | (gain :accessor gain :initarg :gain :initform 0 :documentation "gain value in dB (decibel)") |
| | | (azimuth :accessor azimuth :initarg :azimuth :initform 0 :documentation "azimuth angle in degrees") |
| | | (elevation :accessor elevation :initarg :elevation :initform 0 :documentation "elevation angle in degrees") |
| | | (order :accessor order :initarg :order :initform 3 :documentation *sox-hoaencode-order-doc*) |
| | | ) |
| | | (:icon 100) |
| | | (:documentation "Sox-hoaencode transforms <sound> into a <order>-th ambisonic (HOA) signal at <positions>. |
| | | (:documentation "Sox-hoaencode encodes <sound> into a <order>-th ambisonic (HOA) signal at <positions>. |
| | | |
| | | The signal follows the ambiX convention, i.e. it uses SN3D normalization and ACN channel ordering. The resulting file has (<order>+1)^2 channels (order 0: 1 channel, order 1: 4 channels, order 2: 9 channels, order 3: 16 channels, ...).") |
| | | ) |
| | |
| | | (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((self sox-hoaencode) &rest l) |
| | | (declare (ignore l)) |
| | | (when (sound self) |
| | | (sox-init-sound self 'list) |
| | | (sox-init-sound self 'atom) |
| | | ) |
| | | ) |
| | | |
| | | |