Janis Streib
01.02.22 d05d799d9774291f7bc15de4819510b457b20ffd
01.02.22 Janis Streib
UPD: send enumare all sensors and check., if sensors are active
tree@ d05d79 commitdiff
25.01.22 Janis Streib
ADD: textmode
tree@ d6f0ba commitdiff
31.12.21 Janis Streib
ADD: osc support
tree@ e43149 commitdiff
31.12.21 Janis Streib
use cmake
tree@ b6af3a commitdiff
31.12.21 Janis Streib
ADD: argparser
tree@ e9b870 commitdiff
31.12.21 Janis Streib
Removed GTK stuff and added stdout stuff
tree@ 929277 commitdiff
31.12.21 Janis Streib
tree@ 4244cc commitdiff
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