From 197ce0f724aa567c7401f63dc889e7861ed8c0aa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Marlon Schumacher <>
Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2025 16:12:45 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] fix: smaller fixes, comments and cleanups

 .gitignore                         |    3 +
 sources/classes/sox-hoaencode.lisp |   39 +++++++++++++------
 sources/sox-process.lisp           |   21 +++++++++-
 sources/utilities.lisp             |    2 
 4 files changed, 47 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index c7086c9..ec0709d 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -6,4 +6,5 @@
 # OM Reference files
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/sources/classes/sox-hoaencode.lisp b/sources/classes/sox-hoaencode.lisp
index 537acbc..cdefebe 100644
--- a/sources/classes/sox-hoaencode.lisp
+++ b/sources/classes/sox-hoaencode.lisp
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@
 ; 1) Sounds must have identical sample rate; otherwise, SoX fails silently, literally.
 ; Questions:
-; 1) Is there a built-in (flatten lst)-function?
-; 2) Implement up to which order? <=> CLI issues to be expected (e.g., maximum command character length)?
+; 1) Is there a built-in (flatten lst)-function? Yes, om:flat
+; 2) Implement up to which order? <=> CLI issues to be expected (e.g., maximum command character length)? max character length for CLI should be changeable 
 (in-package :om)
@@ -34,8 +34,9 @@
-; Ambisonics
-(defun sox-hoaencode-sn3d-factor (order degree)
+;  ### Ambisonics ###
+(defun sox-hoaencode-sn3d-factor (order degree) ; andere Nomenklatur, "degree" w�re besser "order" um Verwechslung mit Winkeln zu vermeiden
     (ecase order
         (0 1)
         (1 1)
@@ -96,13 +97,14 @@
-; Convenience functions
+; #### Utility functions ####
-; Ensures that positions are given as '((azimuth elevation) ...) (in degrees), i.e.
-; 1) if list of list of three values, input is assumed to be '(x y z) coordinates and will be transformed to '(azimuth elevation) coordinates (in the navigational spherical coordinate system).
-; 2) if list of list of two values, input is assumed to be '(azimuth elevation) coordinates and won't be transformed any further.
-; 3) if 3dc, input is transformed to '(azimuth elevation) coordinates.
 (defun sox-hoaencode-auto-convert-positions (positions)
+"Ensures that positions are given as '((azimuth elevation) ...) (in degrees), i.e.
+1) if list of list of three values, input is assumed to be '(x y z) coordinates and will be transformed to '(azimuth elevation) coordinates (in the navigational spherical coordinate system).
+2) if list of list of two values, input is assumed to be '(azimuth elevation) coordinates and won't be transformed any further.
+3) if 3dc, input is transformed to '(azimuth elevation) coordinates.
         ((subtypep (type-of positions) '3dc)  
             (progn ; convert xyz->aed, keep azimuth and elevation only.
@@ -129,9 +131,13 @@
         (t (error "Positions must be of type 3dc or list."))))
-; High-level API
-; Returns the gain value (linear, -1 to 1) for a single ACN-channel
+; ####### High-level API ########## 
 (defun sox-hoaencode-gain-single-component (order degree azimuth_deg elevation_deg)
+  "Returns the gain value (linear, -1 to 1) for a single ACN-channel"
             ; It is assumed that azimuth_deg follows the implementation details of SpatDIF, 
@@ -146,13 +152,18 @@
             (sox-hoaencode-elevation-factor order degree elevation_deg)))
-; Returns the gain values for all components at a specific order
+; (sox-hoaencode-gain-single-component 1 1 45 0)
+; what is the difference between "order" and "degree"?
 (defun sox-hoaencode-gains-by-order (order azimuth_deg elevation_deg)
+  "Returns the gain values for all components at a specific order"
     (loop for degree from (* -1 order) to order collect 
         (sox-hoaencode-gain-single-component order degree azimuth_deg elevation_deg)))
-; Returns the gain values for all components up to a specific order
 (defun sox-hoaencode-gains-up-to-order (order azimuth_deg elevation_deg)
+  "Returns the gain values for all components up to a specific order"
             (loop for ord from 0 to order collect 
@@ -176,3 +187,5 @@
         (sox-init-sound self 'list)
diff --git a/sources/sox-process.lisp b/sources/sox-process.lisp
index da3a27b..4f5404c 100644
--- a/sources/sox-process.lisp
+++ b/sources/sox-process.lisp
@@ -181,11 +181,16 @@
 ; === sox-hoaencode =============
 (defmethod! sox-process ((sox-input sox-hoaencode) (sox-effect string) &key output filetype samplerate bitdepth recursive batch-mode)
+; would be more consistent with OO programming to have a function sox-hoaencode->sox-merge 
+; (consider how to deal with multiple sounds to be hoaencoded and mixed later on... sox-mix might be better done in an explicit way rather than via the class directly. 
+; in that case a 3DC would have to be used by using points (point-pairs) in a loop 
     (if (probe-file *sox-path*)
                 (not (listp (sound sox-input)))
-                (om-message-abort "sound must be a list.")
+                (om-message-abort "sound must be a list.") ; use list! instead
@@ -236,7 +241,7 @@
                         (if (= (order sox-input) 0)
                             ; case: order = 0
-                                (setf str (string+ str " -m"))
+                                (setf str (string+ str " -m")) ; this is the mixer. e.g. sox-mix
                                 (loop for filename in filenames do
                                     (setf str (string+ str (format nil " ~s" filename)))
@@ -250,6 +255,11 @@
                                     for filename in filenames
                                     for position in positions-ae do
+                                                                   ; in Object-Oriented Programming we would call-next-method i.e. set a sox-merge input class with the corresponding params. 
+                                                                   ; e.g. (make-instance 'sox-merge ... (more redundancy and compactness, less error-prone) ... possible?
+                                                                   ; for multiple sound inputs if possible we would then call a sox-mix to mix the sox merge pipes. everything
                                         (setf str_component (format nil " ~s ~a -M" (namestring *sox-path*) *sox-options*))
@@ -282,6 +292,11 @@
                     (setf str (string+ str sox-effect))
                     (print str)
                     (sox-out str sox-input output outfile recursive)
+                       ;optional removal of temp file
+                  ;    (add-tmp-file outfile_tmp)
+                  ;    (when *delete-inter-file* (clean-tmp-files))
@@ -516,7 +531,7 @@
 ; === sox-mix-console =============
-; Notes
+; Notes on polymorphism
 ; I could make this sox-mix-console (non-consistent) a method where a list of effects will be applied to each sound in the mix-console
 ;   OR: keep this as an extra function for the player
 ; I can't use pipe-input to the mix-console as it makes sox-remix instances with pipe-outputs ->is a pipe in a pipe not possible?
diff --git a/sources/utilities.lisp b/sources/utilities.lisp
index 765656d..4f1b16f 100644
--- a/sources/utilities.lisp
+++ b/sources/utilities.lisp
@@ -366,7 +366,7 @@
                                                 for gainitem in (cdr subgainlist) do
                                                 (unless (< gainitem -150)   ;it would be better to catch 'nil' instead of a very small value (depends on float precision)
                                                   (setf substr (string+ substr (format nil ",~dp~d" channelitem gainitem))))
-                                                finally return substr)
+                                                finally (return substr))

Gitblit v1.9.1