From 6ae8ed47dd6caf4ff4df39f1195b87d02e2537f0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Marlon Schumacher <>
Date: Thu, 06 Mar 2025 00:41:00 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] feat: start adding editor window for SoX-HOAENCODE

 sources/sox-editors.lisp           |   92 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 sources/classes/sox-hoaencode.lisp |   39 ------------
 2 files changed, 92 insertions(+), 39 deletions(-)

diff --git a/sources/classes/sox-hoaencode.lisp b/sources/classes/sox-hoaencode.lisp
index c916b79..8017c38 100644
--- a/sources/classes/sox-hoaencode.lisp
+++ b/sources/classes/sox-hoaencode.lisp
@@ -102,41 +102,6 @@
-; #### Utility functions ####
-(defun sox-hoaencode-auto-convert-positions (positions)
-"Ensures that positions are given as '((azimuth elevation) ...) (in degrees), i.e.
-1) if list of list of three values, input is assumed to be '(x y z) coordinates and will be transformed to '(azimuth elevation) coordinates (in the navigational spherical coordinate system).
-2) if list of list of two values, input is assumed to be '(azimuth elevation) coordinates and won't be transformed any further.
-3) if 3dc, input is transformed to '(azimuth elevation) coordinates.
-    (cond 
-        ((subtypep (type-of positions) '3dc)  
-            (progn ; convert xyz->aed, keep azimuth and elevation only.
-                (mat-trans 
-                    (butlast 
-                        (mat-trans 
-                            (mapcar 
-                                (lambda (xyz) (multiple-value-list (om:xyz->aed (first xyz) (second xyz) (third xyz)))) 
-                                (mat-trans (list (x-points positions) (y-points positions) (z-points positions)))
-                            ))))))
-        ((subtypep (type-of positions) 'list) 
-            (cond
-                ((= 2 (length (first positions)))
-                    positions)
-                ((= 3 (length (first positions))) 
-                    (mat-trans 
-                        (butlast 
-                            (mat-trans 
-                                (mapcar 
-                                    (lambda (xyz) (multiple-value-list (om:xyz->aed (first xyz) (second xyz) (third xyz)))) 
-                                    positions
-                                )))))
-                (t (error "Positions must consist of lists of length 2 (ae) or 3 (xyz)."))
-            ))
-        (t (error "Positions must be of type 3dc or list."))))
 ; ####### High-level API ########## 
@@ -159,7 +124,7 @@
 ; (sox-hoaencode-gain-single-component 1 1 45 0)
-; what is the difference between "order" and "degree"?
+; @AN: what is the difference between "order" and "degree"?
 (defun sox-hoaencode-gains-by-order (order azimuth_deg elevation_deg)
@@ -178,7 +143,7 @@
 (defclass! sox-hoaencode (sox-input)
-     (gain :accessor gain :initarg :gain :initform 0 :documentation "gain value in dB (decibel)")
+     (gains :accessor gains :initarg :gains :initform nil :documentation *sox-gain-doc*)
      (azimuth :accessor azimuth :initarg :azimuth :initform 0 :documentation "azimuth angle in degrees")
      (elevation :accessor elevation :initarg :elevation :initform 0 :documentation "elevation angle in degrees")
      (order :accessor order :initarg :order :initform 3 :documentation *sox-hoaencode-order-doc*)
diff --git a/sources/sox-editors.lisp b/sources/sox-editors.lisp
index e4de232..01832d7 100644
--- a/sources/sox-editors.lisp
+++ b/sources/sox-editors.lisp
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
   (let ((pos 0) pantxt gaintxt)
     (setf pos (+ pos 5))
     (om-add-subviews self (setf pantxt (om-make-dialog-item 'om-static-text
-                                                            (om-make-point 15 pos) 
+                                                            (om-make-point 5 pos) 
                                                             (om-make-point soxconsole-trackw 16)
                                                             (string+ (pathname-name (nth (tracknum self) (list! (sound (sox-object self)))))
                                                                      "." (pathname-type (nth (tracknum self) (list! (sound (sox-object self))))))
@@ -87,6 +87,10 @@
     (setf pos (+ pos 25))    
     (add-pan-controls self (sox-object self) pos)
+    ;(add-azi-controls self (sox-object self) pos)
+    ;(add-ele-controls self (sox-object self) pos)
+    ;(add-order-controls self (sox-object self) pos)
     (om-add-subviews self (om-make-view 'graphic-numbox 
                                         :position (om-make-point 30 pos) 
@@ -116,7 +120,7 @@
 ;%%%%%%% Editor for SOX-PAN %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
 (defmethod get-win-ed-size ((self sox-pan)) 
-  (om-make-point (+ 2 (* (+ soxconsole-trackw 2) (max 1 (min 32 (length (list! (sound self))))))) 200))
+  (om-make-point (+ 2 (* (+ soxconsole-trackw 2) (max 1 (min 32 (length (list! (sound self))))))) 200)) ; should not have a case for lists
 (defmethod add-pan-controls ((self sox-track-panel) (object sox-pan) posy)
   (let ((pantxt (om-make-dialog-item 'om-static-text
@@ -144,8 +148,92 @@
                                                :max-val (max 10 (* 50 (1- (numchannels object))))))
+;%%%%%%% Editor for SOX-HOAENCODE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+(defmethod get-editor-class ((self sox-hoaencode)) 'sox-console-editor)
+(defmethod get-win-ed-size ((self sox-hoaencode)) 
+  (om-make-point (+ 2 (+ soxconsole-trackw 2)) 328))
+(defmethod add-azi-controls ((self sox-track-panel) (object sox-hoaencode) posy)
+  (let ((azitxt (om-make-dialog-item 'om-static-text
+                                     (om-make-point 28 (+ posy 156)) 
+                                     (om-make-point 65 16)
+                                     (string+ "azi: " (number-to-string (om-round (azimuth object) 3)))
+                                     :font *om-default-font1*
+                                     )))
+    (om-add-subviews self azitxt (om-make-view 'graphic-numbox
+                                               :position (om-make-point 40 (+ posy 132))
+                                               :size (om-make-point 26 26) 
+                                               :pict (om-load-and-store-picture "dial" 'di)
+                                               :nbpict 65
+                                               :pict-size (om-make-point 24 24)
+                                               :di-action (om-dialog-item-act item   
+                                                            (let ((val (float (value item))))
+                                                              (om-set-dialog-item-text azitxt (format nil "azi: ~3f" val))
+                                                              (setf (azimuth object) val)
+                                                              (report-modifications (om-view-container self))))
+                                               :font *om-default-font2*
+                                               :value (/ (azimuth object) 360)
+                                               :min-val 0 :max-val 360)
+                     )
+    )
+  )
+(defmethod add-ele-controls ((self sox-track-panel) (object sox-hoaencode) posy)
+  (let ((eletxt (om-make-dialog-item 'om-static-text
+                                     (om-make-point 28 (+ posy 208)) 
+                                     (om-make-point 65 16)
+                                     (string+ "ele: " (number-to-string (om-round (elevation object) 3)))
+                                     :font *om-default-font1*
+                                     )))
+    (om-add-subviews self eletxt (om-make-view 'graphic-numbox
+                                               :position (om-make-point 40 (+ posy 184))
+                                               :size (om-make-point 26 26) 
+                                               :pict (om-load-and-store-picture "dial" 'di)
+                                               :nbpict 65
+                                               :pict-size (om-make-point 24 24)
+                                               :di-action (om-dialog-item-act item   
+                                                            (let ((val (float (value item))))
+                                                              (om-set-dialog-item-text eletxt (format nil "ele: ~3f" val))
+                                                              (setf (elevation object) val)
+                                                              (report-modifications (om-view-container self))))
+                                               :font *om-default-font2*
+                                               :value (/ (elevation object) 360)
+                                               :min-val 0 :max-val 360)
+                     )
+    )
+  )
+(defmethod add-order-controls ((self sox-track-panel) (object sox-hoaencode) posy)
+    (let ((ordertxt (om-make-dialog-item 'om-static-text
+                                     (om-make-point 28 (+ posy 248)) 
+                                     (om-make-point 65 16)
+                                     (string+ "order: " (number-to-string (order object)))
+                                     :font *om-default-font1*
+                                     )))
+      (om-add-subviews self (om-make-dialog-item 'edit-numbox
+                                                 (om-make-point 36 (+ posy 248)) 
+                                                 (om-make-point 36 18) 
+                                                 (format nil " ~2D" (order object))
+                                                 :di-action (om-dialog-item-act item   
+                                                            (let ((val (value item)))
+                                                            (om-set-dialog-item-text ordertxt (format nil "order: ~1d" val))
+                                                              (setf (order object) val)
+                                                              (report-modifications (om-view-container self))))
+                                                 :value (order object)
+                                                 :font *om-default-font1*
+                                                 :incr 1
+                                                 :min-val 0 :max-val 5
+                                                 ))
+      )
+    )
 ;%%%%%%% Editor for SOX-MIX-CONSOLE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
 (defmethod get-win-ed-size ((self sox-mix-console)) 

Gitblit v1.9.1