From 79151350650b58232a1db7c2b1359993575544ff Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alexander Nguyen <>
Date: Sat, 25 Jan 2025 19:01:40 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] First implementation

 sources/classes/sox-hoaencode.lisp |  178 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 OM-SoX.lisp                        |    1 
 sources/sox-process.lisp           |   99 +++++++++++++++++++
 resources/icon/100.png             |    0 
 sources/classes/sox-input.lisp     |    2 
 5 files changed, 280 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/OM-SoX.lisp b/OM-SoX.lisp
index 48f90a3..01f3d0d 100644
--- a/OM-SoX.lisp
+++ b/OM-SoX.lisp
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
 (defparameter *sox-classes* '(
+                        "sox-hoaencode"
diff --git a/resources/icon/100.png b/resources/icon/100.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9a0fd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/icon/100.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/sources/classes/sox-hoaencode.lisp b/sources/classes/sox-hoaencode.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7d1bf7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/classes/sox-hoaencode.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+;Authors: A. Nguyen, 2025.
+; Design limitations:
+; 1) Sounds must have identical sample rate; otherwise, SoX fails silently, literally.
+; Questions:
+; 1) Is there a built-in (flatten lst)-function?
+; 2) Implement up to which order? <=> CLI issues to be expected (e.g., maximum command character length)?
+(in-package :om)
+;;; SOX-HOAENCODE ========================
+; Util
+(defun flatten (structure)
+    (cond 
+        ((null structure) 
+            nil)
+        ((atom structure) 
+            (list structure))
+        (t 
+            (mapcan #'flatten structure))
+    )
+(defun sox-hoaencode-deg-to-rad (x)
+    (* (/ x 180) pi)
+(defun sox-hoaencode-double-to-float (lst)
+    (mapcar 
+        (lambda (x) (float x 0.0S0)) 
+        lst
+    )
+; Ambisonics
+(defun sox-hoaencode-sn3d-factor (order degree)
+    (ecase order
+        (0 1)
+        (1 1)
+        (2 
+            (ecase (abs degree)
+                (2 (/ (sqrt 3) 6))
+                (1 (/ (sqrt 3) 3))
+                (0 1)
+            ))
+        (3 
+            (ecase (abs degree)
+                (3 (/ (sqrt 10) 60))
+                (2 (/ (sqrt 15) 30))
+                (1 (/ (sqrt 6) 6))
+                (0 1)
+            )
+        )
+    )
+(defun sox-hoaencode-azimuth-factor (degree theta_deg)
+    (let* 
+        (
+            (theta (sox-hoaencode-deg-to-rad theta_deg))
+        )
+        (if (< degree 0) 
+            (sin (* (abs degree) theta)) 
+            (cos (* (abs degree) theta))
+        )
+    )
+(defun sox-hoaencode-elevation-factor (order degree phi_deg)
+    (let* 
+        (
+            (phi (sox-hoaencode-deg-to-rad phi_deg))
+        )
+        (ecase order
+            (0 1)
+            (1 
+                (ecase (abs degree)
+                    (0 (sin phi))
+                    (1 (cos phi))
+                ))
+            (2 
+                (ecase (abs degree)
+                    (0 (- (/ (* 3 (expt (sin phi) 2)) 2) (/ 1 2)))
+                    (1 (/ (* 3 (expt (sin phi) 2)) 2))
+                    (2 (* 3 (expt (cos phi) 2)))
+                ))
+            (3 
+                (ecase (abs degree)
+                    (0 (/ (* (sin phi) (- (* 5 (expt (sin phi) 2)) 3)) 2))
+                    (1 (- (* 6 (cos phi)) (/ (* 15 (expt (cos phi) 3)) 2)))
+                    (2 (* -15 (sin phi) (- (expt (sin phi) 2) 1)))
+                    (3 (* 15 (expt (cos phi) 3)))
+                ))
+        )
+    ))
+; Convenience functions
+; Ensures that positions are given as '((azimuth elevation) ...) (in degrees), i.e.
+; 1) if list of list of three values, input is assumed to be '(x y z) coordinates and will be transformed to '(azimuth elevation) coordinates (in the navigational spherical coordinate system).
+; 2) if list of list of two values, input is assumed to be '(azimuth elevation) coordinates and won't be transformed any further.
+; 3) if 3dc, input is transformed to '(azimuth elevation) coordinates.
+(defun sox-hoaencode-auto-convert-positions (positions)
+    (cond 
+        ((subtypep (type-of positions) '3dc)  
+            (progn ; convert xyz->aed, keep azimuth and elevation only.
+                (mat-trans 
+                    (butlast 
+                        (mat-trans 
+                            (mapcar 
+                                (lambda (xyz) (multiple-value-list (om:xyz->aed (first xyz) (second xyz) (third xyz)))) 
+                                (mat-trans (list (x-points positions) (y-points positions) (z-points positions)))
+                            ))))))
+        ((subtypep (type-of positions) 'list) 
+            (cond
+                ((= 2 (length (first positions)))
+                    positions)
+                ((= 3 (length (first positions))) 
+                    (mat-trans 
+                        (butlast 
+                            (mat-trans 
+                                (mapcar 
+                                    (lambda (xyz) (multiple-value-list (om:xyz->aed (first xyz) (second xyz) (third xyz)))) 
+                                    positions
+                                )))))
+                (t (error "Input must contain lists of length 2 (ae) or 3 (xyz)."))
+            ))
+        (t (error "Input must be 3dc or list."))))
+; High-level API
+; Returns the gain value (linear, -1 to 1) for a single ACN-channel
+(defun sox-hoaencode-gain-single-component (order degree azimuth_deg elevation_deg)
+    (let
+        (
+            ; It is assumed that azimuth_deg follows the implementation details of SpatDIF, 
+            ; where azimuth_deg runs counterclockwise. 
+            ; However, the formulas inside assume that azimuth_deg runs clockwise, i.e. 
+            ; the sign of azimuth_deg must be inverted.
+            (azimuth_deg_inverted (* -1 azimuth_deg))
+        )
+        (* 
+            (sox-hoaencode-sn3d-factor order degree) 
+            (sox-hoaencode-azimuth-factor degree azimuth_deg_inverted) 
+            (sox-hoaencode-elevation-factor order degree elevation_deg)))
+    )
+; Returns the gain values for all components at a specific order
+(defun sox-hoaencode-gains-by-order (order azimuth_deg elevation_deg)
+    (loop for degree from (* -1 order) to order collect 
+        (sox-hoaencode-gain-single-component order degree azimuth_deg elevation_deg)))
+; Returns the gain values for all components up to a specific order
+(defun sox-hoaencode-gains-up-to-order (order azimuth_deg elevation_deg)
+    (sox-hoaencode-double-to-float 
+        (flatten
+            (loop for ord from 0 to order collect 
+                (sox-hoaencode-gains-by-order ord azimuth_deg elevation_deg)))))
+(defclass! sox-hoaencode (sox-input)
+    (
+        (positions :accessor positions :initarg :positions :initform nil :documentation *sox-hoaencode-positions-doc*)
+        (order :accessor order :initarg :order :initform nil :documentation *sox-hoaencode-order-doc*)
+    )
+    (:icon 100)
+    (:documentation "Sox-hoaencode transforms <sound> into a <order>-th ambisonic (HOA) signal at <positions>.
+    The signal follows the ambiX convention, i.e. it uses SN3D normalization and ACN channel ordering. The resulting file has (<order>+1)^2 channels (order 0: 1 channel, order 1: 4 channels, order 2: 9 channels, order 3: 16 channels, ...).")
+(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((self sox-hoaencode) &rest l)
+    (declare (ignore l))
+    (when (sound self)
+        (sox-init-sound self 'list)
+    )
diff --git a/sources/classes/sox-input.lisp b/sources/classes/sox-input.lisp
index d14d93a..27e4e9b 100644
--- a/sources/classes/sox-input.lisp
+++ b/sources/classes/sox-input.lisp
@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@
 (defparameter *sox-dur-doc* "Duration of output audio (sec). [float]")
 (defparameter *sox-input-doc* "Audio input for sox input modules. [sound object, pathname, string/pipe]")
 (defparameter *sox-gain-doc* "Gain value for audio input before processing (dBFS). [float, list]")
+(defparameter *sox-hoaencode-positions-doc* "Positions as 3dc object, or list of azimuth+elevation values, or list of x+y+z coordinates. [3dc, list]")
+(defparameter *sox-hoaencode-order-doc* "Ambisonics order. [int]")
 (defparameter *sox-panning-doc* "Panning value (decimal number) for panning audio between adjacent channels. [float, list]")
 (defparameter *sox-channel-matrix-doc* "Specify input channels as a list of lists (matrix). Each sublist contains the contributing input channels for an output channel. [list]")
diff --git a/sources/sox-process.lisp b/sources/sox-process.lisp
index 337a9f3..4f54088 100644
--- a/sources/sox-process.lisp
+++ b/sources/sox-process.lisp
@@ -178,6 +178,105 @@
+; === sox-hoaencode =============
+(defmethod! sox-process ((sox-input sox-hoaencode) (sox-effect string) &key output filetype samplerate bitdepth recursive batch-mode)
+    (if (probe-file *sox-path*)
+        (progn
+            (let* 
+                (
+                    (sound 
+                        (if (> (length (positions sox-input)) (length (list! (sound sox-input)))) 
+                            (repeat-n (first (list! (sound sox-input))) (length (positions sox-input)))
+                            (sound sox-input)
+                        )
+                    )
+                    (positions-ae 
+                        (sox-hoaencode-auto-convert-positions (positions sox-input))
+                    )
+                )
+                (when 
+                    (and (find-if 'stringp sound) (equal output "pipe")) 
+                    (om-message-abort "Pipe output not possible with this type of input.")
+                )
+                (let* 
+                    (
+                        (outfile (create-path nil output filetype))
+                        (filenames (loop for soundfile in sound collect (namestring soundfile)))
+                    )
+                    (setf str (format nil " ~s ~a" (namestring *sox-path*) *sox-options*))
+                    (if (= (length filenames) 1)
+                        ; case: one file 
+                        (let* 
+                            (
+                                (filename (first filenames))
+                                (position (first positions-ae))
+                            )
+                            (if (= (order sox-input) 0) 
+                                ; case: order = 0
+                                (setf str (string+ str (format nil " ~s" filename)))
+                                ; case: order > 0
+                                (progn
+                                    (setf str (string+ str " -M"))
+                                    (loop for gain in (sox-hoaencode-gains-up-to-order (order sox-input) (first position) (second position)) do
+                                        (setf str (string+ str (format nil " -v~d ~s" gain filename))))
+                                )
+                            )
+                        )
+                        ; case: multiple files
+                        (if (= (order sox-input) 0)
+                            ; case: order = 0
+                            (progn 
+                                (setf str (string+ str " -m"))
+                                (loop for filename in filenames do
+                                    (setf str (string+ str (format nil " ~s" filename)))
+                                )
+                            )
+                            ; case: order > 0
+                            (progn
+                                (setf str (string+ str " -m"))
+                                ; Create components 
+                                (setf component_idx 0)
+                                (loop 
+                                    for filename in filenames
+                                    for position in positions-ae do
+                                    (progn  
+                                        (setf str_component (format nil " ~s ~a -M" (namestring *sox-path*) *sox-options*))
+                                        (loop 
+                                            for gain in (sox-hoaencode-gains-up-to-order (order sox-input) (first position) (second position)) do
+                                            (setf str_component (string+ str_component (format nil " -v~d ~s" gain filename)))
+                                        )
+                                        (setf outfile_tmp (format nil "~a~a-~d.~a" (directory-namestring outfile) (pathname-name outfile) component_idx (pathname-type outfile)))
+                                        (setf str_component (sox-samplebits str_component bitdepth samplerate outfile_tmp))
+                                        (sox-out str_component filename "new file" outfile_tmp nil)
+                                        (setf component_idx (1+ component_idx))
+                                        ; Add component path to <str>
+                                        (setf str (string+ str (format nil " ~s" outfile_tmp)))
+                                    )
+                                )
+                            )
+                        )
+                    )
+                    (setf str 
+                        (cond 
+                            ((equal output "realtime") (sox-samplebits (string+ str " -q ") bitdepth samplerate *sox-audio-device*))
+                            ((equal output "pipe") (sox-samplebits str bitdepth samplerate "-p"))
+                            (t (sox-samplebits str bitdepth samplerate outfile))
+                        )
+                    )
+                    (setf str (string+ str sox-effect))
+                    (print str)
+                    (sox-out str sox-input output outfile recursive)
+                )
+            )
+        )
+        (sox-not-found)
+    )
 ; === sox-mix =============
 (defmethod! sox-process ((sox-input sox-mix) (sox-effect string) &key output filetype samplerate bitdepth recursive batch-mode)

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