From b36c86db50ccd3ff51725fabf59c6e5723b7b2aa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Marlon Schumacher <>
Date: Sat, 01 Mar 2025 01:50:48 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] fix: removed limitation that sound arg must be provided as a list

 sources/sox-process.lisp |  115 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 114 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

diff --git a/sources/sox-process.lisp b/sources/sox-process.lisp
index 337a9f3..5bad952 100644
--- a/sources/sox-process.lisp
+++ b/sources/sox-process.lisp
@@ -178,6 +178,119 @@
+; === sox-hoaencode =============
+(defmethod! sox-process ((sox-input sox-hoaencode) (sox-effect string) &key output filetype samplerate bitdepth recursive batch-mode)
+; would be more consistent with OO programming to have a function sox-hoaencode->sox-merge 
+; (consider how to deal with multiple sounds to be hoaencoded and mixed later on... sox-mix might be better done in an explicit way rather than via the class directly. 
+; in that case a 3DC would have to be used by using points (point-pairs) in a loop 
+    (if (probe-file *sox-path*)
+        (progn
+          (when 
+              (not 
+               (or 
+                (subtypep (type-of (positions sox-input)) '3dc)
+                (and (subtypep (type-of (positions sox-input)) 'list) 
+                     (> (length (positions sox-input)) 0) 
+                     (subtypep (type-of (first (positions sox-input))) 'list) 
+                     (> (length (first (positions sox-input))) 1))
+                )
+               )
+            (om-message-abort "positions must be of type 3dc, or a list of lists.")
+            )
+          (let* ((sound (list! (sound sox-input)))
+                 (positions-ae (sox-hoaencode-auto-convert-positions (positions sox-input))))
+            (when (and (find-if 'stringp sound) (equal output "pipe")) 
+              (om-message-abort "Pipe output not possible with this type of input."))
+            (let* ((filenames (loop for soundfile in sound collect (namestring soundfile)))
+                   (outfile (create-path nil output filetype)))
+              (setf str (format nil " ~s ~a" (namestring *sox-path*) *sox-options*))
+              (if (= (length filenames) 1)
+                        ; case: one file 
+                  (let* ((filename (first filenames))
+                         (position (first positions-ae)))
+                    (if (= (order sox-input) 0) 
+                     ; case: order = 0
+                        (setf str (string+ str (format nil " ~s" filename)))
+                     ; case: order > 0
+                      (progn
+                        (setf str (string+ str " -M"))
+                        (loop for gain in (sox-hoaencode-gains-up-to-order (order sox-input) (first position) (second position)) 
+                              do (setf str (string+ str (format nil " -v~d ~s" gain filename))))
+                        )
+                      )
+                    )
+                      ; case: multiple files
+                (if (= (order sox-input) 0)
+                 ; case: order = 0
+                    (progn 
+                      (setf str (string+ str " -m")) ; this is the mixer. e.g. sox-mix
+                                (loop for filename in filenames 
+                                      do (setf str (string+ str (format nil " ~s" filename))))
+                                )
+                 ; case: order > 0
+                  (progn
+                    (setf str (string+ str " -m"))
+                                ; Create components 
+                    (setf component_idx 0)
+                    (loop 
+                       for filename in filenames
+                       for position in positions-ae 
+                       do
+                                                                   ; in Object-Oriented Programming we would call-next-method i.e. set a sox-merge input class with the corresponding params. 
+                                                                   ; e.g. (make-instance 'sox-merge ... (more redundancy and compactness, less error-prone) ... possible?
+                                                                   ; for multiple sound inputs if possible we would then call a sox-mix to mix the sox merge pipes. everything
+                         (progn  
+                           (setf str_component (format nil " ~s ~a -M" (namestring *sox-path*) *sox-options*))
+                           (loop for gain in (sox-hoaencode-gains-up-to-order (order sox-input) (first position) (second position)) 
+                                 do (setf str_component (string+ str_component (format nil " -v~d ~s" gain filename))))
+                           (setf outfile_tmp (format nil "~a~a-~d.~a" (directory-namestring outfile) (pathname-name outfile) component_idx (pathname-type outfile)))
+                           (setf str_component (sox-samplebits str_component bitdepth samplerate outfile_tmp))
+                           (sox-out str_component filename "new file" outfile_tmp nil)
+                           (setf component_idx (1+ component_idx))
+                                        ; Add component path to <str>
+                           (setf str (string+ str (format nil " ~s" outfile_tmp)))
+                           )
+                       )
+                    )
+                  )
+                )
+              (setf str 
+                    (cond 
+                     ((equal output "realtime") 
+                      (sox-samplebits (string+ str " -q ") bitdepth samplerate *sox-audio-device*))
+                     ((equal output "pipe") 
+                      (sox-samplebits str bitdepth samplerate "-p"))
+                     (t 
+                      (sox-samplebits str bitdepth samplerate outfile))
+                     )
+                    )
+              (setf str (string+ str sox-effect))
+              (print str)
+              (sox-out str sox-input output outfile recursive)
+                       ;optional removal of temp file
+                  ;    (add-tmp-file outfile_tmp)
+                  ;    (when *delete-inter-file* (clean-tmp-files))
+              )
+            )
+          )
+      (sox-not-found)
+      )
+    )
 ; === sox-mix =============
 (defmethod! sox-process ((sox-input sox-mix) (sox-effect string) &key output filetype samplerate bitdepth recursive batch-mode)
@@ -405,7 +518,7 @@
 ; === sox-mix-console =============
-; Notes
+; Notes on polymorphism
 ; I could make this sox-mix-console (non-consistent) a method where a list of effects will be applied to each sound in the mix-console
 ;   OR: keep this as an extra function for the player
 ; I can't use pipe-input to the mix-console as it makes sox-remix instances with pipe-outputs ->is a pipe in a pipe not possible?

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