From 61574e05f72d7d4c8c8e634f4c692e9caf0d7618 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Daniel Fütterer <>
Date: Do., 11 Feb. 2021 10:28:58 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] feat: rewrite script in oop

--- |  181 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 181 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7d7637
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+import os.path
+def getSeparatedGitLog(repo):
+    try:
+        stream = os.popen("git -C {} log --format=%B--SEP--%H--SEP--%d--END--".format(repo))
+    except:
+        raise ValueError("Not a valid git-repository!")
+    else:
+        gitLog =
+        commitList = gitLog.split("--END--")
+        del commitList[-1]
+        return commitList
+class RawCommit:
+    def __init__(self, completeCommit):
+        self.raw = completeCommit.split("--SEP--")
+        self.body = self.raw[0].strip()
+        self.hash = self.raw[1].strip()
+        self.tag = self.raw[2].strip()
+class CommitBody:
+    commitTypes = ("build", "chore", "ci", "docs", "feat", "fix", "perf", "refactor", "style", "test")
+    def __init__(self, completeMessage):
+        self.completeMessage = completeMessage
+        #self.subject = None
+        #self.body = None
+        #self.scope = None
+        #self.commitType = None
+        self.setSubjectAndBody()
+        self.setScope()
+        self.setCommitType()
+    def setSubjectAndBody(self):
+        subStart = self.completeMessage.index(": ")+2
+        try:
+            subEnd = self.completeMessage.index("\n")
+        except:
+            self.subject = self.completeMessage[subStart:]
+            self.body = None
+        else:
+            self.subject = self.completeMessage[subStart:subEnd]
+            self.body = self.completeMessage[subEnd:].strip()
+    def setScope(self):
+        try:
+            start = self.completeMessage.index("(")+1
+            end = self.completeMessage.index(")")
+        except:
+            self.scope = None
+        else:
+            self.scope = self.completeMessage[start:end]
+    def setCommitType(self):
+        for commitType in self.commitTypes:
+            if (self.completeMessage.startswith((commitType + ": "))) or (self.completeMessage.startswith((commitType + "("))):
+                self.commitType = commitType
+                break
+class CommitTag:
+    def __init__(self, completeTag):
+        if not ("tag: " in completeTag):
+            self.completeTag = None
+            self.tagAsString = None
+            self.major = None
+            self.minor = None
+            self.bugfix = None
+        else:
+            self.completeTag = completeTag
+            self.setTagAsString()
+            self.setMajorMinorBugfix()
+    def setTagAsString(self):
+        try: ## this one is temporary
+            self.tagAsString = self.completeTag[(self.completeTag.rindex(": v.")+4):-1]
+        except:
+            try:
+                self.tagAsString = self.completeTag[(self.completeTag.rindex(": v")+3):-1]
+            except:
+                self.tagAsString = self.completeTag[(self.completeTag.rindex(": ")+2):-1]
+    def setMajorMinorBugfix(self):
+        versionList = self.tagAsString.split(".")
+        self.major = versionList[0]
+        self.minor = versionList[1]
+        self.bugfix = versionList[2]
+    @staticmethod
+    def getUpdateType(newTag, previousTag):
+        if newTag.major > previousTag.major:
+            return "major"
+        elif newTag.minor > previousTag.minor:
+            return "minor"
+        elif newTag.bugfix > previousTag.bugfix:
+            return "bugfix"
+class Commit:
+    def __init__(self, rawCommit):
+        self.body = CommitBody(rawCommit.body)
+        self.tag = CommitTag(rawCommit.tag)
+        self.hash = rawCommit.hash
+#### Main ####
+commitList = getSeparatedGitLog("/Users/daniel/Desktop/testrepo")
+# Create a list of commits
+commitHistory = []
+for commit in commitList:
+    commitHistory.append(Commit(RawCommit(commit)))
+# Create a two-dimensional list by tags: [[tag, [commits]],[tag, [commits]],...]
+taggedHistory = []
+for commit in commitHistory:
+    if commit.tag.tagAsString:
+        taggedHistory.append([commit.tag, commit])
+    else:
+        if len(taggedHistory) == 0:
+            taggedHistory.append([None, commit])
+        else:
+            taggedHistory[-1].append(commit)
+# Construction of the changelog-file
+fileTemplate = ["# Changelog"]
+for tag in taggedHistory:
+    # A Dictionairy to store grouped commits
+    commitsByType = {"Fixes":[], "Features":[], "Other":[]}
+    commitsByScope = {}
+    # If latest commit has no tag:
+    if not tag[0]:
+        fileTemplate.append("\n## No version number yet ")
+    else:
+        fileTemplate.append("\n## Version " + tag[0].tagAsString)
+    # Grouping by CommitTypes
+    for commit in tag[1:]:
+        # Dealing with scopes
+        if commit.body.scope:
+            if commit.body.scope not in commitsByScope:
+                commitsByScope[commit.body.scope] = [commit]
+            else:
+                commitsByScope[commit.body.scope].append(commit)
+            for scope in commitsByScope:
+                fileTemplate.append("\n### Scope: " + scope)
+                for commit in commitsByScope[scope]:
+                    fileTemplate.append("\n- " + commit.body.commitType + ": " + commit.body.subject + " (" + commit.hash[:6] + ")")
+        else:
+            # Sorting in predifend groups
+            if commit.body.commitType == CommitBody.commitTypes[5]: # fix
+                commitsByType["Fixes"].append(commit)
+            elif commit.body.commitType == CommitBody.commitTypes[4]: # feat
+                commitsByType["Features"].append(commit)
+            else:
+                commitsByType["Other"].append(commit)
+    if len(commitsByType["Features"]) != 0:
+        fileTemplate.append("### Features")
+        for feature in commitsByType["Features"]:
+            fileTemplate.append("- " + feature.body.subject + " (" + feature.hash[:6] + ")")
+    if len(commitsByType["Fixes"]) != 0:
+        fileTemplate.append("### Fixes")
+        for fix in commitsByType["Fixes"]:
+            fileTemplate.append("- " + fix.body.subject + " (" + fix.hash[:6] + ")")
+    if len(commitsByType["Other"]) != 0:
+        fileTemplate.append("### Other")
+        for other in commitsByType["Other"]:
+            fileTemplate.append("\n- " + other.body.commitType + ": " + other.body.subject + " (" + other.hash[:6] + ")")
+# write into changelog
+with open("", "w") as file:
+    for line in fileTemplate:
+        file.write(line + "\n")
\ No newline at end of file

Gitblit v1.9.1