From c4d692c98f3e06d39cf80bf8fa2035c2e398646b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: df89 <>
Date: Sun, 10 Oct 2021 18:24:20 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] refactor: separated script into different files

--- |  107 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 107 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27c0420
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+import os.path
+import sys
+from functions import getCommitList
+from rawcommit import RawCommit
+from commit import Commit
+from scope import Scope
+from commitBody import CommitBody
+# Compute user input of repository path via console
+inputPath = input("Please enter the base path of the repository: ").strip()
+userDecision = input("Should the generated changelog be stored in another location (y/n)? ").lower().strip()
+if userDecision == "y":
+    outputPath = input("Please enter the output path: ").strip()
+elif userDecision == "n":
+    print("The changelog will be stored in the same location as the repository.")
+    outputPath = inputPath
+    print("invalid input")
+    sys.exit(1)
+# create a list of separate commits in chronological order (new to old)
+commitHistory = getCommitList(inputPath)
+# Create a two-dimensional list by tags: [[tag, [commits]],[tag, [commits]],...]
+taggedHistory = []
+for commit in commitHistory:
+    if commit.tag.tagAsString:
+        taggedHistory.append([commit.tag, commit])
+    else:
+        if len(taggedHistory) == 0:
+            taggedHistory.append([None, commit])
+        else:
+            taggedHistory[-1].append(commit)
+# Construction of the changelog-file
+fileTemplate = ["# Changelog"]
+for tag in taggedHistory:
+    ## If latest commit has no tag:
+    if not tag[0]:
+        fileTemplate.append("\n## Without version number")
+    else:
+        fileTemplate.append("\n## Version " + tag[0].tagAsString)
+    ## Grouping by Type
+    featType = ["Features"]
+    fixType = ["Fixes"]
+    otherType = ["Other"]
+    nonconformCommits = []
+    for commit in tag[1:]:
+        if commit.body.commitType == CommitBody.commitTypes[5]: # fix
+            fixType.append(commit)
+        elif commit.body.commitType == CommitBody.commitTypes[4]: # feat
+            featType.append(commit)
+        elif commit.body.commitType == "nonconform":
+            nonconformCommits.append(commit)
+        else:
+            otherType.append(commit)
+    ## Sub-Grouping by Scopes within Types    
+    commitlistByType = [featType, fixType, otherType]
+    for commitsByType in commitlistByType:
+        if len(commitsByType) == 1:
+            continue
+        commitlistByScope = {}
+        noScope = []
+        for commit in commitsByType:
+            if type(commit) == str:
+                continue
+            if commit.body.scope == None:
+                noScope.append(commit)
+            elif commit.body.scope in commitlistByScope:
+                commitlistByScope[commit.body.scope].append(commit)
+            else:
+                commitlistByScope[commit.body.scope] = [commit]
+        fileTemplate.append("\n### " + commitsByType[0])
+        while len(commitlistByScope) > 0:
+            scope, commits = commitlistByScope.popitem()
+            fileTemplate.append("- *" + str(scope) + "*")
+            for commit in commits:
+                if commitsByType[0] == "Other":
+                    fileTemplate.append("    - (" + commit.body.commitType + ") " + commit.body.subject + commit.appendShortHash())
+                else:
+                    fileTemplate.append("    - " + commit.body.subject + commit.appendShortHash())
+        if len(noScope) > 0:
+            fileTemplate.append("- *no scope*")
+        for commit in noScope:
+            fileTemplate.append("    - " + commit.body.subject + commit.appendShortHash())
+    ## nonconform commits
+    if len(nonconformCommits) > 0:
+        fileTemplate.append("\n### Non-conform commits")
+        for commit in nonconformCommits:
+            fileTemplate.append("- " + commit.body.subject + commit.appendShortHash())
+# write into file
+with open(outputPath + "/", "w") as file:
+    for line in fileTemplate:
+        file.write(line + "\n")
\ No newline at end of file

Gitblit v1.9.1