;********************************************************************* ; OM-SoX, (c) 2011-2013 Marlon Schumacher (CIRMMT/McGill University) * ; http://sourceforge.net/projects/omsox/ * ; * ; Multichannel Audio Manipulation and Functional Batch Processing. * ; DSP based on SoX - (c) C.Bagwell and Contributors * ; http://sox.sourceforge.net/ * ;********************************************************************* ; ;This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License ;as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 ;of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ; ;See file LICENSE for further informations on licensing terms. ; ;This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;GNU General Public License for more details. ; ;You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ;Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307,10 USA. ; ;Authors: M. Schumacher ; Some possible default options: ; -norm to guard against clipping and normalize (in-package :om) ; these variables might be dispatched into different lisp files (utilities, etc.) (defvar *sox-path* "path to sox") (defvar *sox-options* " -q --multi-threaded --buffer 4096 --input-buffer 512 -V0 ") (defvar *use-om-audio-prefs-in-sox* nil) (defparameter *sox-audio-device* '-d "default audio device") (defparameter *sox-samplerates* '(("100 Hertz" "100") ("1kHz" "1k") ("4kHz" "4k") ("8kHz" "8k") ("16kHz" "16k") ("20kHz" "20k") ("30kHz" "30k") ("44.1kHz" "44.1k") ("48kHz" "48k") ("88.2kHz" "88.2k") ("96kHz" "96k"))) (defparameter *sox-bitdephts* '(("8" 8) ("16" 16) ("24" 24) ("32" 32) ("64" 64))) (defparameter *sox-file-formats* '(("aif" "aif") ("wav" "wav") ("flac" "flac") ("ogg" "ogg"))) (defparameter *sox-output-options* '(("new file" nil) ("replace file" "replace file") ("pipe" "pipe") ("realtime" "realtime"))) (defun sox-def-vals () '(" -q --multi-threaded --buffer 4096 --input-buffer 512 -V0 " nil)) ; why is this a function and not a variable? (defparameter *sox-debug* nil "when set to t will print informations to the listener (for debugging)") (defvar *sox-running-processes* nil "keeps a list of process-ids of currently running sox-processes") (defvar *sox-temp-recorded-file* nil) ; for documentation (defvar *sox-append-doc* "Append sox-effects/statistics to the processing chain.") ;*sox-append-doc* (defparameter *sox-unit-doc* "Select unit for bandwidth value (Hz/kHz/Octaves/Q-factor). Defaults to Hz.") ;*sox-unit-doc* (defparameter *sox-unit-menu* (list (list "Hz" "Hz") (list "kHz" "kHz") (list "Octaves" "Octaves") (list "Q-factor" "Q-factor"))) ;*sox-unit-menu* (defparameter *sox-filter-types* (list (list "lowpass" "lowpass") (list "highpass" "highpass") (list "bandpass" "bandpass") (list "bandreject" "bandreject"))) ;better: *sox-filter-types-fir* (defparameter *sox-filter-types-all* (list (list "lowpass" "lowpass") (list "highpass" "highpass") (list "bandpass" "bandpass") (list "bandreject" "bandreject") (list "allpass" "allpass"))) ;better: *sox-filter-types-iir* (add-external-pref-module 'sox) (defmethod get-external-name ((module (eql 'sox))) "Sox") (defmethod get-external-icon ((module (eql 'sox))) (and (exist-lib-p "OM-SoX") (list 01 (exist-lib-p "OM-SoX")))) (defmethod get-external-module-path ((module (eql 'sox)) modulepref) (get-pref modulepref :sox-path)) (defmethod set-external-module-path ((module (eql 'sox)) modulepref path) (set-pref modulepref :sox-path path)) (defmethod get-external-module-vals ((module (eql 'sox)) modulepref) (get-pref modulepref :sox-options)) (defmethod set-external-module-vals ((module (eql 'sox)) modulepref vals) (set-pref modulepref :sox-options vals)) (defmethod get-external-def-vals ((module (eql 'sox))) #+macosx (list :sox-path (om-make-pathname :directory (append (pathname-directory (lib-pathname (exist-lib-p "OM-SoX"))) '("executables" "macos")) :name "sox") :sox-options (sox-def-vals) ) #+linux (list :sox-path (om-make-pathname :directory '(:absolute "usr" "bin") :name "sox") :sox-options (sox-def-vals) ) #+win32 (list :sox-path (om-make-pathname :directory (append (pathname-directory (lib-pathname (exist-lib-p "OM-SoX"))) '("executables" "windows")) :name "sox.exe") :sox-options (sox-def-vals) ) ;;; HERE INSERT THE DEFAULT VALUES FOR THE SOX OPTIONS ) (defmethod save-external-prefs ((module (eql 'sox))) `(:sox-path ,(om-save-pathname *SOX-PATH*) :sox-options (list ,*sox-options* ,*use-om-audio-prefs-in-sox*) )) ;;; HERE INSERT THE "BACKQUOTED" EXPRESSION FOR GENERATING THE OPTION SAVE CODE (find-pref-module :externals) (defmethod put-external-preferences ((module (eql 'sox)) moduleprefs) (when (get-pref moduleprefs :sox-path) (setf *SOX-PATH* (find-true-external (get-pref moduleprefs :sox-path)))) (let ((list-prefs (get-pref moduleprefs :sox-options))) (when list-prefs ;;; HERE SET GLOBAL VARIABLES ACCORDING TO THE OPTION LIST (setf *sox-options* (nth 0 list-prefs) *use-om-audio-prefs-in-sox* (nth 1 list-prefs)) ;;; etc. )) t) (put-external-pref-values 'sox) (defmethod show-external-prefs-dialog ((module (eql 'sox)) prefvals) (let* ((rep-list (copy-list prefvals)) (dialog (om-make-window 'om-dialog :window-title "SoX Options" :size (om-make-point 300 280) :position :centered :resizable nil :maximize nil :close nil)) flag-text prefs-checkbox) (om-add-subviews dialog (om-make-dialog-item 'om-static-text (om-make-point 20 20) (om-make-point 200 20) "Commamd line flags" :font *controls-font*) (setf flag-text (om-make-dialog-item 'om-editable-text (om-make-point 20 45) (om-make-point 240 100) (nth 0 prefvals) :font *om-default-font1*)) (setf prefs-checkbox (om-make-dialog-item 'om-check-box (om-make-point 20 150) (om-make-point 220 20) "Use OM audio settings" :checked-p (nth 1 prefvals) :font *controls-font*)) (om-make-dialog-item 'om-static-text (om-make-point 20 170) (om-make-point 300 20) "(samplerate, resolution, output format)" :font *controls-fonti*) ;;; boutons (om-make-dialog-item 'om-button (om-make-point 20 220) (om-make-point 80 20) "Restore" :di-action (om-dialog-item-act item (om-set-dialog-item-text flag-text (number-to-string (nth 0 (sox-def-vals)))) (om-set-check-box prefs-checkbox (nth 1 (sox-def-vals))) )) (om-make-dialog-item 'om-button (om-make-point 110 220) (om-make-point 80 20) "Cancel" :di-action (om-dialog-item-act item (om-return-from-modal-dialog dialog nil))) (om-make-dialog-item 'om-button (om-make-point 190 220) (om-make-point 80 20) "OK" :di-action (om-dialog-item-act item (let* ((argerror nil) (txt1 (om-dialog-item-text flag-text))) (setf (nth 0 rep-list) txt1) (setf (nth 1 rep-list) (om-checked-p prefs-checkbox)) (if argerror (om-message-dialog (format nil "Error in a SOX option.~% Preferences could not be recorded.")) (om-return-from-modal-dialog dialog rep-list)) )) :default-button t :focus t) ) (om-modal-dialog dialog))) ; ---------------- ; experimental code for querying running audiodevices from the OS #| (defun sox-get-audio-device () (if (probe-file *sox-path*) ;(let ((outfile (create-path input output filetype))) (let ((str (format nil "~s -V6 -n -t coreaudio unknown 2>devices.txt" (namestring *sox-path*)))) (om-cmd-line str *sys-console*) ) (sox-not-found)) ) ; sox -V6 infile -t coreaudio junkname ;"/Users/Marlon_MBPro/Dropbox/OM-stuff/OMsox/OMsox 0.1/exectuables/sox" -V4 -n -t coreaudio unknown 2>devices.t |# (defparameter *additional-audio-formats* nil) (pushnew '(:sox-formats "flac" "3gp" "caf" "au" "raw" "f32" "f64" "s8" "s16" "s24" "s32" "u8" "u16" "u24" "u32" "ul" "al" "lu" "la" "cdda" "cdr" "f4" "f8" "s1" "s2" "s3" "s4" "u1" "u2" "u3" "u4" "sb" "sw" "sl" "ub" "uw" "8svx" "aiffc" "aifc" "amb" "amr-nb" "amr-w" "au" "snd" "avr" "cvsd" "cvs" "cvu" "dat" "dvms" "vms" "fap" "paf" "ffmpeg" "flac" "fssd" "gsm" "hcom" "htk" "ircam" "ima" "lpc" "lpc10" "mat" "mat4" "mat5" "m3u" "mp3" "mp2" "mp4" "m4a" "maud" "nist" "sph" "ogg" "vorbis" "prc" "pvf" "sd2" "sds" "sf" "sph" "nist" "smp" "sndr" "sndt" "sndfile" "sndio" "sndr" "sndt" "sou" "txw" "vms" "dvms" "voc" "w64" "wav" "waveaudio" "wavpcm" "wv" "wve" "xa" "xi" ) *additional-audio-formats*)