commit | author | age
1 |
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1038\cocoasubrtf360 |
AN |
2 |
{\fonttbl\f0\froman\fcharset0 Times-Roman;\f1\fnil\fcharset0 LucidaGrande;} |
3 |
{\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} |
4 |
{\*\listtable{\list\listtemplateid1\listhybrid{\listlevel\levelnfc23\levelnfcn23\leveljc0\leveljcn0\levelfollow0\levelstartat1\levelspace360\levelindent0{\*\levelmarker \{disc\}}{\leveltext\leveltemplateid1\'01\uc0\u8226 ;}{\levelnumbers;}\fi-360\li720\lin720 }{\listlevel\levelnfc23\levelnfcn23\leveljc0\leveljcn0\levelfollow0\levelstartat1\levelspace360\levelindent0{\*\levelmarker \{circle\}}{\leveltext\leveltemplateid2\'01\uc0\u9702 ;}{\levelnumbers;}\fi-360\li1440\lin1440 }{\listname ;}\listid1} |
5 |
{\list\listtemplateid2\listhybrid{\listlevel\levelnfc23\levelnfcn23\leveljc0\leveljcn0\levelfollow0\levelstartat1\levelspace360\levelindent0{\*\levelmarker \{disc\}}{\leveltext\leveltemplateid101\'01\uc0\u8226 ;}{\levelnumbers;}\fi-360\li720\lin720 }{\listlevel\levelnfc23\levelnfcn23\leveljc0\leveljcn0\levelfollow0\levelstartat1\levelspace360\levelindent0{\*\levelmarker \{circle\}}{\leveltext\leveltemplateid102\'01\uc0\u9702 ;}{\levelnumbers;}\fi-360\li1440\lin1440 }{\listname ;}\listid2} |
6 |
{\list\listtemplateid3\listhybrid{\listlevel\levelnfc23\levelnfcn23\leveljc0\leveljcn0\levelfollow0\levelstartat1\levelspace360\levelindent0{\*\levelmarker \{disc\}}{\leveltext\leveltemplateid201\'01\uc0\u8226 ;}{\levelnumbers;}\fi-360\li720\lin720 }{\listlevel\levelnfc23\levelnfcn23\leveljc0\leveljcn0\levelfollow0\levelstartat1\levelspace360\levelindent0{\*\levelmarker \{circle\}}{\leveltext\leveltemplateid202\'01\uc0\u9702 ;}{\levelnumbers;}\fi-360\li1440\lin1440 }{\listname ;}\listid3} |
7 |
{\list\listtemplateid4\listhybrid{\listlevel\levelnfc23\levelnfcn23\leveljc0\leveljcn0\levelfollow0\levelstartat1\levelspace360\levelindent0{\*\levelmarker \{disc\}}{\leveltext\leveltemplateid301\'01\uc0\u8226 ;}{\levelnumbers;}\fi-360\li720\lin720 }{\listname ;}\listid4}} |
8 |
{\*\listoverridetable{\listoverride\listid1\listoverridecount0\ls1}{\listoverride\listid2\listoverridecount0\ls2}{\listoverride\listid3\listoverridecount0\ls3}{\listoverride\listid4\listoverridecount0\ls4}} |
9 |
\margl1440\margr1440\vieww9000\viewh8400\viewkind0 |
10 |
\deftab720 |
11 |
\pard\pardeftab720\ql\qnatural |
12 |
13 |
\f0\fs32 \cf0 The current release handles the following audio file formats:\ |
14 |
15 |
\itap1\trowd \taflags0 \trgaph108\trleft-108 \trbrdrt\brdrnil \trbrdrl\brdrnil \trbrdrt\brdrnil \trbrdrr\brdrnil |
16 |
\clvertalt \clshdrawnil \clwWidth10760\clftsWidth3 \clmart10 \clmarl10 \clmarb10 \clmarr10 \clbrdrt\brdrnil \clbrdrl\brdrnil \clbrdrb\brdrnil \clbrdrr\brdrnil \clpadt20 \clpadl20 \clpadb20 \clpadr20 \gaph\cellx4320 |
17 |
\clvertalt \clshdrawnil \clwWidth10300\clftsWidth3 \clmart10 \clmarl10 \clmarb10 \clmarr10 \clbrdrt\brdrnil \clbrdrl\brdrnil \clbrdrb\brdrnil \clbrdrr\brdrnil \clpadt20 \clpadl20 \clpadb20 \clpadr20 \gaph\cellx8640 |
18 |
\pard\intbl\itap1\tx220\tx720\pardeftab720\li720\fi-720\ql\qnatural |
19 |
\ls1\ilvl0\cf0 {\listtext \'95 }Raw files in various binary formats\ |
20 |
{\listtext \'95 }Raw textual data\ |
21 |
{\listtext \'95 }Amiga 8svx files\ |
22 |
{\listtext \'95 }Apple/SGI AIFF files\ |
23 |
{\listtext \'95 }SUN .au files\ |
24 |
\pard\intbl\itap1\tx940\tx1440\pardeftab720\li1440\fi-1440\ql\qnatural |
25 |
\ls1\ilvl1\cf0 {\listtext |
26 |
\f1 \uc0\u9702 |
27 |
\f0 }PCM, u-law, A-law\ |
28 |
{\listtext |
29 |
\f1 \uc0\u9702 |
30 |
\f0 }G7xx ADPCM files (read only)\ |
31 |
{\listtext |
32 |
\f1 \uc0\u9702 |
33 |
\f0 }mutant DEC .au files\ |
34 |
{\listtext |
35 |
\f1 \uc0\u9702 |
36 |
\f0 }NeXT .snd files\ |
37 |
\pard\intbl\itap1\tx220\tx720\pardeftab720\li720\fi-720\ql\qnatural |
38 |
\ls1\ilvl0\cf0 {\listtext \'95 }AVR files\ |
39 |
{\listtext \'95 }CDDA (Compact Disc Digital Audio format)\ |
40 |
{\listtext \'95 }CVS and VMS files (continuous variable slope)\ |
41 |
{\listtext \'95 }Grandstream ring-tone files\ |
42 |
{\listtext \'95 }GSM files\ |
43 |
{\listtext \'95 }HTK files\ |
44 |
{\listtext \'95 }LPC-10 files\ |
45 |
{\listtext \'95 }Macintosh HCOM files\ |
46 |
{\listtext \'95 }Amiga MAUD files\ |
47 |
{\listtext \'95 }AMR-WB & AMR-NB (with optional libamrwb & libamrnb libraries)\ |
48 |
{\listtext \'95 }MP3 (with optional libmad and libmp3lame libraries)\ |
49 |
{\listtext \'95 }MP4, AAC, AC3, WAVPACK, AMR-NB files (with optional ffmpeg library)\ |
50 |
{\listtext \'95 }AVI, WMV, Ogg Theora, MPEG video files (with optional ffmpeg library)\cell |
51 |
\pard\intbl\itap1\tx220\tx720\pardeftab720\li720\fi-720\ql\qnatural |
52 |
\ls2\ilvl0\cf0 {\listtext \'95 }Ogg Vorbis files (with optional Ogg Vorbis libraries)\ |
53 |
{\listtext \'95 }FLAC files (with optional libFLAC)\ |
54 |
{\listtext \'95 }IRCAM SoundFile files\ |
55 |
{\listtext \'95 }NIST SPHERE files\ |
56 |
{\listtext \'95 }Turtle beach SampleVision files\ |
57 |
{\listtext \'95 }Sounder & Soundtool (DOS) files\ |
58 |
{\listtext \'95 }Yamaha TX-16W sampler files\ |
59 |
{\listtext \'95 }SoundBlaster .VOC files\ |
60 |
{\listtext \'95 }Dialogic/OKI ADPCM files (.VOX)\ |
61 |
{\listtext \'95 }Microsoft .WAV files\ |
62 |
\pard\intbl\itap1\tx940\tx1440\pardeftab720\li1440\fi-1440\ql\qnatural |
63 |
\ls2\ilvl1\cf0 {\listtext |
64 |
\f1 \uc0\u9702 |
65 |
\f0 }PCM, u-law, A-law\ |
66 |
{\listtext |
67 |
\f1 \uc0\u9702 |
68 |
69 |
{\listtext |
70 |
\f1 \uc0\u9702 |
71 |
\f0 }GSM\ |
72 |
{\listtext |
73 |
\f1 \uc0\u9702 |
74 |
\f0 }RIFX (big endian)\ |
75 |
\pard\intbl\itap1\tx220\tx720\pardeftab720\li720\fi-720\ql\qnatural |
76 |
\ls2\ilvl0\cf0 {\listtext \'95 }WavPack files (with optional libwavpack library)\ |
77 |
{\listtext \'95 }Psion (palmtop) A-law WVE files and Record voice notes\ |
78 |
{\listtext \'95 }Maxis XA Audio files\ |
79 |
\pard\intbl\itap1\tx940\tx1440\pardeftab720\li1440\fi-1440\ql\qnatural |
80 |
\ls2\ilvl1\cf0 {\listtext |
81 |
\f1 \uc0\u9702 |
82 |
\f0 }EA ADPCM (read support only, for now)\ |
83 |
\pard\intbl\itap1\tx220\tx720\pardeftab720\li720\fi-720\ql\qnatural |
84 |
\ls2\ilvl0\cf0 {\listtext \'95 }Pseudo formats that allow direct playing/recording from most audio devices\ |
85 |
{\listtext \'95 }The "null" pseudo-file that reads and writes from/to nowhere\cell \lastrow\row |
86 |
\pard\pardeftab720\ql\qnatural |
87 |
\cf0 The audio effects/tools included in this release are as follows:\ |
88 |
\ |
89 |
\pard\tx220\tx720\pardeftab720\li720\fi-720\ql\qnatural |
90 |
\ls3\ilvl0\cf0 {\listtext \'95 }Tone/filter effects\ |
91 |
\pard\tx940\tx1440\pardeftab720\li1440\fi-1440\ql\qnatural |
92 |
\ls3\ilvl1\cf0 {\listtext |
93 |
\f1 \uc0\u9702 |
94 |
\f0 }allpass: RBJ all-pass biquad IIR filter\ |
95 |
{\listtext |
96 |
\f1 \uc0\u9702 |
97 |
\f0 }bandpass: RBJ band-pass biquad IIR filter\ |
98 |
{\listtext |
99 |
\f1 \uc0\u9702 |
100 |
\f0 }bandreject: RBJ band-reject biquad IIR filter\ |
101 |
{\listtext |
102 |
\f1 \uc0\u9702 |
103 |
\f0 }band: SPKit resonator band-pass IIR filter\ |
104 |
{\listtext |
105 |
\f1 \uc0\u9702 |
106 |
\f0 }bass: Tone control: RBJ shelving biquad IIR filter\ |
107 |
{\listtext |
108 |
\f1 \uc0\u9702 |
109 |
\f0 }biquad: 2nd-order IIR filter using externally provided coefficients\ |
110 |
{\listtext |
111 |
\f1 \uc0\u9702 |
112 |
\f0 }equalizer: RBJ peaking equalisation biquad IIR filter\ |
113 |
{\listtext |
114 |
\f1 \uc0\u9702 |
115 |
\f0 }fir: FFT convolution FIR filter using externally provided coefficients\ |
116 |
{\listtext |
117 |
\f1 \uc0\u9702 |
118 |
\f0 }firfit+: FFT convolution FIR filter using given freq. response (W.I.P.)\ |
119 |
{\listtext |
120 |
\f1 \uc0\u9702 |
121 |
\f0 }highpass: High-pass filter: Single pole or RBJ biquad IIR\ |
122 |
{\listtext |
123 |
\f1 \uc0\u9702 |
124 |
\f0 }lowpass: Low-pass filter: single pole or RBJ biquad IIR\ |
125 |
{\listtext |
126 |
\f1 \uc0\u9702 |
127 |
\f0 }sinc: Sinc-windowed low/high-pass/band-pass/reject FIR\ |
128 |
{\listtext |
129 |
\f1 \uc0\u9702 |
130 |
\f0 }treble: Tone control: RBJ shelving biquad IIR filter\ |
131 |
\pard\tx220\tx720\pardeftab720\li720\fi-720\ql\qnatural |
132 |
\ls3\ilvl0\cf0 {\listtext \'95 }\ |
133 |
{\listtext \'95 }Production effects\ |
134 |
\pard\tx940\tx1440\pardeftab720\li1440\fi-1440\ql\qnatural |
135 |
\ls3\ilvl1\cf0 {\listtext |
136 |
\f1 \uc0\u9702 |
137 |
\f0 }chorus: Make a single instrument sound like many\ |
138 |
{\listtext |
139 |
\f1 \uc0\u9702 |
140 |
\f0 }delay: Delay one or more channels\ |
141 |
{\listtext |
142 |
\f1 \uc0\u9702 |
143 |
\f0 }echo: Add an echo\ |
144 |
{\listtext |
145 |
\f1 \uc0\u9702 |
146 |
\f0 }echos: Add a sequence of echos\ |
147 |
{\listtext |
148 |
\f1 \uc0\u9702 |
149 |
\f0 }flanger: Stereo flanger\ |
150 |
{\listtext |
151 |
\f1 \uc0\u9702 |
152 |
\f0 }overdrive: Non-linear distortion\ |
153 |
{\listtext |
154 |
\f1 \uc0\u9702 |
155 |
\f0 }phaser: Phase shifter\ |
156 |
{\listtext |
157 |
\f1 \uc0\u9702 |
158 |
\f0 }repeat: Loop the audio a number of times\ |
159 |
{\listtext |
160 |
\f1 \uc0\u9702 |
161 |
\f0 }reverb: Add reverberation\ |
162 |
{\listtext |
163 |
\f1 \uc0\u9702 |
164 |
\f0 }reverse: Reverse the audio (to search for Satanic messages ;-)\ |
165 |
{\listtext |
166 |
\f1 \uc0\u9702 |
167 |
\f0 }tremolo: Sinusoidal volume modulation\ |
168 |
\pard\tx220\tx720\pardeftab720\li720\fi-720\ql\qnatural |
169 |
\ls3\ilvl0\cf0 {\listtext \'95 }\ |
170 |
{\listtext \'95 }Volume/level effects\ |
171 |
\pard\tx940\tx1440\pardeftab720\li1440\fi-1440\ql\qnatural |
172 |
\ls3\ilvl1\cf0 {\listtext |
173 |
\f1 \uc0\u9702 |
174 |
\f0 }compand: Signal level compression/expansion/limiting\ |
175 |
{\listtext |
176 |
\f1 \uc0\u9702 |
177 |
\f0 }contrast: Phase contrast volume enhancement\ |
178 |
{\listtext |
179 |
\f1 \uc0\u9702 |
180 |
\f0 }dcshift: Apply or remove DC offset\ |
181 |
{\listtext |
182 |
\f1 \uc0\u9702 |
183 |
\f0 }fade: Apply a fade-in and/or fade-out to the audio\ |
184 |
{\listtext |
185 |
\f1 \uc0\u9702 |
186 |
\f0 }gain: Apply gain or attenuation; normalise/equalise/balance/headroom\ |
187 |
{\listtext |
188 |
\f1 \uc0\u9702 |
189 |
\f0 }loudness: Gain control with ISO 226 loudness compensation\ |
190 |
{\listtext |
191 |
\f1 \uc0\u9702 |
192 |
\f0 }mcompand: Multi-band compression/expansion/limiting\ |
193 |
{\listtext |
194 |
\f1 \uc0\u9702 |
195 |
\f0 }norm: Normalise to 0dB (or other)\ |
196 |
{\listtext |
197 |
\f1 \uc0\u9702 |
198 |
\f0 }vol: Adjust audio volume\ |
199 |
\pard\tx220\tx720\pardeftab720\li720\fi-720\ql\qnatural |
200 |
\ls3\ilvl0\cf0 {\listtext \'95 }\ |
201 |
{\listtext \'95 }Editing effects\ |
202 |
\pard\tx940\tx1440\pardeftab720\li1440\fi-1440\ql\qnatural |
203 |
\ls3\ilvl1\cf0 {\listtext |
204 |
\f1 \uc0\u9702 |
205 |
\f0 }crop+: Like `trim', but can crop end without specifying length (W.I.P.)\ |
206 |
{\listtext |
207 |
\f1 \uc0\u9702 |
208 |
\f0 }pad: Pad (usually) the ends of the audio with silence\ |
209 |
{\listtext |
210 |
\f1 \uc0\u9702 |
211 |
\f0 }silence: Remove portions of silence from the audio\ |
212 |
{\listtext |
213 |
\f1 \uc0\u9702 |
214 |
\f0 }splice: Perform the equivalent of a cross-faded tape splice\ |
215 |
{\listtext |
216 |
\f1 \uc0\u9702 |
217 |
\f0 }trim: Trim the ends of the audio\ |
218 |
{\listtext |
219 |
\f1 \uc0\u9702 |
220 |
\f0 }vad: Voice activity detector\ |
221 |
\pard\tx220\tx720\pardeftab720\li720\fi-720\ql\qnatural |
222 |
\ls3\ilvl0\cf0 {\listtext \'95 }\ |
223 |
{\listtext \'95 }Mixing effects\ |
224 |
\pard\tx940\tx1440\pardeftab720\li1440\fi-1440\ql\qnatural |
225 |
\ls3\ilvl1\cf0 {\listtext |
226 |
\f1 \uc0\u9702 |
227 |
\f0 }channels: Auto mix or duplicate to change number of channels\ |
228 |
{\listtext |
229 |
\f1 \uc0\u9702 |
230 |
\f0 }divide+: Divide sample values by those in the 1st channel (W.I.P.)\ |
231 |
{\listtext |
232 |
\f1 \uc0\u9702 |
233 |
\f0 }mixer: Mix up to 4 channels in certain ways\ |
234 |
{\listtext |
235 |
\f1 \uc0\u9702 |
236 |
\f0 }remix: Produce arbitrarily mixed output channels\ |
237 |
{\listtext |
238 |
\f1 \uc0\u9702 |
239 |
\f0 }swap: Swap stereo channels\ |
240 |
\pard\tx220\tx720\pardeftab720\li720\fi-720\ql\qnatural |
241 |
\ls3\ilvl0\cf0 {\listtext \'95 }\ |
242 |
{\listtext \'95 }Pitch/tempo effects\ |
243 |
\pard\tx940\tx1440\pardeftab720\li1440\fi-1440\ql\qnatural |
244 |
\ls3\ilvl1\cf0 {\listtext |
245 |
\f1 \uc0\u9702 |
246 |
\f0 }bend: Bend pitch at given times without changing tempo\ |
247 |
{\listtext |
248 |
\f1 \uc0\u9702 |
249 |
\f0 }pitch: Adjust pitch (= key) without changing tempo\ |
250 |
{\listtext |
251 |
\f1 \uc0\u9702 |
252 |
\f0 }speed: Adjust pitch & tempo together\ |
253 |
{\listtext |
254 |
\f1 \uc0\u9702 |
255 |
\f0 }stretch: Adjust tempo without changing pitch (simple alg.)\ |
256 |
{\listtext |
257 |
\f1 \uc0\u9702 |
258 |
\f0 }tempo: Adjust tempo without changing pitch (WSOLA alg.)\ |
259 |
\pard\tx220\tx720\pardeftab720\li720\fi-720\ql\qnatural |
260 |
\ls3\ilvl0\cf0 {\listtext \'95 }\ |
261 |
{\listtext \'95 }Mastering effects\ |
262 |
\pard\tx940\tx1440\pardeftab720\li1440\fi-1440\ql\qnatural |
263 |
\ls3\ilvl1\cf0 {\listtext |
264 |
\f1 \uc0\u9702 |
265 |
\f0 }dither: Add dither noise to increase quantisation SNR\ |
266 |
{\listtext |
267 |
\f1 \uc0\u9702 |
268 |
\f0 }rate: Change audio sampling rate\ |
269 |
\pard\tx220\tx720\pardeftab720\li720\fi-720\ql\qnatural |
270 |
\ls3\ilvl0\cf0 {\listtext \'95 }\ |
271 |
{\listtext \'95 }Specialised filters/mixers\ |
272 |
\pard\tx940\tx1440\pardeftab720\li1440\fi-1440\ql\qnatural |
273 |
\ls3\ilvl1\cf0 {\listtext |
274 |
\f1 \uc0\u9702 |
275 |
\f0 }deemph: ISO 908 CD de-emphasis (shelving) IIR filter\ |
276 |
{\listtext |
277 |
\f1 \uc0\u9702 |
278 |
\f0 }earwax: Process CD audio to best effect for headphone use\ |
279 |
{\listtext |
280 |
\f1 \uc0\u9702 |
281 |
\f0 }noisered: Filter out noise from the audio\ |
282 |
{\listtext |
283 |
\f1 \uc0\u9702 |
284 |
\f0 }oops: Out Of Phase Stereo (or `Karaoke') effect\ |
285 |
{\listtext |
286 |
\f1 \uc0\u9702 |
287 |
\f0 }riaa: RIAA vinyl playback equalisation\ |
288 |
\pard\tx220\tx720\pardeftab720\li720\fi-720\ql\qnatural |
289 |
\ls3\ilvl0\cf0 {\listtext \'95 }\ |
290 |
{\listtext \'95 }Analysis `effects'\ |
291 |
\pard\tx940\tx1440\pardeftab720\li1440\fi-1440\ql\qnatural |
292 |
\ls3\ilvl1\cf0 {\listtext |
293 |
\f1 \uc0\u9702 |
294 |
\f0 }noiseprof: Produce a DFT profile of the audio (use with noisered)\ |
295 |
{\listtext |
296 |
\f1 \uc0\u9702 |
297 |
\f0 }spectrogram: graph signal level vs. frequency & time (needs `libpng')\ |
298 |
{\listtext |
299 |
\f1 \uc0\u9702 |
300 |
\f0 }stat: Enumerate audio peak & RMS levels, approx. freq., etc.\ |
301 |
{\listtext |
302 |
\f1 \uc0\u9702 |
303 |
\f0 }stats: Multichannel aware `stat'\ |
304 |
\pard\tx220\tx720\pardeftab720\li720\fi-720\ql\qnatural |
305 |
\ls3\ilvl0\cf0 {\listtext \'95 }\ |
306 |
{\listtext \'95 }Miscellaneous effects\ |
307 |
\pard\tx940\tx1440\pardeftab720\li1440\fi-1440\ql\qnatural |
308 |
\ls3\ilvl1\cf0 {\listtext |
309 |
\f1 \uc0\u9702 |
310 |
\f0 }ladspa: Apply LADSPA plug-in effects e.g. CMT (Computer Music Toolkit)\ |
311 |
{\listtext |
312 |
\f1 \uc0\u9702 |
313 |
\f0 }synth: Synthesise/modulate audio tones or noise signals\ |
314 |
{\listtext |
315 |
\f1 \uc0\u9702 |
316 |
\f0 }newfile: Create a new output file when an effects chain ends.\ |
317 |
{\listtext |
318 |
\f1 \uc0\u9702 |
319 |
\f0 }restart: Restart 1st effects chain when multiple chains exist.\ |
320 |
\pard\tx220\tx720\pardeftab720\li720\fi-720\ql\qnatural |
321 |
\ls3\ilvl0\cf0 {\listtext \'95 } |
322 |
\f1 \uc0\u8232 |
323 |
\f0 + Experimental or incomplete effect; may change in future.\ |
324 |
\pard\pardeftab720\ql\qnatural |
325 |
\cf0 Multiple audio files can be combined (and then further processed with effects) using any one of the following combiner methods:\ |
326 |
\ |
327 |
\pard\tx220\tx720\pardeftab720\li720\fi-720\ql\qnatural |
328 |
\ls4\ilvl0\cf0 {\listtext \'95 }concatenate\ |
329 |
{\listtext \'95 }mix\ |
330 |
{\listtext \'95 }merge: E.g. two mono files to one stereo file\ |
331 |
{\listtext \'95 }sequence: For playing multiple audio files/streams\ |
332 |
\pard\tx560\pardeftab720\ql\qnatural |
333 |
\cf0 \ |
334 |
========================\ |
335 |
\ |
336 |
\pard\pardeftab720\ql\qnatural |
337 |
338 |
\fs26 \cf0 Retrieved from |
339 |
\fs32 \ |
340 |
} |