XR proiect in Max/Jitter based on the solar system
Marlon Schumacher
08.01.24 a702fd034813f595ea9958beb66018320b040516
search: Marlon Schumacher (author)
08.01.24 Marlon Schumacher
ci(planets): add procedural-clouds2.dev patch
commit | commitdiff | tree
11.12.23 Marlon Schumacher
ci(planets): add initial .dev patch to generate procedural clouds
commit | commitdiff | tree
05.12.23 Marlon Schumacher
chore (orbits): add inline documentation
commit | commitdiff | tree
16.11.23 Marlon Schumacher
chore: add all files
commit | commitdiff | tree
16.11.23 Marlon Schumacher
Initial commit
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