XR proiect in Max/Jitter based on the solar system
descriptionXR proiect in Max/Jitter based on the solar system
owners Marlon Schumacher
last change15.01.2024 13:43
size747.5 MB
stats8 commits and 0 tags in 59 days metrics
repository url
15.01.24 develop Lorenz Lehmann chore (storage): delete old presets log | tree | raw
15.01.24 feature/orbit-engine Lorenz Lehmann chore (storage): delete old presets log | tree | raw
08.01.24 feature/light-shader-texture Marlon Schumacher ci(lighting): add dev patch for light-texture-shader log | tree | raw
08.01.24 feature/procedural-atmosp... Marlon Schumacher ci(planets): add procedural-clouds2.dev patch log | tree | raw
11.12.23 feature/inter-cubemaps Marlon Schumacher chore(cubemaps): adding cubeface files for Milky-Way-Eso cubemap log | tree | raw
all branches...